My perspective as a bull is that sometimes hubbies think "the bigger, the better" for my wife...
I'm not saying this is wrong, because there are multiple types of wives and if yours is a real sizequeen, then probably she enjoys a lot with a huge dick.
But sometimes I feel (when I meet a couple for the first time), that the wife is like terrified of my size, and the husband is much more excited than her... And this is not good, because they are not alligned at all.
So I always take my time to seduce, lick, sensually caress her... Because I know she only will be able to make love with me if she is definitelly desiring that. Having a huge cock is like Spiderman! You have a big power but you have a big responsability! 😅😅😅
I'm talking about my personal experience, and I accept any others, but for me is very starnge hearing stories like... "my wife took the 11" dick at once!!" Come on... This is funny for a hot fantasy... but I tell you this is not happening in real life. I take A LOT OF TIME!! For preparing them for having sex with me. And I could say, that every wife I slept with, I was her biggest bull ever. And I took sometimes from 2 to 3 sex sessions till they felt comfortable to take all of my dick.
And this is happening once I have fucked them for more than 20 or 30 minutes being very gentle. Not pushing very hard and making it slowly for them. And then... If she is ready... SHE will be the one that asks you for more and more! So then is when you can start pounding hard and sex becomes wild.
But... as I said... This is my personal experience 😉