my wifes more into the domestic workplace spanking thing rather than the bdsm stuff
more naughty girl otk smacked bottom than flogged
more naughty girl than slut cunt
for her its more about the embarrassment of being a grown woman and having to accept a smacked bare bottom and her panties pulled down
i love to engineer situations where older strict bloke has control over my wife and
my wife says that people seeing her like this and that their comments and remarks all adds to her feelings of sub exposure and helplessness that turns her on so much ,she loves the feeling that a dirty horny strict old guy who wont take any nonsense from her ,
he has her exactly where he wants her ,across his knee or bent over in front of him and has pulled her panties down and can see and smell her wet pussy and bare bum hole and touch smack finger and fuck them as he pleases and all she can do is push out her bum for him and let him do as he wants
with her ,and to do as she's told and be a good girl for her "boss" or "daddy "
anything to keep her "boss" happy and keep her "job"lol
she would love and i would love to see her be bent over and exposed to you like the woman in your post i quoted while you spanked her naughty bare bottom and examined her pussy for wetness
she would be so turned by the sight and threat of your cock inches away from her red spanked bum and wet pussy
but at the same time worried if her little pussy could take your cock but at the same time eager to feel it stroke between her wet pussy lips and push past them and into her wet pussy and fill her pussy up
embarrassment and anticipation of being exposed by another and to another and having her most private parts exposed handled and manipulated in a matter of fact manor is a powerful aphrodisiac for her
i remember her getting all excited when we would be flying to america talking about what would happen if she was singled out and her being strip searched by the immigration services
she always acted up a little and was a little what i would call "subservient flirty" with the officers ,
you know that "i dont know what im doing "thing lol
"can you tell me what to do"
"ill do what you tell me to do "
"i dont want to do it wrong and get into trouble "
"i dont want to get into trouble "
"ill do whatever you tell me to do "
she had usually been drinking on the flight and been thinking about this scenario for the duration of the flight and getting worked up and wet about what could happen and how she hoped they would take charge and coerce her into letting them strip and humiliatingly expose her titties bum and pussy
all the time knowing she would be putty in their hands and they would discover how wet and aroused she was by their handling and control over her and she would do whatever they told her and they could do with her as they liked
so tipsy and turned on that she sometimes embarrassingly over played it and might as well have just asked them to
"bend me over and pull my knickers down and finger my bum and pussy for me" lol
especially if they were older and seemed the no nonsense type male or female she acted the same way and would have loved it if it happened to her but sadly for us both it didn't lol
what do you think would it fit lol