Black men & white women, so right!

You know, my biggest fantasy is to have my gf fuck a black guy. That being said, ive been in the swinging lifestyle 30+ yrs, and had three wives who were swingers. NONE of them would have anything to do with black men.
As hard as I tried, no way Jose! I sincerely believe its rhe attitude that black bulls have that turns them off. Instead of being sweet and complimentey, its always 'hey there slut, im goin break you into with my cock'!
NO woman i e ever been with wants that, and to be honest, most of us STAGS wont fucking stand for it. The cucks... i don't know... I guess they like that, but not me.

I hope i didn't offend anyone, just any observation.
You know, my biggest fantasy is to have my gf fuck a black guy. That being said, ive been in the swinging lifestyle 30+ yrs, and had three wives who were swingers. NONE of them would have anything to do with black men.
As hard as I tried, no way Jose! I sincerely believe its rhe attitude that black bulls have that turns them off. Instead of being sweet and complimentey, its always 'hey there slut, im goin break you into with my cock'!
NO woman i e ever been with wants that, and to be honest, most of us STAGS wont fucking stand for it. The cucks... i don't know... I guess they like that, but not me.

I hope i didn't offend anyone, just any observation.

Big difference between Stag and Cuck.

I never understood that obsession with black guys also. True, on average they tend to have larger dicks than other guys but not all woman are in to large dicks. From the visual side yes I suppose it is arousing but just as most of the guys are turned on by big tits and large asses it is not a guarantee we will enjoy intercourse with such a woman more than some other.

But I have a theory and I think it has nothing to do with what woman want. It actually about what their men want.

Now, before you call me racist please understand that I am not American. Or British, or Belgian or national of ANY country that enslaved and did any injustice to any black nation. I've traveled to 5 continents on multiple occasions. I respect all people and all cultures and since my ancestors have squeaky clean record in that respect I give my self the right to say this.

I had a fair share of woman in 51 years of my life and I realized that no matter if woman appears dominant or submissive they have one thing in common. They love to please their men. Just like men like to please the woman. So if some cuck likes his woman banged by a black guy she will develop the taste for black guys because she wants to please her cuck. Just to stop arguments like "I am a woman and I always had the thing for black men" one does not exude the other.

Just like watching porn. You always want more. Cuck wants humiliation. Than he wants more humiliation. At one point only way to get more humiliation is trough humiliation of his mistress - his hotwife. Than his racist gene turns on. The ultimate humiliation of a slave owner in the past would be if a slave would fuck his wife. Than two slaves or 10...
That sort of explains why black guys are so rude when they fuck white woman. They are taking a revenge for their ancestors that were being victimized by cucks ancestors.

Black bull - white wife became such a cliche that nobody even thinks of the roots any more. Everybody just goes with it.
Very god point. I'm just curious as to what country never had slaves? Most of the slaves were bought from their own people, who had enslaved them already.

But that is another subject, Sorry to digress. I have to admit that most of my wives have been Southern girls, and it was a racial thing for them. But my current love is Filipino, and its the attitude thing with her. But, to be fair, she also doesn't want Asians, or Middle Easterners. WHITE men only, the whiter the better. This has more to do about their culture relating to skin color or darkness and caste.

I guess I just get fed up with the rude comments coming from some, not all of the black bulls. I post a lot of photos of my gf, and my stories are 100% real, opposed to the 'fantasy' rambling common on these sites. Most of the comments that I get are very nice, and helpful, but every now and then I'll get a 'AA bull' who will talk ...... about how he wants to fuck her and get her pregnant. You will never see me say I want her pregnant. She lives in Asian currently, with her family. I love her and don't want her disgraced.

Ive blocked about 4-5 rude persons (I wont say gentlemen because their posts indicated otherwise). Its still my fantasy to see an black man fuck my gf and fill her up with cum. NOT impregnate her, not defile her, but please her.
This was her first BBC!


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