My biggest regret is I did not get pregnant by a Black Lover that I fell head over heels for. We seriously discussed leaving our spouses for each other, but he had 2 kids and I had one, we couldn't do it. We decided to stop any pretense of birth control, which by then was only not getting together when I KNEW I was fertile (I know when I ovulate, I get a sharp pain/twinge in my side) and just let it happen.
His wife had caught on to us tho, and set him up....said she was gpoing to Mom's with the kids for the weekend, we spent the ENTIRE weekend in bed, and when he got home she was waiting for him!! Told him it was her and their kids, or the white girl............
We never saw each other again, just had a long sad call saying goodbye. Almost no day passes that I don't think of him in some manner and wish I had his baby. Wish we had discovered this lifestyle earlier too. But I had one bad marraige before this good one and we got a later start. J (the bored in JAX wife)