Bowled a Maiden Over


Ian and Tony have always been best of friends , they'd known each other for years, played on the same cricket team for five or six years. Ian had become the #1 batsman, Tony was #5 on the team, decent with the bat but by far the best bowler on the team.

When there was a match on Tony would call round to pick Ian up, they'd do that in turns to get to the ground. That's how it was until Tony tore a ligament in his shoulder, that put him out of action the whole season, that’s when things started to change. Tony stared to call round when he knew Ian wasn’t home, just on the odd occasion at first, usually when he knew Ian would be home soon, then off they’d go for a pint in the local where Ian would tell him how the match had gone, seemed pretty innocent at the time.

It’s odd though how a woman can tell the difference between what used to be an innocent visit, to how there suddenly becomes a tension in the air. Tony has always been on good behaviour but once in a while I noticed how his eyes weren’t looking at me, they we looking into me, or I would catch him looking at my legs, but I felt that’s just how guys are.

I knew that Tony had a couple of affairs with some of married ladies at the club. I was friendly with a girl who told me that her best friend was having a hot affair with Tony, she swore he was the best fuck she had ever had, so I was curious, what could make one fuck better than another, the only man I’d slept with was Ian. As for that, something had changed, our relationship had slowed down, we had been married 7 years, I’d started to wonder if there really was a 7 year itch?

Maybe I was giving out some kind of signal as our sex life wasn't quite what it had been. We used to have sex 3 or 4 times a week in the first year or two of being married, now we were down to once of twice a month, the excitement, the desire, the fire had cooled down over the years.

Having said that Ian had developed a strange habit of getting me to show a bit of thigh in front of others, to show off what I had. He used to get a thrill out of it, we would shop together to pick out sexy lingerie, stay up’s, revealing clothes, dresses or skirts with revealing slits, or dresses with a heavy duty front or back zip, the bigger the O ring on the zip the more he liked it. Ian said it made me look “more accessible!” that turned him on, the thought that a man could just unzip me and then want to fuck me. I knew Ian liked the Hot Wife / Cuckold videos that he would download for us.

At first I found it odd how he liked to pick sexy underwear for me, but not just for play times at home, he liked to show me off at the cricket club, or when we had a night out in Manchester. He liked to show me off wearing a black or burgundy push up bra under my see through blouses. It would always get him excited showing me off in public, we would finish up having a sexy tussle in bed.

Coming back to Tony, over the last few weeks, I’d got quite used to his company, it got to the point where just minutes after Ian had driven off to play cricket Tony would by chance be driving down the street, it got embarrassing as the woman in her 50’s across the street started to notice one car going and another coming minutes later, I’m sure it was turning her on.

The curiousness I felt just a few weeks ago had grown, by now we were flirting a bit, maybe a bit too much, the innocent hugs had become slaps on my ass, that turned me on, but other than those long looks that seemed to look into the depths of me, nothing else happened.

It was a Saturday night, we were going to the cricket club, for an after the match get together, players and wives and girlfriends. Ian said wear something sexy, I knew Ian liked showing me off, so I wore a sexy dress, one that Ian had chosen for me just a week earlier. I felt very sexy in the dress, it wasn’t long before most of the men were in a huddle discussing how the game had gone.

I like the other wives left them to it, I stood at the bar talking to Tony, he saw his chance to tease me about how sexy I looked. I thanked him for the compliment only to hear him say “but you’d look a lot more sexy if you took it off!” That caught me off balance! Whether it was my comfort level with him or the gin, the conversation soon became very open and honest. We talked about a bunch of very personal things, including who some of his local conquests were, I found that a turn on when he looked directly at a wife of one of the guys.

The night continued, it felt like Ian was leaving us to it, purposely, or maybe it was the G&T’s that Tony was pouring down me. We chatted about “preferences” what I liked, if I have a line, where do I draw it, I remember Tony asked me if I thought size mattered, I could feel a blush come on, how would I know, I’d only ever been with one man.

The conversation and the drink was by now taking its toll, in Ian's prolonged absence Tony becoming far touchier than normal, and I was starting to enjoy his attention. Maybe I was just standing a little too close in the crowded bar, my ass had purposely brushed up against him, then I felt him stroke me lightly.
While Ian was looking the other way chatting to some of the guys, Tony gave me a squeeze, pulling me closer to him, he took my hand and brushed it against his cock. I could feel his cock, hard as iron, and how it twitched responding to my touch. But that was as far as it got that night, we parted innocently with a warm but telling push, I could feel how hard Tony was. But from that point on we had a tighter bond with each other, there was a sexual tension that hadn't been there before, maybe it was the erotic touches or the very open sexual conversations, I didn't know.

A few days later by chance I bumped into Tony in Middlebrook, I was enjoying the quiet cup of coffee when I saw Tony, he was picking up a phone charger. He got a coffee, joined me and we chatted. After some innocent chatter I mentioned that I needed to look for a few things, he offered to walk with me since he had finished work for the day.

We chatted a bit, nothing sexual as I headed for Clarkes Shoe Shop, I needed to get some heels to match a dress I’d bought. As I sat down, I didn't realize it at the time but Tony was sitting directly across from me. I tried on a couple of pairs, of shoes then I realized Tony was gazing at my legs. I was starting to feel a little horny so I decided to lead him on a bit. His view probably wasn’t all that good as the skirt I was wearing wasn't all that short so I made sure my legs spread apart each time I tried on a pair, flashing him a couple of times before settling on a pair of spikes. We left the store and walked around the mall.

As we walked I thought about teasing him a little more I felt pretty comfortable teasing him in a place like this where there were lot of people walking around, no one knew us. The next store was Sport Tek, I was looking for a track suit to wear at the gym, Tony was looking through the jeans. We picked out a few sizes each and headed to the changing rooms. The salesgirl gave us cubicles next to each other, as I went in, I told Tony that I’d like his opinion on what I’d picked out. I started by removing my skirt and putting on a pair of track pants, I came out of room knocked on his door, Tony opened it a bit and to my surprise he was standing in just his briefs. That caught me off guard I didn’t react, no need to, I have a photographic memory 😉

Of course, I couldn’t help staring at the bulge, it looked like it wasn’t quite erect, even at that though it looked big, bigger that what I was playing with at home, much bigger, not just taller but thicker too. I gathered myself and I asked him if he liked the fit of my trackies, he said -- "nice but maybe a smaller size would do more justice to my figure.” As he was talking, he pulled on his jeans with his ass towards me as he faced the mirror. He turned and I told him they looked good but he too should try on the smaller size 😉 I then jokingly said that maybe we should both try the other clothes together to save the effort of going between rooms to show our stuff to each other. That was enough for him, he just picked up his stuff and we both squeezed into my cubicle. I noticed the salesgirl wink and smile.

I was feeling very naughty by now and proceeded to slip off the track pants, I stood there checking out myself in the mirror. He looked at me but acted quite matter of fact about it. I then pulled on the smaller track pants and turned around to see in the mirror. These were too tight in the crotch, it was then that I noticed that my panties were wet and it showed through my panties. Tight as they were on my ass Tony said he liked them, saying it's my turn now to put on a show. He pulled down his jeans but that ended in his briefs coming down too, I could he was fully erect, his cock looked massive! He made no attempt to pull up his briefs, he just nonchalantly pulled on the jeans. Finally, we both got dressed, paid for our items and left the store. By now I was feeling wet and horny, not that I was going to do anything about it but it had turned out to be a very nice shopping experience.

As we walked he reminded me about the conversation we’d had in the club bar, one thing we had chatted about was thongs. He said how sexy they are, I mentioned that how I didn't have any since my Ian didn't seem to like them. We were passing Victoria's Secret when he took me by the hand and led me to the pantie and thong display. I am not shy but was a little embarrassed as he went through picking out different ones, finally I agreed to two of them, the lacy ones, one red one black. Tony paid for them and handed me the bag, with a naughty smile he said that for buying them for me I should let him see how they looked, he mentioned how he should get to see them before my Ian did, I laughed and said not here, he of course answered when you’re ready then.

My quick response of “not here” had pretty much implied that I would somewhere else. This hadn't really been my intention but it was too late. We left the mall and he walked me to my car, Tony pulled me close for a soft and sensual kiss. His lips opened slightly, I felt the warmth and wetness of his tongue on my lips. We parted and I drove off feeling incredibly sexy and wet, wondering if I could even take his monster of a cock I’d seen, would “size matter?”

Later that day we were at home around 9 ish when Tony unexpectedly knocked on the door. It was a Friday night, Tony had called in the club to find we weren’t there so he’d come to chat to Ian about the game on Saturday. We were watching a movie on TV so Tony stayed and had a couple of beers, the movie ended around 11:30 and Tony headed for the door, but it wasn’t long before he was back, his car wouldn’t start, the battery was dead. It was raining hard so rather than Ian and Tony trying to jump start it in the rain and the dark Ian said, well, you might as well stay the night. The cars engine might not have been running but that innocent invite got my engine running.

The first sexy thing that had happened earlier between us that day is that Tony had teased me about my thong so I took the opportunity sneak upstairs to change so that I’d be able give him a flash as he was sitting opposite me. It didn’t take him long to notice that I was sat with my legs apart, just enough to catch his attention, wasn’t long before being flashed got the expected result, I was sure I could see a reaction in his trousers.

Later in the evening when Ian was in the bathroom we were alone Tony told me he’s noticed I was wearing the red thongs, so asked to see them properly. We traded some silly comments, I kept saying I can't here, he of course said it was safe for a quick flash and anyway he had already seen me in my panties at the shop, and then he said, “maybe I should tell Ian how wet I make you!” He insisted that all he wanted was a quick peek, I chanced pulling my wrap around skirt open for a second, it was pretty scary but also very sexy so I gave him a flash. I pulled my skirt open to showed him the front of the tiny thong and then turned quickly and showed the back, he told me I looked amazing. I was so hot showing off for him like that I can't describe it, the thong was so small that it covered nothing, the thought that my husband hadn't even noticed them also made it that much more naughty, Tony had got his wish, he was “in there first” so to speak.

So there we were, the movie had finished, but Ian found a DVD, of all the movies he chose it was Indecent Proposal, maybe that was done on purpose ? We got into the movie, it’s an oldie but a goodie, the drinks continued to flow, even though I’d already had a three G&T’s. I didn’t know where to look when Tony asked Ian “would you let Paula have sex with another guy!” No mention of the Million $’s or even would you let Paula ...... with another guy, it was point blank would you let Paula have sex with another guy !!! Ian’s also worse for wear on the booze, said, that would depend if Paula wanted to ...... with another guy. I think Tony was looking for a weakness, he followed up with, “if she wanted to have sex with me would you object?” Ian said, "I don’t know to be honest!" but we heard a weakness in Ian’s voice, a slight tremble, he knew he was being challenged as to his “ownership” of me.
Seeing them joust over me was turning me on, I could feel that I was getting wet. Tony turned to me and said, “how would you feel if Ian gave you the OK!”
I said “but he wouldn’t, would you?” Ian was by now looking very sheepish, very nervous. Tony was was asking if it was OK to fuck me, there’s no answer to that, if he says no that might give the impression he owned me, if he says OK, he knew Tony would want to fuck me !

Tony said, lets play a game, “I'll take Paula upstairs to your bed, we will close the door then we will test you by letting you listen. You won’t know if it’s just an act that we are putting on, or if I’m fucking your Paula, do you trust her to be faithful! ?” There’s no answer to that either, if Ian says he doesn’t trust me he’s in trouble, if he says he trusts me and lets Tony walk me into our bedroom, he’d be in deeper trouble. This game was making my mind race, I was starting to squeeze my thighs together.

I was getting adventurous, I asked Ian, “well, do you trust me, or don’t you trust me ?” In his weakened state Ian said “I trust you.” I told him him “you had better had trust me, if I go to our bedroom with Tony you will have to stay down here until I call for you.” I’d no sooner given Ian this ultimatum before he said “agreed.” My face was on fire with excitement, I had Ian’s permission to take his best friend to our bed then either pretend we were having sex, or be getting screwed by Tony. All that Ian would be allowed to do would be to wonder if it was just an act, or if his wife really was being fucked by his rival. I said, “OK now we are all agreed to this little game, stay where you are Ian, Tony follow me.”

We had hardly got through the bedroom door, a door we didn’t close, we didn’t want the the sounds muffled. Tony threw me on the bed and started to strip off, I did the same, in less than a minute he was on top of me, his cock was rock hard and throbbing. I had to help him slide the throbbing monster inside of me, being soaking wet helped. I was ready in more ways than one for this, ready and willing to take Tony balls deep. By now he was between my legs, lifting me up onto his thighs, I could see how from that dominant position he was enjoying watching the shaft of his cock sliding in and out of me, Ian had never pulled me up onto his thighs like this, I felt so submissive to Tony.

I guess that we had forgotten about Ian, we’d been quiet so far, Tony figured that out and said, he said you better turn the volume up, I had to laugh, it was a huge turn on to have my husband downstairs wondering if we were fucking or just putting on a show for him. I moaned appropriately, Tony made sure the bed was moving. It wasn’t long, maybe 5 minutes before I felt Tony going faster, his cock throbbing inside of me. I knew he was going to come, I felt him trying to pull out, I wasn’t having any of that so I wrapped my legs around him and pulled him in as deep as I could get him, I locked him in there. It was a terrific turn on to feel him filling me with his cum, he couldn’t help but make that sound guys make when they cum, he was loud, I joined in with the obligatory “yes, yes, yes’s,” it must have been driving Ian crazy wondering if we were just pretending or if he was listening to his wife being fucked.

Tony finally pulled out, exhausted, but I wanted more, this was exciting. I took hold of his shaft, looked him straight in the eyes, kissed his shaft, stroked it to encourage him. It was covered in my wetness and his cum. It took me a couple of minutes massaging his cock, kissing him, talking dirty to him, but he starting to get hard again. I guided him back into me, it felt good doing that. It didn’t take long before Tony was back into his stride, he wasn’t quite as hard this time, but he was fucking me senseless. I felt him harden up even more when I asked him “how does it feel to be fucking your best friends wife.”

I guess we had got into a quiet spell again just kissing and catching our breath, then there was a knock on the almost open bedroom door. I yelled “go away, we aren’t finished yet,” I was ......, and on a powerful cuntrol trip, but that didn’t stop Ian walking in on us. Tony didn’t miss a beat, why should he, the deed had been done now, he’d fucked me. “Have you seen enough” I made sure Ian felt humiliated, he could see how Tony’s shaft was still nailing me, opening me up, how the lips of my cunt were clinging to Tony’s cum covered shaft each time he pulled out, as another man’s cum was dripping out of me.

That night was tough on Ian, he looked devastated, but in a nice way, well it felt nice to me, after all it was his idea / fault, we’d talked about threesome’s for years. I guess Ian didn’t expect this would be something he would become addicted to, but he is now 😉

If Tony isn’t "visiting" Ian begs me to talk about Tony fucking me. Thankfully we get together every couple of weeks, so I have more to talk about now. Have to say it turns me on too talking about how cuckolding Ian has brought him under my cuntrol, it’s nice to have the upper hand, more so when that hand is stroking his rivals cock.

Oh ! I nearly forgot to mention that SIZE does matter, a 6" Tesco frozen sausage is a world away from 8" inches of cucumber 😉

Paula @ WN1.
I'm a complete NOVICE in all this, it's my first "affair" and the first time EVER that I have posted or even joined a Forum, so I don't really know my way around, or how to develop a thread, where I can chat to folks that I can learn from.

How do I do that ? I'd prefer to chat in a thread than on a 1 2 1 basis, hope you guys don't mind me saying that, it's just that I might learn more and learn more quickly if you guys can all see what's being said. Would it be OK to develop a conversation "here" following what I've divulged so far ? or is this area just to post a story ?

Off to Middlebrook in a few minutes, shopping with one of my girlfriends, known her since we were at High School together, we have shared a lot of things over the years, I'm tempted to tell her, while I'm looking for a nice bra & pantie set in M&S, that might be an opportunity break the ice about Tony ? she knows him.
I'm just bursting to tell someone, I wake up every morning and I can't get it out of my mind what Tony did to me, it takes my breath away and makes my heart beat faster remembering how humbled Ian looked when he walked in on us. Should I "tell all" or would I be crazy to do that ?

I might just call in Tesco too, to pick up a cucumber, and take it to where the FROZEN sausages are to torment them 😉 they can stay where they are, but the cucumber is cumming home with me 😉

Off to Middlebrook in a few minutes, shopping with one of my girlfriends, known her since we were at High School together, we have shared a lot of things over the years, I'm tempted to tell her, while I'm looking for a nice bra & pantie set in M&S, that might be an opportunity break the ice about Tony ? she knows him.
I'm just bursting to tell someone, I wake up every morning and I can't get it out of my mind what Tony did to me, it takes my breath away and makes my heart beat faster remembering how humbled Ian looked when he walked in on us. Should I "tell all" or would I be crazy to do that ?

I might just call in Tesco too, to pick up a cucumber, and take it to where the FROZEN sausages are to torment them 😉 they can stay where they are, but the cucumber is cumming home with me 😉

Telling your girlfriend might be fun! You can brag about your exploits, and be proud of who you are (an amazing woman). ☺️
Off to Middlebrook in a few minutes, shopping with one of my girlfriends, known her since we were at High School together, we have shared a lot of things over the years, I'm tempted to tell her, while I'm looking for a nice bra & pantie set in M&S, that might be an opportunity break the ice about Tony ? she knows him.
I'm just bursting to tell someone, I wake up every morning and I can't get it out of my mind what Tony did to me, it takes my breath away and makes my heart beat faster remembering how humbled Ian looked when he walked in on us. Should I "tell all" or would I be crazy to do that ?

I might just call in Tesco too, to pick up a cucumber, and take it to where the FROZEN sausages are to torment them 😉 they can stay where they are, but the cucumber is cumming home with me 😉

Gotta admit it would be hot for you to tell someone and make sure hubby knows that, it would add to his humiliation.
I'm a complete NOVICE in all this, it's my first "affair" and the first time EVER that I have posted or even joined a Forum, so I don't really know my way around, or how to develop a thread, where I can chat to folks that I can learn from.

How do I do that ? I'd prefer to chat in a thread than on a 1 2 1 basis, hope you guys don't mind me saying that, it's just that I might learn more and learn more quickly if you guys can all see what's being said. Would it be OK to develop a conversation "here" following what I've divulged so far ? or is this area just to post a story ?

Hi and welcome. I love help if I can send me conversation I genuine guy not weird lol
Well, that's me back from M&S, I didn't buy anything from the lingerie dept, I was in too much of a rush to chat with Jackie, haven't seem her for a couple of weeks, I was shocked at how tired she looked, seems that giving Covid shots all day, day after day, gets to you, but she looked worse for wear than when we worked night shift at Royal Bolton, years ago, that's where we met when we were on the same ward. Jackie is 4 years older than me, but she looks older than her years now, I'm not going to get bitchy, she just looked tired, I'm just glad I don't work full time now, anyway...

Tired as she looked it wasn't long before her whole demeanour changed even though I'd only hinted that there might be something going on. She must have read my face too, she said "spill the beans, are you having an affair, is that why you phoned me to meet for a coffee !!!" !!! Jackie seemed more intrigued than shocked, but I made her swear she wouldn't tell ANYONE.

We got through a couple of coffee's each as I told her how it started when I bumped into Tony month or so ago, how he called round when we weren't in the club, how Ian put Indecent Proposal, how Tony's car wouldn't start, how BOLD Tony was asking Ian how he would feel if another man wanted me, how we played that little game, how I finished up being fucked by Tony while Ian stayed downstairs, or the look on Ian's face when he saw what Tony was doing. I told her that position Tony had me in was soooo exciting, how he was kneeling up, sitting on his heels, how he pulled me up onto his thighs so that he could see his bell end teasing my lips, how Tony smiled at me, how wet I was when he started to slide so easily into me.

I think Jackie was getting as excited as I was just telling her about it, but, once I'd "spilled the beans" for her she said "you've been set up Lady !!!"
I have to admit that thought had crossed my mind, but I'd dismissed it, strange things do happen, but Jackie went on to say.

1: When was the last time you guys didn't have a drink at the club on a Friday night ? (it's our usual haunt)
2: WHY did you stay home that night {30th September}.
3: Has Tony ever called round gone 9 pm on a Friday, or any other night, JUST BECAUSE you guys weren't in the club ?
4: Do you REALLY think Tony's car wouldn't start !!! (it's a 3 year old Toyota).
5: When Tony came back in WHY would Ian tell him he could "stay over" has that EVER happened before (no).
6: Of all the DVD's that I know you guys have, WHY would Ian chose Indecent Proposal, with another guy in the house !!!
7: Has Tony ever been so BOLD in what he said to Ian ?
8: Why didn't Ian show him the door when Tony made such an OBVIOUS play for you !!!
9: Why did Ian let you walk Tony to the marital bed, normally a suitor would take his intended conquest to a hotel, of just back seat you on the moors.
10: What was Ian doing downstairs, listening to you and Tony ? why was he limp when he walked in (naked), HOW could he think it was just a tease !!!

Jackie certainly made me think, made me wonder why Tony hasn't phoned me or called round again, yet, "should I be MAD at both of them" ?
Jackie laughed and said "Mad at Ian, ONLY if he doesn't bring Tony back, Ian MUST have enjoyed it, not as much as you or Tony though 😉

I have a LOT to think of now, Jackie's words have made me see things differently, IF she's right what should I do or say about it ?
Don't get me wrong, I'm still just as excited as ever, but should I (eventually} tell Ian that I've figured it out, then "punish" or reward him for it ?

Last edited:
Well, that's me back from M&S, I didn't buy anything from the lingerie dept, I was in too much of a rush to chat with Jackie, haven't seem her for a couple of weeks, I was shocked at how tired she looked, seems that giving Covid shots all day, day after day, gets to you, but she looked worse for wear than when we worked night shift at Royal Bolton, years ago, that's where we met when we were on the same ward. Jackie is 4 years older than me, but she looks older than her years now, I'm not going to get bitchy, she just looked tired, I'm just glad I don't work full time now, anyway...

Tired as she looked it wasn't long before her whole demeanour changed even though I'd only hinted that there might be something going on. She must have read my face too, she said "spill the beans, are you having an affair, is that why you phoned me to meet for a coffee !!!" !!! Jackie seemed more intrigued than shocked, but I made her swear she wouldn't tell ANYONE.

We got through a couple of coffee's each as I told her how it started when I bumped into Tony month or so ago, how he called round when we weren't in the club, how Ian put Indecent Proposal, how Tony's car wouldn't start, how BOLD Tony was asking Ian how he would feel if another man wanted me, how we played that little game, how I finished up being fucked by Tony while Ian stayed downstairs, or the look on Ian's face when he saw what Tony was doing. I told her that position Tony had me in was soooo exciting, how he was kneeling up, sitting on his heels, how he pulled me up onto his thighs so that he could see his bell end teasing my lips, how Tony smiled at me, how wet I was when he started to slide so easily into me.

I think Jackie was getting as excited as I was just telling her about it, but, once I'd "spilled the beans" for her she said "you've been set up Lady !!!"
I have to admit that thought had crossed my mind, but I'd dismissed it, strange things do happen, but Jackie went on to say.

1: When was the last time you guys didn't have a drink at the club on a Friday night ? (it's our usual haunt)
2: WHY did you stay home that night {30th September}.
3: Has Tony ever called round gone 9 pm on a Friday, or any other night, JUST BECAUSE you guys weren't in the club ?
4: Do you REALLY think Tony's car wouldn't start !!! (it's a 3 year old Toyota).
5: When Tony came back in WHY would Ian tell him he could "stay over" has that EVER happened before (no).
6: Of all the DVD's that I know you guys have, WHY would Ian chose Indecent Proposal, with another guy in the house !!!
7: Has Tony ever been so BOLD in what he said to Ian ?
8: Why didn't Ian show him the door when Tony made such an OBVIOUS play for you !!!
9: Why did Ian let you walk Tony to the marital bed, normally a suitor would take his intended conquest to a hotel, of just back seat you on the moors.
10: What was Ian doing downstairs, listening to you and Tony ? why was he limp when we walked in (naked), HOW could he think it was just a tease !!!

Jackie certainly made me think, made me wonder why Tony hasn't phoned me or called round again, yet, "should I be MAD at both of them" ?
Jackie laughed and said "Mad at Ian, ONLY if he doesn't bring Tony back, Ian MUST have enjoyed it, not as much as you or Tony though 😉

I have a LOT to think of now, Jackie's words have made me see things differently, IF she's right what should I do or say about it ?
Don't get me wrong, I'm still just as excited as ever, but should I (eventually} tell Ian that I've figured it out, then "punish" or reward him for it ?

This is great (‘back seat you on the moors’ is great, too). Well, one way to test this theory is to ...... with another man, and brag about it to Tony and Ian. Take it completely into your own power and make it yours. ☺️
This is great (‘back seat you on the moors’ is great, too). Well, one way to test this theory is to ...... with another man, and brag about it to Tony and Ian. Take it completely into your own power and make it yours. ☺️
I think that would turn me on too, being back seated, the odd thing is, no one seems to be making the next move, Ian almost pretends it hasn't happened 🙁
I wonder if he's regretting it ? odd how Tony hasn't even texted me, at least to say he enjoyed our tryst ? what do you make of that ?
I think that would turn me on too, being back seated, the odd thing is, no one seems to be making the next move, Ian almost pretends it hasn't happened 🙁
I wonder if he's regretting it ? odd how Tony hasn't even texted me, at least to say he enjoyed our tryst ? what do you make of that ?
Waiting for you to make the next move, perhaps?
I think that would turn me on too, being back seated, the odd thing is, no one seems to be making the next move, Ian almost pretends it hasn't happened 🙁
I wonder if he's regretting it ? odd how Tony hasn't even texted me, at least to say he enjoyed our tryst ? what do you make of that ?
I should add that as a complete Novice "I'm feeling my way into this" the way Tony felt his way into me, slowly 😉
So I'm not looking for a Lover, not until I've worn Tony out, might pass him on to Jackie is EVER I do get bored,
Jackie said she'd be interested in what he's packing, sees life is quiet at home for Jackie too !!!
My advice is to show Ian how important he is to you. As a husband who shares his wife, I can tell you that it is critical that he knows he is your number one! This is very important after seeing you play with someone else. If you want to know how he feels, he needs to know that you still love him and that he is your top priority.

I hope all goes well for both of you!
My advice is to show Ian how important he is to you. As a husband who shares his wife, I can tell you that it is critical that he knows he is your number one! This is very important after seeing you play with someone else. If you want to know how he feels, he needs to know that you still love him and that he is your top priority.

I hope all goes well for both of you!
Hi, you are so right, we had a long conversation yesterday, and it got tense a couple of times, Ian was angry at me, even though he finished up admitting that as Jackie suspected I had been "set up." It took a couple of hours before Ian's anxiety started to settle down, I could see how due to the excitement I felt intensely for the last 3 weeks I had, in reflection neglected Ian, but the thing is that "lack of attention" as Ian see's it wasn't any different to how our relationship has been for the last couple of years.

There's more to it though, Ian told me that he'd had a "problem" for a couple of years (ED) he wasn't always able to get an erection, even when I was being attentive, I just put that down to "boredom" too many years of "the same old same old". Seems that Ian had (quietly) been watching some porno, to help him,
he found that cuckold porno excited him, so it got into his head that "the real thing" would fire him up. Ian "revealed all" to Tony, no real surprise there, they have been friends for a LONG time, but Tony has a reputation, and being divorced, probably "jumped" at the opportunity, on reflection Tony wasn't looking to help Ian he was looking to help himself, to me.

It's certainly shed a different light on what went on, and how Ian and I now feel, we are fine after last nights heart to heart, and I will work on it. But we did come to the conclusion that it's the nature of the beast, that folks have extramarital relationships, at first I thought it was an "Affair" but I was corrected about that, it's not an affair when your husband knows, or that he set me up, Ian did say that he didn't think I'd go along with it, or that he would get no pleasure from seeing me under Tony, he was expecting these things would "get him a hard on" as he said, quite the opposite as it turned out, he was stood there limp, in more ways than one, he looked terrified, but oddly enough that turned me on, in a big way, it was INTENSE to see his humiliation.

I have to work on Ian now, to get him to understand that sex isn't love, I love Ian, not Tony, the only feelings I have for Tony are erotic feelings. I explained that to Ian by asking him if he was in love with any of the women in the porno he's been watching, he said "don't be daft" I turned that around and asked him WHY would he think I'm in love with Tony, or why he though what went on, his plan, not mine would make to me fall in love with Tony, or love him less. I guess all this started from Ian's "problem" (ED) made worse because I hadn't noticed it 🙁 we'd just got in a rut where we bored with "sex".

Anyway, talking about it seriously at first, and then turning the talk more favourably (is that how you spell erotically) Ian finished up getting what he was hoping for, I got him really hard, I almost said he's "like putty in my hands now" but that's not exactly what I mean to say.

Have to dash now, I'll tell you what went on between Ian and Tony a couple of days AD {as I like to think of it now) After the Deed 😉

Anyone in here good at Chess, looks like I'm between a rock and a hard place, or should that be a couple of rocks and a HARD place. After talking with Ian he seems to be less anxious now about "losing me" it's a delicate situation, a bit like standing in the middle of a minefield, one wrong step away from disaster.

My problem is, I enjoyed being with Tony and I'd like to rerun the event, I just need to get Ian onside, Tony wouldn't need any persuasion, neither would I, but how do I get Ian compliant ? It would be too dangerous (to our marriage) for me to meet up with Tony, if Ian found out that would be the end for us.

The problem is I never even thought of cheating, now just the thought of it turns me on, in a strange way it made me feel POWERFUL when Ian walked in on us, it was a RUSH, but it would be madness to put everything on the line for the sake of a fuck, even though it was a mind blowing fuck, much of that was because the sensual side of our relationship had been on a low light for way too long, but I didn't recognise Ian had an occasional functional problem maybe he'd lost interest in me ? maybe I'd become bored with him, sexually ? I guess the 7 year itch really does happen, in a lot of relationships ?

Men are strange creatures, Ian and Tony had been planning my downfall for months, and it was Ian's idea, now he isn't comfortable with it, but you can't put the Genie back in the bottle once you've let him out, Ian has given me an appetite for Tony, but I'm NOT falling in love with him, it's purely an erotic adventure for me.

How do I get out of this mess without hurting Ian, the only thing I want to blow, is Tony, (and maybe Ian's mind, in a sweet way), not my marriage 🙁

I’ve thought Long & Hard about our predicament, I’ve listened to Jackie as to what to do, she says “imagine where you want to be, then plan how to get there,” that makes sense to me. The ideal outcome would be I get Tony as a Lover and I keep hold of Ian. To do that I need to get Ian to see the difference between sex and love. We haven’t had much penetrative sex in the last couple of years, maybe 30 times, possibly less, once a month or so, but we do pillow talk and play 3 or 4 times a week, most weeks.

Jackie suggested I use “the thin end of the wedge” to creep into Ian’s psyche. Following Jackie’s suggestions I asked Ian if he thinks less sex = less love ? Should I be feeling less loved, less precious to him because we haven’t been climbing on top of each other 5 times a week ? Ian’s answer was that he doesn't love me less because we aren't like rabbits all the time, his words not mine. So it’s just a matter of keeping sex and love completely separate in Ian’s mind. Jackie said “You’ve done well to get Ian to accept at least in words that sex isn’t the same as love, that’s the thin edge of your wedge firmly placed in Ian’s mind. Step One completed !!!”

I’m SURE Jackie is getting off on all this, I can see in her eyes that it’s turning her on to be plotting Ian’s downfall, maybe he will fall, but if he does I will catch him to make sure the fall doesn’t hurt, much.

Step Two is to make Ian feel good, I know what he likes, and how he likes it done. The thing that gets him really aroused and often as not erect, it's what we call the Champagne Cork. As I’ve mentioned I’m a Novice really, Ian was "the only man" until just a few weeks ago, but I do listen to what the other girls get up to, that's where I picked up this little technique, maybe 5 years ago, so apologies if I’m preaching to the converted.

The Champagne Cork is a little technique where I hold Ian’s shaft in my left hand, then I put a blob of Nivea on the palm of my right hand, then with my palm facing his bell end I make a circle with my thumb and first finger then I let Ian push his bell end between my thumb and first finger. He says that feels great, better than when he’s entering me (there’s a reason for that) 😉

Once he pushes through I keep his shaft still with my left hand, then I rotate my finger and thumb under the ridge of his bell end, SLOWLY, the slower the better. The Nivea acts as a lubricant as my finger and thumb twists one way then the other under his bell end, he likes to feel the palm of my had rub against his cock head. I feel like I could break his back when I do this to him, his back arches way up off the bed, I love having that power over Ian.

Do any of you know or use this technique ?

Maybe I’ve been doing things like this too often for him over the years, all he likes to do is lay there while I tease and torment him. It turns me on to have Ian completely under my cuntrol. That’s what’s on the Menu for Ian this week, Pillow Talk for starters, followed by the Champagne Cork for the main, and if he’s lucky I might just present him with a lip licking delicacy to finish us both off.

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