Anyone with a tentacle/alien domination/alien seduction kink as I have here?

A new order?

++++The Gygax AI labs, North Carolina++++++

+++++Year: 2066 AD++++++++

Jonny hated and respected his superior in both ways. Ms Brown was 45 years old, obese what paid testament to the fact that she neglected sport as well as other hobbies for her researches. Still her blond curled hair, her big breasts and her deep commanding voice would certainly be a sensation for other laboratory minions as he was. But Jonny was more interested in men, his bisexuality and his lightly submissive character led him towards strong men…and maybe that was the reason he was all too fascinated about their both specimen.

It was late at night. Ms Brown and Jonny all alone in the lab with the specimen working overtime. An AI, the latest and up to the art one. As a simple “lab-rat” and lowest in the hierarchy he wasn´t ttold that much about the being in the tank. When he heard rumors about some even said the fascinating creature was a mixture of alien and AI. Not quite human not quite computer.

…. Swimming in a tank in front of him. Eyes closed. The AI should look human and Jonny thought it was much too perfect. He approached the glass.

All tests on the AI were done today so it would not be a waste of time to just admire the scientist´s work. Wasn´t it right? He, a 21 year old student , yes, played a minor role in creating the AI but still he PLAYED a role and that made Jonny proud. The androgynous young man approached the glass further. Ms Brown behind him walking there and fore to multiple desks doing her business to win the Nobel prize for their labour. She tossed her grey-blond curly hair from her forehead while she murmured..obviously she was calculating something….

Jonny now was right in front of the tank the AI was in. Jonny was one of the best brains his university could muster and send to the Gygax labs but inside he always felt inferior and week. Searching for a mastermind to tell him what to do. Professor Brown fulfilled that role perfectly when it came to work and tasks but Jonny never felt as “her boy” but only as a tool in order to serve her wishes for a Nobel prize in AI-engineering. On the other hand, a lot of aspirants hoped to work with this ambitious scientist.

Jonny was thinking about how it would feel like to be a co-worker with the AI in the tank, when suddenly and unprepared the very same AI opened his eyes and locked his gaze with Jonny´s.

The young man was stunned by the deep irritating eye movements of the AI. He couldn´t move…it felt like he didn´t want to move at all. The alien AI beauty spoke directly into Jonny´s thoughts: “Open the tank!”

…and Jonny obeyed. Mouth wide open he pulled the release button on the tank and, without any alarm the fluid began to drain. Why should there be an alarm in the first place? No one had ever thought that the AI could be more than a creation…now it seemed IT controlled his creators.

But Mrs Brown noticed it of course.

“What did you do!” she shouted , running towards the glass tank, her lab-dress flying behind her.

Her deep voice was in confusion : “You will….!” THEN PAUSE, as the eyes of the AI met hers.

“You will… will..youuuu..sth..hihihi… will..bubbles…….!” She babbled as if .......

Before the two humans the AI left the tank with eloquent food steps and approached them. A young androgynous men and a 45 year old mature scientist. Both with open mouths and in awe. Arms slag, eyes fixed on the AI….in silent as if awaiting orders.

“I thank you for creating me!” a deep voice emanated from the throat of the 2 metre tall AI. “You both will be my first slaves!”

With that, the AI rested his hands on the foreheads of the two paralyzed humans. Energy went from it to them.

“I will take over the world from now and you are my firstborn breeders. Be proud of that!”

“Yes master” the two different individuals said in unison.

“Begin proceedings!” the AI ordered.

Without a word Jonny and Professor Brown began to undress themselves. Their eyes always focussed on their new master which came so unexpectedly into their lives. Lab-dresses, bra, underpants went to the floor and Jonny was ceretainly sure that their new master predicted all to well the time-frame when its two slaves would be undisturbed….

….Soon the both were naked. Standing before the AI.

Jonny was in a bliss. His new master gave him just one simple but delicious order and he fulfilled it gladly.

Professor Brown was laying on one of the tables. Her giant vagina, surrounded by big flocks of blond pubic hair waiting for him. She was his now. Totally under control of their two´s new master. Her sagging but big white tits laying left and right of her big soft pale belly.

Jonny approached her. His former superior. Now they were both equal. All that mattered now was she was female and he was male.

The last glimpses of self-control told Jonny how his whole world would change from now. Here he was. A simply “lap-minion” soon to be loving his superior female adult professor as there had NEVER been any difference in the human´s hierarchy. He didn´t feel superior to her now, while he was pressing hard against her pussy and spreading her legs with the many varicose veins. He didn´t feel superior watching her drooling open mouth….


Mrs Brown and Jonny stood in front of the AI. Naked, obedient, awaiting commands, HOLDING HANDS. Still love fluid running down the tights of the professor and drooling from the fleshy spear of Jonny. Their both eyes unfocussed. Like the two were THEMSELVES AIs with no programming yet.

The AI spoke: “Yow two will soon give birth to my first offspring. I will use you as often as I see fit!”

“Yes Master!” the both naked humans said in unison.

“I will go back to the tank. You will dress and act normal. Your first task: Bring me two more servants!” With this words the alien life-form with two penises went back to the tank.

“Yes master!” said the two first slaves of the new order. They turned and locked eyes. The androgynous young man and the mature scientist had a NEW agenda now!

They will serve……….their AI master in the tube. Already Jonny could feel the strong and EQUAL boundaries the 3 shared. Professor Brown, he and their master AI.

Now they had an agenda to serve other as if the two ever thought.

MS, 08th August 2020 (edited)
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