Best swinger sites??

What is the best sites you’ve had the best luck with?? Me and my wife live in a small town so looking for some one to play with in our town is impossible because we don’t want everyone knowing our business so we’ve decided to try some sites out but don’t know where to start any advise??
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It really depends on your area. Some sites are better in different parts of the country than others. I once found a site that rated these sites by state and it was seemed pretty accurate from my experience. SLS is good in my state but was not great in Vegas where as SDC is OK in my state but great in Vegas.
What is the best sites you’ve had the best luck with?? Me and my wife live in a small town so looking for some one to play with in our town is impossible because we don’t want everyone knowing our business so we’ve decided to try some sites out but don’t know where to start any advise??
Swinger zone central let's couples have a free limited membership. Not going to say u will make any connection. I have been l
ooking for a good site myself with out much luck is for older men and those who apricate older men. Most members are older men, with some younger men, and an occasional female. Many of the members are married men who would much prefer fucking women, but who will take whatever they can get. It could be a good source for finding men for your wife.
What is the best sites you’ve had the best luck with?? Me and my wife live in a small town so looking for some one to play with in our town is impossible because we don’t want everyone knowing our business so we’ve decided to try some sites out but don’t know where to start any advise??
None yet we’ve been looking hard and nothing, so please , if you find any let us know
What is the best sites you’ve had the best luck with?? Me and my wife live in a small town so looking for some one to play with in our town is impossible because we don’t want everyone knowing our business so we’ve decided to try some sites out but don’t know where to start any advise??
The big 3 are SLS, SDC and Kasidie.
SLS: Midwest & East Coast
SDC: South/Sout East and Texas
Kasidie: West Coast, Colorado and Vegas

IMHO SDC is by far the best and seems to be growing in popularity in the Midwest. and beyond. It's the only one where you can add vids right to your profile. And is the most single guy friendly.
M is only interested in BBC other than me the hubs. Here in Tennessee and Fetlife both have worked decently well. Of course there will be fakes and flakes on all platforms. Doublelist has been ok but more people wanting to just BS . And no show.
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Been on a few sites,had some luck,and good meets.
Though be prepared for some blokes not turning up.
It's like they had a post wank clarity moment and get cold feet.
We tend to stick to talking to blokes at events or in pubs.
And trying to find a couple where they are both into it on a site is a nightmare. To be honest I'd much rather pick good blokes to fuck my wife,who doesn't mind threesomes
(Mr P)