Anyone Know "Rules for Good Submissive Husband"


About 10-12 years ago, my wife sent a link to me about "rules for a good submissive husband" or something like that, there was about 11 or 15 or 18 rules. I've looked high nd low, googled until my eyes hurt and I can't find them. I vaguely remember what some of them said but I know I'd know the site/rules when I saw it. A few were "a good husband helps his wife prepare for her dates", "a good husband will clean his wife after her dates if she so wishes", stuff like that.

They weren't over-the-top rules, nothing too crazy. I remember asking her which ones she liked, she listed the by number (they were numbered) and she asked which ones I liked, we both had several that we agreed upon.

SO... does anyone here remember seeing that or know where they are? The laptop that that email was on is long gone, lost forever. It wasn't really a site about cucking or hotwifing (not that I remember anyway) but it was more about a submissive husband/female lead relationship. Or so I think anyway. I'm hoping to find it and send it to her again, see where she's at today on most of them - good conversation starter I guess.
About 10-12 years ago, my wife sent a link to me about "rules for a good submissive husband" or something like that, there was about 11 or 15 or 18 rules. I've looked high nd low, googled until my eyes hurt and I can't find them. I vaguely remember what some of them said but I know I'd know the site/rules when I saw it. A few were "a good husband helps his wife prepare for her dates", "a good husband will clean his wife after her dates if she so wishes", stuff like that.

They weren't over-the-top rules, nothing too crazy. I remember asking her which ones she liked, she listed the by number (they were numbered) and she asked which ones I liked, we both had several that we agreed upon.

SO... does anyone here remember seeing that or know where they are? The laptop that that email was on is long gone, lost forever. It wasn't really a site about cucking or hotwifing (not that I remember anyway) but it was more about a submissive husband/female lead relationship. Or so I think anyway. I'm hoping to find it and send it to her again, see where she's at today on most of them - good conversation starter I guess.
There are so many perhaps try this link! I hope it works or will open.

We are just a fun bi couple who like to try different things, but we love playing in the CD/TS world among many other things. 💋
There are so many perhaps try this link! I hope it works or will open.

We are just a fun bi couple who like to try different things, but we love playing in the CD/TS world among many other things. 💋

Here it is I think when I post the site keeps putting spam in the front of the url. Delete the word spam and this link will give you a good list of beginning rules. Sorry for confusion. Love you robbiann! We have a good friend by that name as well. 💋❤️
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I will have to pick the link apart and locate the info because I keep getting an error even once I remove the “spam” also. But I will look soon and see if maybe those were the ones she sent! I do appreciate the help and information! And yes, that would’ve been my name had I been born in the right body…

I will have to pick the link apart and locate the info because I keep getting an error even once I remove the “spam” also. But I will look soon and see if maybe those were the ones she sent! I do appreciate the help and information! And yes, that would’ve been my name had I been born in the right body…

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Dont know about those, but this is from her point of view.
How to cuckold your husband

The cuckold fetish is about anything related to an unfaithful wife. Unfaithful is a controversial term, since the husband is always aware of everything (it's possibly HIS idea). The argument is that the wife is having sex with someone besides her husband. So technically I guess it's cheating but how can it be cheating if my husband is watching?

Cuckold is the fastest growing alternative lifestyle. It differs from other fetishes that are connected to an object and its texture, form, smell, etc. Instead, cuckold is entirely psychological. It's the psychology itself that makes a cuckold, more than the actual cuckolding acts themselves.

Cuckolds derive pleasure from the loss of control, and to some extent the humiliation of the situation. They want their wife to assume a more dominant role, take charge, and engage an Alpha male who then assumes the role of primary bed-mate, giving her higher quality sexual experiences than the cuckold can provide. Those higher quality experiences reinvigorate the wife’s libido, reestablishing her sense of sexual well-being, and often her personal self esteem. The wife of a cuckold is called a Cuckoldress, which has a status similar to a sexual Goddess in the eyes of the cuckold, and he reveres everything about her.

Cuckolding usually includes some humiliation and inadequacy, even if they are only perceived or created. These inadequacies often focus on penis size, erection quality, sexual performance, love-making skills, stamina, premature ejaculation, physical strength and more.

Instead of seeking reassurance for these inadequacies, cuckolds thrive on the reinforcement of their :shortcomings: and drawing stimulation from them. A typical case would be an exceptionally hung man pleasing the wife sexually while she expresses repeatedly to the cuckold how much better it feels than having sex with his “tiny wee wee”, or some similar derogatory description.

Men who enjoy cuckolding are usually highly intelligent and require sexual interaction that involves a higher level of mental and visual stimulation. This can be very rewarding for the wife, since a cuckold oriented husband will do almost anything for a woman who satisfies his urges.

Because of the psychological roots, it’s important that the wife be VERY verbal throughout the cuckolding process. Verbal banter, combined with the resulting mental images and other visual stimulation, creates a psychological porridge on which the cuckold thrives.

Women can find it difficult to tell their husband things which they view as traditionally humiliating, especially on subjects such as a man’s penis size or sexual competence. While these are normally valid concerns about hurting his feelings, it’s important to understand that this is exactly where the cuckold husband finds his turn-ons. Verbalizing these points by the wife will actually make the cuckold a more attentive husband, and motivate him to be a better lover.

Strangely, many couples find that the wife’s lover is often equally endowed as the cuckold, or only slightly larger. Yet, because the mental imagery and role establishment is critical, the couple will often assign a pet name for the cuckold or his penis, such as Mr. Little Cock, Mr. Wee-Wee, etc.

During sex with the cuckold the wife should be highly verbal, and frequently raise issues such as her desire for better lovers or men with larger endowment. She should verbalize her expectations for superior experiences with men (or a man) who isn’t shackled by the shortcomings: of her cuckold husband. Done correctly, a wife in this situation will have a cuckold husband eating out of her hand, by providing the stimulation he craves.

Every cuckolding couple is different. No two have the exact same marriage. The wife should take the time to educate herself on the basics of cuckoldry and the options, and then be able to let her imagination run wild as she molds a unique cuckold relationship that best suits her and her cuckold husband.

You can combine cuckold with swinging, bondage, group play, female domination, and dozens of other fetishes. You can have a regular lover, or see different men. You can play alone with your lovers, or have your cuckold with you at all times. You can allow your cuckold to have sex with you every day or just once a month. You can agree to rules and boundaries, or go with none. Many couples particularly enjoy the taboo factor of interracial sex, The Big Black Cock syndrome is rampant in cuckolding! What you choose is up to you and your cuckold husband (although you have more say than he does).

Here are some tips for wives just learning about cuckolding.

1) Learn to take control. This can take time to master, but the more you do it the easier it will become. Eventually it will become very enjoyable and second nature. Women can rule too!

2) Contrary to what you may read, sex with your cuckold is perfectly fine during times when you’re not seeing other men, provided you keep the cuckold theme burning. However, sex with your cuckold should slow down whenever you’re actively seeing other men (or a man). To secure the psychological impact of the husband’s cuckold status, it’s important to establish him as a secondary sexual provider when you're seeing others. When other men are in the picture, they should be the primary source of your sexual satisfaction. Your cuckold’s involvement should occur primarily AFTER your encounters with other men. When having sex with your cuckold hubby after another man, it’s important to be verbal, reminding him that you prefer the other man, because your cuckold doesn't satisfy for whatever reason (small dick, cums to fast, poor lover).

3) Sex with your cuckold husband should be mostly acts other than intercourse, which you should rarely give. You want to establish that you are the source of his pleasure, and you decide when to dispense that pleasure. This includes timing, frequency, sex acts, etc. Intercourse should be reserved as a special treat. handjobs, oral and even making your cuck masturbate, need to be the normal methods of his release. Penetrative sex should be reserved as a reward, or for special occasions. I find it helpful to use different methods at different times, keeping my cuckold wondering and never letting him know what he to expect.

4) Include regular teasing in your daily routine. Use opportunities to drop hints and teases. Use nudity to tease, letting your cuckold husband see you nude often. Technology provides wonderful tools to keep your cuckold excited, including suggestive texts, emails, pictures, videos, online porn, etc. Make it part of your game. Let him know or hear you telling your girlfriends about his poor performance as a lover.

5) Occasionally have your cuckold wear nothing but a shirt or T-shirt around the house. When passing him, GENTLY “flick”, poke or slap his penis, and comment on his small size. Say aloud how you need men with bigger ones or that you'll never be happy with just that. Make it clear to him that it’s inadequate and couldn’t possibly satisfy you. Compare it to your lovers cock. Hold his penis in your hand, giggle and remind him that you prefer men with “real cocks”.

6) If you know you have an upcoming 'date', be sure to tease your cuckold husband with suggestive comments to let him know you're excited, but don't have sex. Remind him that you’re 'saving yourself' for your lover.

7) The day of your date call your cuckold to the bedroom to undress you and help you prepare. He will love this. Remind him constantly of your excitement. If you shave your pussy, before a date have your cuckold do it. Tell him you want it to be smooth for your lover, and so your cuckold can better clean you up after you get home.

8) Have him dry your body after your bathe or shower, perfume you and even paint your toenails. Remind him that it’s all to please your lover.

9) Make him help you pick out the outfit and get dressed. Make sure to select sexy underclothes. Dress in extra revealing clothes than you wouldn’t normally wear for your husband. Consider going without panties, telling him these are the things your lover wants you to wear, and you’re doing it for him!

10) When out on your date remember you are in control. Have fun and enjoy a few special hours with your lover, and your cuckold (if he’s present). The importance of your dates cannot be understated as part of the cuckold relationship. Much of it comes down to the dates themselves. Savor the moment and be prepared to tell every detail later (oh how cucks LOVE the details).

11) If your cuckold is present at dinner when on a date, be sure to sit next to your lover and across the table from your cuckold. Make contact under the table. Run your hand up and down your lover's leg. Venture into his crotch if the covering allows. This will get your cuck’s imagination going.

12) After dinner let your cuckold play chauffer and drive you around a little before going to the motel, or home if that's what your plan is. Sit in the back seat and get to know each other. Allow your hands and lips do the talking. This will drive your cuckold wild, and will also get you and lover hot and horny.

13) When you get to the hotel room or your bedroom, make your cuckold undress you for your lover. Make it clear to everyone that your cuckold is there only to watch how a «real man» makes love to a woman, and also as a cleanup boy.

14) Whenever your cuckold is watching you make love with someone remember to be extremely verbal. Let your cucky know how good a «real cock» feels inside you, how much bigger it is, how much more you like it than his, how much you love being fucked by someone different, and be sure to make it obvious when you get off. Talk about how small and undesirable your cuckold’s small penis is, now that you’re with a man with a «real cock».

15) After you finish, make your cuckold husband go down on you for cleanup. I will leave it to you as to how you go about it (ask or demand but either way he must do it). It’s extremely important to talk to him as he cleans you, telling him how great the sex was, how satisfied you are, how good it feels to be cleaned and that this is his new role as your cuckold. Now, dont forget your lover. An experienced Bull will present his dripping cock to you cuckold for the cleaning of the cocktail of his semen and your juices and it is important that he performs well at this. Other Bull's will not be sure what to do and a gracious cuck will always ask "Sir, would you like me to lick you clean and suck the last of your seed from your awesome cock".

16) If your lover will allow it, have your cuckold take pictures or videos including the cleaning activity. You will be able to use these to get yourself off when you can't have a lover. This really works for us, as I will often go over the pictures or watch a video while my cuckold eats my pussy.

Dont know about those, but this is from her point of view.
How to cuckold your husband

The cuckold fetish is about anything related to an unfaithful wife. Unfaithful is a controversial term, since the husband is always aware of everything (it's possibly HIS idea). The argument is that the wife is having sex with someone besides her husband. So technically I guess it's cheating but how can it be cheating if my husband is watching?

Cuckold is the fastest growing alternative lifestyle. It differs from other fetishes that are connected to an object and its texture, form, smell, etc. Instead, cuckold is entirely psychological. It's the psychology itself that makes a cuckold, more than the actual cuckolding acts themselves.

Cuckolds derive pleasure from the loss of control, and to some extent the humiliation of the situation. They want their wife to assume a more dominant role, take charge, and engage an Alpha male who then assumes the role of primary bed-mate, giving her higher quality sexual experiences than the cuckold can provide. Those higher quality experiences reinvigorate the wife’s libido, reestablishing her sense of sexual well-being, and often her personal self esteem. The wife of a cuckold is called a Cuckoldress, which has a status similar to a sexual Goddess in the eyes of the cuckold, and he reveres everything about her.

Cuckolding usually includes some humiliation and inadequacy, even if they are only perceived or created. These inadequacies often focus on penis size, erection quality, sexual performance, love-making skills, stamina, premature ejaculation, physical strength and more.

Instead of seeking reassurance for these inadequacies, cuckolds thrive on the reinforcement of their :shortcomings: and drawing stimulation from them. A typical case would be an exceptionally hung man pleasing the wife sexually while she expresses repeatedly to the cuckold how much better it feels than having sex with his “tiny wee wee”, or some similar derogatory description.

Men who enjoy cuckolding are usually highly intelligent and require sexual interaction that involves a higher level of mental and visual stimulation. This can be very rewarding for the wife, since a cuckold oriented husband will do almost anything for a woman who satisfies his urges.

Because of the psychological roots, it’s important that the wife be VERY verbal throughout the cuckolding process. Verbal banter, combined with the resulting mental images and other visual stimulation, creates a psychological porridge on which the cuckold thrives.

Women can find it difficult to tell their husband things which they view as traditionally humiliating, especially on subjects such as a man’s penis size or sexual competence. While these are normally valid concerns about hurting his feelings, it’s important to understand that this is exactly where the cuckold husband finds his turn-ons. Verbalizing these points by the wife will actually make the cuckold a more attentive husband, and motivate him to be a better lover.

Strangely, many couples find that the wife’s lover is often equally endowed as the cuckold, or only slightly larger. Yet, because the mental imagery and role establishment is critical, the couple will often assign a pet name for the cuckold or his penis, such as Mr. Little Cock, Mr. Wee-Wee, etc.

During sex with the cuckold the wife should be highly verbal, and frequently raise issues such as her desire for better lovers or men with larger endowment. She should verbalize her expectations for superior experiences with men (or a man) who isn’t shackled by the shortcomings: of her cuckold husband. Done correctly, a wife in this situation will have a cuckold husband eating out of her hand, by providing the stimulation he craves.

Every cuckolding couple is different. No two have the exact same marriage. The wife should take the time to educate herself on the basics of cuckoldry and the options, and then be able to let her imagination run wild as she molds a unique cuckold relationship that best suits her and her cuckold husband.

You can combine cuckold with swinging, bondage, group play, female domination, and dozens of other fetishes. You can have a regular lover, or see different men. You can play alone with your lovers, or have your cuckold with you at all times. You can allow your cuckold to have sex with you every day or just once a month. You can agree to rules and boundaries, or go with none. Many couples particularly enjoy the taboo factor of interracial sex, The Big Black Cock syndrome is rampant in cuckolding! What you choose is up to you and your cuckold husband (although you have more say than he does).

Here are some tips for wives just learning about cuckolding.

1) Learn to take control. This can take time to master, but the more you do it the easier it will become. Eventually it will become very enjoyable and second nature. Women can rule too!

2) Contrary to what you may read, sex with your cuckold is perfectly fine during times when you’re not seeing other men, provided you keep the cuckold theme burning. However, sex with your cuckold should slow down whenever you’re actively seeing other men (or a man). To secure the psychological impact of the husband’s cuckold status, it’s important to establish him as a secondary sexual provider when you're seeing others. When other men are in the picture, they should be the primary source of your sexual satisfaction. Your cuckold’s involvement should occur primarily AFTER your encounters with other men. When having sex with your cuckold hubby after another man, it’s important to be verbal, reminding him that you prefer the other man, because your cuckold doesn't satisfy for whatever reason (small dick, cums to fast, poor lover).

3) Sex with your cuckold husband should be mostly acts other than intercourse, which you should rarely give. You want to establish that you are the source of his pleasure, and you decide when to dispense that pleasure. This includes timing, frequency, sex acts, etc. Intercourse should be reserved as a special treat. handjobs, oral and even making your cuck masturbate, need to be the normal methods of his release. Penetrative sex should be reserved as a reward, or for special occasions. I find it helpful to use different methods at different times, keeping my cuckold wondering and never letting him know what he to expect.

4) Include regular teasing in your daily routine. Use opportunities to drop hints and teases. Use nudity to tease, letting your cuckold husband see you nude often. Technology provides wonderful tools to keep your cuckold excited, including suggestive texts, emails, pictures, videos, online porn, etc. Make it part of your game. Let him know or hear you telling your girlfriends about his poor performance as a lover.

5) Occasionally have your cuckold wear nothing but a shirt or T-shirt around the house. When passing him, GENTLY “flick”, poke or slap his penis, and comment on his small size. Say aloud how you need men with bigger ones or that you'll never be happy with just that. Make it clear to him that it’s inadequate and couldn’t possibly satisfy you. Compare it to your lovers cock. Hold his penis in your hand, giggle and remind him that you prefer men with “real cocks”.

6) If you know you have an upcoming 'date', be sure to tease your cuckold husband with suggestive comments to let him know you're excited, but don't have sex. Remind him that you’re 'saving yourself' for your lover.

7) The day of your date call your cuckold to the bedroom to undress you and help you prepare. He will love this. Remind him constantly of your excitement. If you shave your pussy, before a date have your cuckold do it. Tell him you want it to be smooth for your lover, and so your cuckold can better clean you up after you get home.

8) Have him dry your body after your bathe or shower, perfume you and even paint your toenails. Remind him that it’s all to please your lover.

9) Make him help you pick out the outfit and get dressed. Make sure to select sexy underclothes. Dress in extra revealing clothes than you wouldn’t normally wear for your husband. Consider going without panties, telling him these are the things your lover wants you to wear, and you’re doing it for him!

10) When out on your date remember you are in control. Have fun and enjoy a few special hours with your lover, and your cuckold (if he’s present). The importance of your dates cannot be understated as part of the cuckold relationship. Much of it comes down to the dates themselves. Savor the moment and be prepared to tell every detail later (oh how cucks LOVE the details).

11) If your cuckold is present at dinner when on a date, be sure to sit next to your lover and across the table from your cuckold. Make contact under the table. Run your hand up and down your lover's leg. Venture into his crotch if the covering allows. This will get your cuck’s imagination going.

12) After dinner let your cuckold play chauffer and drive you around a little before going to the motel, or home if that's what your plan is. Sit in the back seat and get to know each other. Allow your hands and lips do the talking. This will drive your cuckold wild, and will also get you and lover hot and horny.

13) When you get to the hotel room or your bedroom, make your cuckold undress you for your lover. Make it clear to everyone that your cuckold is there only to watch how a «real man» makes love to a woman, and also as a cleanup boy.

14) Whenever your cuckold is watching you make love with someone remember to be extremely verbal. Let your cucky know how good a «real cock» feels inside you, how much bigger it is, how much more you like it than his, how much you love being fucked by someone different, and be sure to make it obvious when you get off. Talk about how small and undesirable your cuckold’s small penis is, now that you’re with a man with a «real cock».

15) After you finish, make your cuckold husband go down on you for cleanup. I will leave it to you as to how you go about it (ask or demand but either way he must do it). It’s extremely important to talk to him as he cleans you, telling him how great the sex was, how satisfied you are, how good it feels to be cleaned and that this is his new role as your cuckold. Now, dont forget your lover. An experienced Bull will present his dripping cock to you cuckold for the cleaning of the cocktail of his semen and your juices and it is important that he performs well at this. Other Bull's will not be sure what to do and a gracious cuck will always ask "Sir, would you like me to lick you clean and suck the last of your seed from your awesome cock".

16) If your lover will allow it, have your cuckold take pictures or videos including the cleaning activity. You will be able to use these to get yourself off when you can't have a lover. This really works for us, as I will often go over the pictures or watch a video while my cuckold eats my pussy.

This is very helpful too, thank you. This actually helps explain a bit as to why I came to like this, we’ve kinda been through a little of that in the past. I just might copy/paste that and share it with her just to see how she feels about that.

Still hunting that original page from all those years back but I believe it simply doesn’t exist anymore. What’s being posted here though just may supersede it though!
Dont know about those, but this is from her point of view.
How to cuckold your husband

The cuckold fetish is about anything related to an unfaithful wife. Unfaithful is a controversial term, since the husband is always aware of everything (it's possibly HIS idea). The argument is that the wife is having sex with someone besides her husband. So technically I guess it's cheating but how can it be cheating if my husband is watching?

Cuckold is the fastest growing alternative lifestyle. It differs from other fetishes that are connected to an object and its texture, form, smell, etc. Instead, cuckold is entirely psychological. It's the psychology itself that makes a cuckold, more than the actual cuckolding acts themselves.

Cuckolds derive pleasure from the loss of control, and to some extent the humiliation of the situation. They want their wife to assume a more dominant role, take charge, and engage an Alpha male who then assumes the role of primary bed-mate, giving her higher quality sexual experiences than the cuckold can provide. Those higher quality experiences reinvigorate the wife’s libido, reestablishing her sense of sexual well-being, and often her personal self esteem. The wife of a cuckold is called a Cuckoldress, which has a status similar to a sexual Goddess in the eyes of the cuckold, and he reveres everything about her.

Cuckolding usually includes some humiliation and inadequacy, even if they are only perceived or created. These inadequacies often focus on penis size, erection quality, sexual performance, love-making skills, stamina, premature ejaculation, physical strength and more.

Instead of seeking reassurance for these inadequacies, cuckolds thrive on the reinforcement of their :shortcomings: and drawing stimulation from them. A typical case would be an exceptionally hung man pleasing the wife sexually while she expresses repeatedly to the cuckold how much better it feels than having sex with his “tiny wee wee”, or some similar derogatory description.

Men who enjoy cuckolding are usually highly intelligent and require sexual interaction that involves a higher level of mental and visual stimulation. This can be very rewarding for the wife, since a cuckold oriented husband will do almost anything for a woman who satisfies his urges.

Because of the psychological roots, it’s important that the wife be VERY verbal throughout the cuckolding process. Verbal banter, combined with the resulting mental images and other visual stimulation, creates a psychological porridge on which the cuckold thrives.

Women can find it difficult to tell their husband things which they view as traditionally humiliating, especially on subjects such as a man’s penis size or sexual competence. While these are normally valid concerns about hurting his feelings, it’s important to understand that this is exactly where the cuckold husband finds his turn-ons. Verbalizing these points by the wife will actually make the cuckold a more attentive husband, and motivate him to be a better lover.

Strangely, many couples find that the wife’s lover is often equally endowed as the cuckold, or only slightly larger. Yet, because the mental imagery and role establishment is critical, the couple will often assign a pet name for the cuckold or his penis, such as Mr. Little Cock, Mr. Wee-Wee, etc.

During sex with the cuckold the wife should be highly verbal, and frequently raise issues such as her desire for better lovers or men with larger endowment. She should verbalize her expectations for superior experiences with men (or a man) who isn’t shackled by the shortcomings: of her cuckold husband. Done correctly, a wife in this situation will have a cuckold husband eating out of her hand, by providing the stimulation he craves.

Every cuckolding couple is different. No two have the exact same marriage. The wife should take the time to educate herself on the basics of cuckoldry and the options, and then be able to let her imagination run wild as she molds a unique cuckold relationship that best suits her and her cuckold husband.

You can combine cuckold with swinging, bondage, group play, female domination, and dozens of other fetishes. You can have a regular lover, or see different men. You can play alone with your lovers, or have your cuckold with you at all times. You can allow your cuckold to have sex with you every day or just once a month. You can agree to rules and boundaries, or go with none. Many couples particularly enjoy the taboo factor of interracial sex, The Big Black Cock syndrome is rampant in cuckolding! What you choose is up to you and your cuckold husband (although you have more say than he does).

Here are some tips for wives just learning about cuckolding.

1) Learn to take control. This can take time to master, but the more you do it the easier it will become. Eventually it will become very enjoyable and second nature. Women can rule too!

2) Contrary to what you may read, sex with your cuckold is perfectly fine during times when you’re not seeing other men, provided you keep the cuckold theme burning. However, sex with your cuckold should slow down whenever you’re actively seeing other men (or a man). To secure the psychological impact of the husband’s cuckold status, it’s important to establish him as a secondary sexual provider when you're seeing others. When other men are in the picture, they should be the primary source of your sexual satisfaction. Your cuckold’s involvement should occur primarily AFTER your encounters with other men. When having sex with your cuckold hubby after another man, it’s important to be verbal, reminding him that you prefer the other man, because your cuckold doesn't satisfy for whatever reason (small dick, cums to fast, poor lover).

3) Sex with your cuckold husband should be mostly acts other than intercourse, which you should rarely give. You want to establish that you are the source of his pleasure, and you decide when to dispense that pleasure. This includes timing, frequency, sex acts, etc. Intercourse should be reserved as a special treat. handjobs, oral and even making your cuck masturbate, need to be the normal methods of his release. Penetrative sex should be reserved as a reward, or for special occasions. I find it helpful to use different methods at different times, keeping my cuckold wondering and never letting him know what he to expect.

4) Include regular teasing in your daily routine. Use opportunities to drop hints and teases. Use nudity to tease, letting your cuckold husband see you nude often. Technology provides wonderful tools to keep your cuckold excited, including suggestive texts, emails, pictures, videos, online porn, etc. Make it part of your game. Let him know or hear you telling your girlfriends about his poor performance as a lover.

5) Occasionally have your cuckold wear nothing but a shirt or T-shirt around the house. When passing him, GENTLY “flick”, poke or slap his penis, and comment on his small size. Say aloud how you need men with bigger ones or that you'll never be happy with just that. Make it clear to him that it’s inadequate and couldn’t possibly satisfy you. Compare it to your lovers cock. Hold his penis in your hand, giggle and remind him that you prefer men with “real cocks”.

6) If you know you have an upcoming 'date', be sure to tease your cuckold husband with suggestive comments to let him know you're excited, but don't have sex. Remind him that you’re 'saving yourself' for your lover.

7) The day of your date call your cuckold to the bedroom to undress you and help you prepare. He will love this. Remind him constantly of your excitement. If you shave your pussy, before a date have your cuckold do it. Tell him you want it to be smooth for your lover, and so your cuckold can better clean you up after you get home.

8) Have him dry your body after your bathe or shower, perfume you and even paint your toenails. Remind him that it’s all to please your lover.

9) Make him help you pick out the outfit and get dressed. Make sure to select sexy underclothes. Dress in extra revealing clothes than you wouldn’t normally wear for your husband. Consider going without panties, telling him these are the things your lover wants you to wear, and you’re doing it for him!

10) When out on your date remember you are in control. Have fun and enjoy a few special hours with your lover, and your cuckold (if he’s present). The importance of your dates cannot be understated as part of the cuckold relationship. Much of it comes down to the dates themselves. Savor the moment and be prepared to tell every detail later (oh how cucks LOVE the details).

11) If your cuckold is present at dinner when on a date, be sure to sit next to your lover and across the table from your cuckold. Make contact under the table. Run your hand up and down your lover's leg. Venture into his crotch if the covering allows. This will get your cuck’s imagination going.

12) After dinner let your cuckold play chauffer and drive you around a little before going to the motel, or home if that's what your plan is. Sit in the back seat and get to know each other. Allow your hands and lips do the talking. This will drive your cuckold wild, and will also get you and lover hot and horny.

13) When you get to the hotel room or your bedroom, make your cuckold undress you for your lover. Make it clear to everyone that your cuckold is there only to watch how a «real man» makes love to a woman, and also as a cleanup boy.

14) Whenever your cuckold is watching you make love with someone remember to be extremely verbal. Let your cucky know how good a «real cock» feels inside you, how much bigger it is, how much more you like it than his, how much you love being fucked by someone different, and be sure to make it obvious when you get off. Talk about how small and undesirable your cuckold’s small penis is, now that you’re with a man with a «real cock».

15) After you finish, make your cuckold husband go down on you for cleanup. I will leave it to you as to how you go about it (ask or demand but either way he must do it). It’s extremely important to talk to him as he cleans you, telling him how great the sex was, how satisfied you are, how good it feels to be cleaned and that this is his new role as your cuckold. Now, dont forget your lover. An experienced Bull will present his dripping cock to you cuckold for the cleaning of the cocktail of his semen and your juices and it is important that he performs well at this. Other Bull's will not be sure what to do and a gracious cuck will always ask "Sir, would you like me to lick you clean and suck the last of your seed from your awesome cock".

16) If your lover will allow it, have your cuckold take pictures or videos including the cleaning activity. You will be able to use these to get yourself off when you can't have a lover. This really works for us, as I will often go over the pictures or watch a video while my cuckold eats my pussy.

i wish i read this 40 years ago.
I t

I think it covers the important issues. and priorities. If I find more I will post it. What areas are you particularly interested getting more info about.
That’s the thing, I don’t know. Like I said, many years ago she sent a link to this website that had 12 or 16 or 19, I can’t remember the exact total, of “rules” for a good husband. Thinking back on what little I can remember, I’d say they were somewhat cuck rules. I believe it really said something about a female lead relationship or something along those lines.

It was mostly about a husband supporting his wife at having a boyfriend, her controlling him and of course him reclaiming her if she wanted. It wasn’t laid out directly as cuck but it seems like it now since I’ve found out what it was.

I hoped to find them to share with her and see if any of them she still liked. I’m not shooting for the cuck lifestyle in its fullest, more the sharing thing with just one person. She’s not gonna be into having multiple partners IF it’s even possible to get her interested in just one.
If you make your own rules you will get exactly what you want
I agree. But I wanted to find those so I could show them to her and say “hey, remember these? Which of them do you still like, if any”. An ice breaker I guess, a reason to bring up that conversation from long ago and see where it takes me with her. Sure, there’s other ways to go about that and achieve the same goal. But my wife is like an attorney, you have to present facts and proof, otherwise, your “proof” is invalid and falsified.
Is there any blogs/pages or whatever that tell the positives to having a cuck style relationship? Like one you could link your spouse to so she could read and hopefully get interested?
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About 10-12 years ago, my wife sent a link to me about "rules for a good submissive husband" or something like that, there was about 11 or 15 or 18 rules. I've looked high nd low, googled until my eyes hurt and I can't find them. I vaguely remember what some of them said but I know I'd know the site/rules when I saw it. A few were "a good husband helps his wife prepare for her dates", "a good husband will clean his wife after her dates if she so wishes", stuff like that.

They weren't over-the-top rules, nothing too crazy. I remember asking her which ones she liked, she listed the by number (they were numbered) and she asked which ones I liked, we both had several that we agreed upon.

SO... does anyone here remember seeing that or know where they are? The laptop that that email was on is long gone, lost forever. It wasn't really a site about cucking or hotwifing (not that I remember anyway) but it was more about a submissive husband/female lead relationship. Or so I think anyway. I'm hoping to find it and send it to her again, see where she's at today on most of them - good conversation starter I guess.
I have never seen a list but here is what my hotwife and I do Not only us but some of this comes from.other hotwifes and there hubbies we have meet over the years

Chasity a day or two before her dates up to when she comes home

Take her shopping for secy clothes sometimes just her and I or with the stud included and in some cases let the sales person know its for her boyfriend NOT ME and you must pay for everything.

Help her get get ready including shaving her pussy .lotion etc Sometimes pick.out whatvyoubwant her to fer Fucked in .. Dress her stockings, Corset, lace up her boots, put her jewelry on her .

Give her money for her evening/ weekend. Make reservations and pay for dinner and hotel.

Complement her on how beautiful she is and that you hope that she has a great evening and thst she gets the the sexual fullfillment that she wants and deserves.

Tell her that there is no restrictions on her actions and that you fully support her decision to allow her dates to cum how ever and where tge two.of them agree as well as she is allowed toet him cum inside her.

Tell her that you will gladly sloppy secomds if she so desires to let you have sex with het after another man's cum is inside her.

The most importeant thing is to let her know that you totally suppport her sexually activity outside of her marriage to you .

We also have one major rule that others havr told us as well That is you NEVER EVER SEXUALLY TOUCH OR KISS at these times gettimg her rrsfy to go.out or when she gets ready to leave umless she gives you permission.

Its important for you to know tgst her body is iff limits to you on her date nights
Her body is strictly for her date and that she is going out to get the SEXUAL PLEASURE SHE DESERVES and you .
She needs to know that you fully support another man giving her an evening of TOTAL SEXUAL PLEASURE WITHOUT QUESTION

I know this was long feel free to ask us anything her or Pm. BOB