Ian and Tony have always been best of friends , they'd known each other for years, played on the same cricket team for five or six years. Ian had become the #1 batsman, Tony was #5 on the team, decent with the bat but by far the best bowler on the team.
When there was a match on Tony would call round to pick Ian up, they'd do that in turns to get to the ground. That's how it was until Tony tore a ligament in his shoulder, that put him out of action the whole season, that’s when things started to change. Tony stared to call round when he knew Ian wasn’t home, just on the odd occasion at first, usually when he knew Ian would be home soon, then off they’d go for a pint in the local where Ian would tell him how the match had gone, seemed pretty innocent at the time.
It’s odd though how a woman can tell the difference between what used to be an innocent visit, to how there suddenly becomes a tension in the air. Tony has always been on good behaviour but once in a while I noticed how his eyes weren’t looking at me, they we looking into me, or I would catch him looking at my legs, but I felt that’s just how guys are.
I knew that Tony had a couple of affairs with some of married ladies at the club. I was friendly with a girl who told me that her best friend was having a hot affair with Tony, she swore he was the best fuck she had ever had, so I was curious, what could make one fuck better than another, the only man I’d slept with was Ian. As for that, something had changed, our relationship had slowed down, we had been married 7 years, I’d started to wonder if there really was a 7 year itch?
Maybe I was giving out some kind of signal as our sex life wasn't quite what it had been. We used to have sex 3 or 4 times a week in the first year or two of being married, now we were down to once of twice a month, the excitement, the desire, the fire had cooled down over the years.
Having said that Ian had developed a strange habit of getting me to show a bit of thigh in front of others, to show off what I had. He used to get a thrill out of it, we would shop together to pick out sexy lingerie, stay up’s, revealing clothes, dresses or skirts with revealing slits, or dresses with a heavy duty front or back zip, the bigger the O ring on the zip the more he liked it. Ian said it made me look “more accessible!” that turned him on, the thought that a man could just unzip me and then want to fuck me. I knew Ian liked the Hot Wife / Cuckold videos that he would download for us.
At first I found it odd how he liked to pick sexy underwear for me, but not just for play times at home, he liked to show me off at the cricket club, or when we had a night out in Manchester. He liked to show me off wearing a black or burgundy push up bra under my see through blouses. It would always get him excited showing me off in public, we would finish up having a sexy tussle in bed.
Coming back to Tony, over the last few weeks, I’d got quite used to his company, it got to the point where just minutes after Ian had driven off to play cricket Tony would by chance be driving down the street, it got embarrassing as the woman in her 50’s across the street started to notice one car going and another coming minutes later, I’m sure it was turning her on.
The curiousness I felt just a few weeks ago had grown, by now we were flirting a bit, maybe a bit too much, the innocent hugs had become slaps on my ass, that turned me on, but other than those long looks that seemed to look into the depths of me, nothing else happened.
It was a Saturday night, we were going to the cricket club, for an after the match get together, players and wives and girlfriends. Ian said wear something sexy, I knew Ian liked showing me off, so I wore a sexy dress, one that Ian had chosen for me just a week earlier. I felt very sexy in the dress, it wasn’t long before most of the men were in a huddle discussing how the game had gone.
I like the other wives left them to it, I stood at the bar talking to Tony, he saw his chance to tease me about how sexy I looked. I thanked him for the compliment only to hear him say “but you’d look a lot more sexy if you took it off!” That caught me off balance! Whether it was my comfort level with him or the gin, the conversation soon became very open and honest. We talked about a bunch of very personal things, including who some of his local conquests were, I found that a turn on when he looked directly at a wife of one of the guys.
The night continued, it felt like Ian was leaving us to it, purposely, or maybe it was the G&T’s that Tony was pouring down me. We chatted about “preferences” what I liked, if I have a line, where do I draw it, I remember Tony asked me if I thought size mattered, I could feel a blush come on, how would I know, I’d only ever been with one man.
The conversation and the drink was by now taking its toll, in Ian's prolonged absence Tony becoming far touchier than normal, and I was starting to enjoy his attention. Maybe I was just standing a little too close in the crowded bar, my ass had purposely brushed up against him, then I felt him stroke me lightly.
While Ian was looking the other way chatting to some of the guys, Tony gave me a squeeze, pulling me closer to him, he took my hand and brushed it against his cock. I could feel his cock, hard as iron, and how it twitched responding to my touch. But that was as far as it got that night, we parted innocently with a warm but telling push, I could feel how hard Tony was. But from that point on we had a tighter bond with each other, there was a sexual tension that hadn't been there before, maybe it was the erotic touches or the very open sexual conversations, I didn't know.
A few days later by chance I bumped into Tony in Middlebrook, I was enjoying the quiet cup of coffee when I saw Tony, he was picking up a phone charger. He got a coffee, joined me and we chatted. After some innocent chatter I mentioned that I needed to look for a few things, he offered to walk with me since he had finished work for the day.
We chatted a bit, nothing sexual as I headed for Clarkes Shoe Shop, I needed to get some heels to match a dress I’d bought. As I sat down, I didn't realize it at the time but Tony was sitting directly across from me. I tried on a couple of pairs, of shoes then I realized Tony was gazing at my legs. I was starting to feel a little horny so I decided to lead him on a bit. His view probably wasn’t all that good as the skirt I was wearing wasn't all that short so I made sure my legs spread apart each time I tried on a pair, flashing him a couple of times before settling on a pair of spikes. We left the store and walked around the mall.
As we walked I thought about teasing him a little more I felt pretty comfortable teasing him in a place like this where there were lot of people walking around, no one knew us. The next store was Sport Tek, I was looking for a track suit to wear at the gym, Tony was looking through the jeans. We picked out a few sizes each and headed to the changing rooms. The salesgirl gave us cubicles next to each other, as I went in, I told Tony that I’d like his opinion on what I’d picked out. I started by removing my skirt and putting on a pair of track pants, I came out of room knocked on his door, Tony opened it a bit and to my surprise he was standing in just his briefs. That caught me off guard I didn’t react, no need to, I have a photographic memory 😉
Of course, I couldn’t help staring at the bulge, it looked like it wasn’t quite erect, even at that though it looked big, bigger that what I was playing with at home, much bigger, not just taller but thicker too. I gathered myself and I asked him if he liked the fit of my trackies, he said -- "nice but maybe a smaller size would do more justice to my figure.” As he was talking, he pulled on his jeans with his ass towards me as he faced the mirror. He turned and I told him they looked good but he too should try on the smaller size 😉 I then jokingly said that maybe we should both try the other clothes together to save the effort of going between rooms to show our stuff to each other. That was enough for him, he just picked up his stuff and we both squeezed into my cubicle. I noticed the salesgirl wink and smile.
I was feeling very naughty by now and proceeded to slip off the track pants, I stood there checking out myself in the mirror. He looked at me but acted quite matter of fact about it. I then pulled on the smaller track pants and turned around to see in the mirror. These were too tight in the crotch, it was then that I noticed that my panties were wet and it showed through my panties. Tight as they were on my ass Tony said he liked them, saying it's my turn now to put on a show. He pulled down his jeans but that ended in his briefs coming down too, I could he was fully erect, his cock looked massive! He made no attempt to pull up his briefs, he just nonchalantly pulled on the jeans. Finally, we both got dressed, paid for our items and left the store. By now I was feeling wet and horny, not that I was going to do anything about it but it had turned out to be a very nice shopping experience.
As we walked he reminded me about the conversation we’d had in the club bar, one thing we had chatted about was thongs. He said how sexy they are, I mentioned that how I didn't have any since my Ian didn't seem to like them. We were passing Victoria's Secret when he took me by the hand and led me to the pantie and thong display. I am not shy but was a little embarrassed as he went through picking out different ones, finally I agreed to two of them, the lacy ones, one red one black. Tony paid for them and handed me the bag, with a naughty smile he said that for buying them for me I should let him see how they looked, he mentioned how he should get to see them before my Ian did, I laughed and said not here, he of course answered when you’re ready then.
My quick response of “not here” had pretty much implied that I would somewhere else. This hadn't really been my intention but it was too late. We left the mall and he walked me to my car, Tony pulled me close for a soft and sensual kiss. His lips opened slightly, I felt the warmth and wetness of his tongue on my lips. We parted and I drove off feeling incredibly sexy and wet, wondering if I could even take his monster of a cock I’d seen, would “size matter?”
Later that day we were at home around 9 ish when Tony unexpectedly knocked on the door. It was a Friday night, Tony had called in the club to find we weren’t there so he’d come to chat to Ian about the game on Saturday. We were watching a movie on TV so Tony stayed and had a couple of beers, the movie ended around 11:30 and Tony headed for the door, but it wasn’t long before he was back, his car wouldn’t start, the battery was dead. It was raining hard so rather than Ian and Tony trying to jump start it in the rain and the dark Ian said, well, you might as well stay the night. The cars engine might not have been running but that innocent invite got my engine running.
The first sexy thing that had happened earlier between us that day is that Tony had teased me about my thong so I took the opportunity sneak upstairs to change so that I’d be able give him a flash as he was sitting opposite me. It didn’t take him long to notice that I was sat with my legs apart, just enough to catch his attention, wasn’t long before being flashed got the expected result, I was sure I could see a reaction in his trousers.
Later in the evening when Ian was in the bathroom we were alone Tony told me he’s noticed I was wearing the red thongs, so asked to see them properly. We traded some silly comments, I kept saying I can't here, he of course said it was safe for a quick flash and anyway he had already seen me in my panties at the shop, and then he said, “maybe I should tell Ian how wet I make you!” He insisted that all he wanted was a quick peek, I chanced pulling my wrap around skirt open for a second, it was pretty scary but also very sexy so I gave him a flash. I pulled my skirt open to showed him the front of the tiny thong and then turned quickly and showed the back, he told me I looked amazing. I was so hot showing off for him like that I can't describe it, the thong was so small that it covered nothing, the thought that my husband hadn't even noticed them also made it that much more naughty, Tony had got his wish, he was “in there first” so to speak.
So there we were, the movie had finished, but Ian found a DVD, of all the movies he chose it was Indecent Proposal, maybe that was done on purpose ? We got into the movie, it’s an oldie but a goodie, the drinks continued to flow, even though I’d already had a three G&T’s. I didn’t know where to look when Tony asked Ian “would you let Paula have sex with another guy!” No mention of the Million $’s or even would you let Paula ...... with another guy, it was point blank would you let Paula have sex with another guy !!! Ian’s also worse for wear on the booze, said, that would depend if Paula wanted to ...... with another guy. I think Tony was looking for a weakness, he followed up with, “if she wanted to have sex with me would you object?” Ian said, "I don’t know to be honest!" but we heard a weakness in Ian’s voice, a slight tremble, he knew he was being challenged as to his “ownership” of me.
When there was a match on Tony would call round to pick Ian up, they'd do that in turns to get to the ground. That's how it was until Tony tore a ligament in his shoulder, that put him out of action the whole season, that’s when things started to change. Tony stared to call round when he knew Ian wasn’t home, just on the odd occasion at first, usually when he knew Ian would be home soon, then off they’d go for a pint in the local where Ian would tell him how the match had gone, seemed pretty innocent at the time.
It’s odd though how a woman can tell the difference between what used to be an innocent visit, to how there suddenly becomes a tension in the air. Tony has always been on good behaviour but once in a while I noticed how his eyes weren’t looking at me, they we looking into me, or I would catch him looking at my legs, but I felt that’s just how guys are.
I knew that Tony had a couple of affairs with some of married ladies at the club. I was friendly with a girl who told me that her best friend was having a hot affair with Tony, she swore he was the best fuck she had ever had, so I was curious, what could make one fuck better than another, the only man I’d slept with was Ian. As for that, something had changed, our relationship had slowed down, we had been married 7 years, I’d started to wonder if there really was a 7 year itch?
Maybe I was giving out some kind of signal as our sex life wasn't quite what it had been. We used to have sex 3 or 4 times a week in the first year or two of being married, now we were down to once of twice a month, the excitement, the desire, the fire had cooled down over the years.
Having said that Ian had developed a strange habit of getting me to show a bit of thigh in front of others, to show off what I had. He used to get a thrill out of it, we would shop together to pick out sexy lingerie, stay up’s, revealing clothes, dresses or skirts with revealing slits, or dresses with a heavy duty front or back zip, the bigger the O ring on the zip the more he liked it. Ian said it made me look “more accessible!” that turned him on, the thought that a man could just unzip me and then want to fuck me. I knew Ian liked the Hot Wife / Cuckold videos that he would download for us.
At first I found it odd how he liked to pick sexy underwear for me, but not just for play times at home, he liked to show me off at the cricket club, or when we had a night out in Manchester. He liked to show me off wearing a black or burgundy push up bra under my see through blouses. It would always get him excited showing me off in public, we would finish up having a sexy tussle in bed.
Coming back to Tony, over the last few weeks, I’d got quite used to his company, it got to the point where just minutes after Ian had driven off to play cricket Tony would by chance be driving down the street, it got embarrassing as the woman in her 50’s across the street started to notice one car going and another coming minutes later, I’m sure it was turning her on.
The curiousness I felt just a few weeks ago had grown, by now we were flirting a bit, maybe a bit too much, the innocent hugs had become slaps on my ass, that turned me on, but other than those long looks that seemed to look into the depths of me, nothing else happened.
It was a Saturday night, we were going to the cricket club, for an after the match get together, players and wives and girlfriends. Ian said wear something sexy, I knew Ian liked showing me off, so I wore a sexy dress, one that Ian had chosen for me just a week earlier. I felt very sexy in the dress, it wasn’t long before most of the men were in a huddle discussing how the game had gone.
I like the other wives left them to it, I stood at the bar talking to Tony, he saw his chance to tease me about how sexy I looked. I thanked him for the compliment only to hear him say “but you’d look a lot more sexy if you took it off!” That caught me off balance! Whether it was my comfort level with him or the gin, the conversation soon became very open and honest. We talked about a bunch of very personal things, including who some of his local conquests were, I found that a turn on when he looked directly at a wife of one of the guys.
The night continued, it felt like Ian was leaving us to it, purposely, or maybe it was the G&T’s that Tony was pouring down me. We chatted about “preferences” what I liked, if I have a line, where do I draw it, I remember Tony asked me if I thought size mattered, I could feel a blush come on, how would I know, I’d only ever been with one man.
The conversation and the drink was by now taking its toll, in Ian's prolonged absence Tony becoming far touchier than normal, and I was starting to enjoy his attention. Maybe I was just standing a little too close in the crowded bar, my ass had purposely brushed up against him, then I felt him stroke me lightly.
While Ian was looking the other way chatting to some of the guys, Tony gave me a squeeze, pulling me closer to him, he took my hand and brushed it against his cock. I could feel his cock, hard as iron, and how it twitched responding to my touch. But that was as far as it got that night, we parted innocently with a warm but telling push, I could feel how hard Tony was. But from that point on we had a tighter bond with each other, there was a sexual tension that hadn't been there before, maybe it was the erotic touches or the very open sexual conversations, I didn't know.
A few days later by chance I bumped into Tony in Middlebrook, I was enjoying the quiet cup of coffee when I saw Tony, he was picking up a phone charger. He got a coffee, joined me and we chatted. After some innocent chatter I mentioned that I needed to look for a few things, he offered to walk with me since he had finished work for the day.
We chatted a bit, nothing sexual as I headed for Clarkes Shoe Shop, I needed to get some heels to match a dress I’d bought. As I sat down, I didn't realize it at the time but Tony was sitting directly across from me. I tried on a couple of pairs, of shoes then I realized Tony was gazing at my legs. I was starting to feel a little horny so I decided to lead him on a bit. His view probably wasn’t all that good as the skirt I was wearing wasn't all that short so I made sure my legs spread apart each time I tried on a pair, flashing him a couple of times before settling on a pair of spikes. We left the store and walked around the mall.
As we walked I thought about teasing him a little more I felt pretty comfortable teasing him in a place like this where there were lot of people walking around, no one knew us. The next store was Sport Tek, I was looking for a track suit to wear at the gym, Tony was looking through the jeans. We picked out a few sizes each and headed to the changing rooms. The salesgirl gave us cubicles next to each other, as I went in, I told Tony that I’d like his opinion on what I’d picked out. I started by removing my skirt and putting on a pair of track pants, I came out of room knocked on his door, Tony opened it a bit and to my surprise he was standing in just his briefs. That caught me off guard I didn’t react, no need to, I have a photographic memory 😉
Of course, I couldn’t help staring at the bulge, it looked like it wasn’t quite erect, even at that though it looked big, bigger that what I was playing with at home, much bigger, not just taller but thicker too. I gathered myself and I asked him if he liked the fit of my trackies, he said -- "nice but maybe a smaller size would do more justice to my figure.” As he was talking, he pulled on his jeans with his ass towards me as he faced the mirror. He turned and I told him they looked good but he too should try on the smaller size 😉 I then jokingly said that maybe we should both try the other clothes together to save the effort of going between rooms to show our stuff to each other. That was enough for him, he just picked up his stuff and we both squeezed into my cubicle. I noticed the salesgirl wink and smile.
I was feeling very naughty by now and proceeded to slip off the track pants, I stood there checking out myself in the mirror. He looked at me but acted quite matter of fact about it. I then pulled on the smaller track pants and turned around to see in the mirror. These were too tight in the crotch, it was then that I noticed that my panties were wet and it showed through my panties. Tight as they were on my ass Tony said he liked them, saying it's my turn now to put on a show. He pulled down his jeans but that ended in his briefs coming down too, I could he was fully erect, his cock looked massive! He made no attempt to pull up his briefs, he just nonchalantly pulled on the jeans. Finally, we both got dressed, paid for our items and left the store. By now I was feeling wet and horny, not that I was going to do anything about it but it had turned out to be a very nice shopping experience.
As we walked he reminded me about the conversation we’d had in the club bar, one thing we had chatted about was thongs. He said how sexy they are, I mentioned that how I didn't have any since my Ian didn't seem to like them. We were passing Victoria's Secret when he took me by the hand and led me to the pantie and thong display. I am not shy but was a little embarrassed as he went through picking out different ones, finally I agreed to two of them, the lacy ones, one red one black. Tony paid for them and handed me the bag, with a naughty smile he said that for buying them for me I should let him see how they looked, he mentioned how he should get to see them before my Ian did, I laughed and said not here, he of course answered when you’re ready then.
My quick response of “not here” had pretty much implied that I would somewhere else. This hadn't really been my intention but it was too late. We left the mall and he walked me to my car, Tony pulled me close for a soft and sensual kiss. His lips opened slightly, I felt the warmth and wetness of his tongue on my lips. We parted and I drove off feeling incredibly sexy and wet, wondering if I could even take his monster of a cock I’d seen, would “size matter?”
Later that day we were at home around 9 ish when Tony unexpectedly knocked on the door. It was a Friday night, Tony had called in the club to find we weren’t there so he’d come to chat to Ian about the game on Saturday. We were watching a movie on TV so Tony stayed and had a couple of beers, the movie ended around 11:30 and Tony headed for the door, but it wasn’t long before he was back, his car wouldn’t start, the battery was dead. It was raining hard so rather than Ian and Tony trying to jump start it in the rain and the dark Ian said, well, you might as well stay the night. The cars engine might not have been running but that innocent invite got my engine running.
The first sexy thing that had happened earlier between us that day is that Tony had teased me about my thong so I took the opportunity sneak upstairs to change so that I’d be able give him a flash as he was sitting opposite me. It didn’t take him long to notice that I was sat with my legs apart, just enough to catch his attention, wasn’t long before being flashed got the expected result, I was sure I could see a reaction in his trousers.
Later in the evening when Ian was in the bathroom we were alone Tony told me he’s noticed I was wearing the red thongs, so asked to see them properly. We traded some silly comments, I kept saying I can't here, he of course said it was safe for a quick flash and anyway he had already seen me in my panties at the shop, and then he said, “maybe I should tell Ian how wet I make you!” He insisted that all he wanted was a quick peek, I chanced pulling my wrap around skirt open for a second, it was pretty scary but also very sexy so I gave him a flash. I pulled my skirt open to showed him the front of the tiny thong and then turned quickly and showed the back, he told me I looked amazing. I was so hot showing off for him like that I can't describe it, the thong was so small that it covered nothing, the thought that my husband hadn't even noticed them also made it that much more naughty, Tony had got his wish, he was “in there first” so to speak.
So there we were, the movie had finished, but Ian found a DVD, of all the movies he chose it was Indecent Proposal, maybe that was done on purpose ? We got into the movie, it’s an oldie but a goodie, the drinks continued to flow, even though I’d already had a three G&T’s. I didn’t know where to look when Tony asked Ian “would you let Paula have sex with another guy!” No mention of the Million $’s or even would you let Paula ...... with another guy, it was point blank would you let Paula have sex with another guy !!! Ian’s also worse for wear on the booze, said, that would depend if Paula wanted to ...... with another guy. I think Tony was looking for a weakness, he followed up with, “if she wanted to have sex with me would you object?” Ian said, "I don’t know to be honest!" but we heard a weakness in Ian’s voice, a slight tremble, he knew he was being challenged as to his “ownership” of me.