Becky...stripping for a photographer

Should I bare all?

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Taking a deep breath; I’ve finally decided to take the plunge and bare all and show my face or, to be more accurate, to see if you want me to.

The idea is to get a little bit interactive with everyone. I will post a series of photos of me doing a strip, each picture will include a target to achieve (something like a number of comments or a number of likes or views). Once a target is reached I will post the next photo in the series. How does that sound?

Then, if we reach all the targets and all the photos I’ll repost the series showing my face completely.

What do you think? Let me know. If the response is negative I’ll just drop the idea altogether and delete the post.
Wow more replies than I expected and everyone seems so positive so I think it looks like I'll be posting the next photo very soon.

The outfit looks very popular to. I wasn't sure about it but I'm glad you like.

To Oddzilla; unfortunately yes the photos have been taken so its not going to be totally interactive in that sense. I was more into the idea of finally posting my photos uncensored.
Well we got 5 comments and I did set that as one of the targets so....starting to undo the jacket

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Let's set the same target as before; 5 comments or 10 likes on the photo or up to 200 views on the thread to get the third picture.

Oh and don't forget to post a vote....
The outfit is very sexy especially with an exquisite woman wearing it, it beautiful women that make the clothes, very nice peak at a wonderful cleavage. Love it keep going my sweet 1452347536610.jpg
And what two targets would they be if I can't guess

Thank you Don Brown, glad you like my suit......and I like the reaction it is getting 😉

9 votes cast and I was the only 1 voting to not bare all, what a suprise
It's still a great idea, I don't think there is a ton of traffic on this site. Seems like a lot of members don't post, but are talking to others through pm's.
I shall keep going as long as the targets are reached, even if they take a little while to get there. However, I will try to keep them sensible and not overstretch the limits.

I think you are right BizSC, there are a lot of lurkers who just look and never post or comment but that's the same on all of the sites we have ever been involved with.
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