Anyone here turned on by fucking very young men?

We are in our 60s and while Lynn will fuck men of any age if they take her fancy, she really loves younger men. Guys in their 30s are her favourite as she says they have the right combination of youth and experience but she has had a lot younger too. Her youngest while we've been married was 19.
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My wife is 27. Only does guys over 40.
Yes at that age I preferred older guys too but as I got older myself I came to appreciate younger guys for several reasons, their stamina and ability to get hard again quickly, the rock hard cocks that younger guys have and I have to admit it also gives my ego a boost when I get much younger men coming on to me so I suppose it keeps me feeling younger myself lol.
Lynn xx
When my wife was 25 she was in a restaurant with her boyfriend at the time, dressed to the nines, short skirt, heels etc. Somehow she got flirting with this 16 year old boy who was with his family and ended up fucking him in a toilet cubicle with no protection. I don’t know why but I found this story really arousing as she clearly just didn’t care about the consequences. He was handsome, she wanted to have sex with him and she was just totally ruthless about making it happen. She said he didn’t really know what he was doing but it was all worth it because of the amount of semen. Her boyfriend unwittingly got warm, sloppy seconds.

that young lad will be wanking over her for the rest of his life and comparing every woman he is with to my wife.
Since I last posted on this topic, mine has played with a younger guy once. He is 36. She saw how thick his cock was and had to have it. She enjoyed it. He isnn't like a kid in a candy store either. She enjoys his thick cock regularly now but has no interest in seeing anyone else under 40. She found her one "boy toy". Plus he has an amazingly well manicured beard she loves. We call him Epic Beard
Good for her - she tried something outside of her normal preferences and is enjoying it. I think we all need a little bit of flexibility in this lifestyle or we can end up just repeating the same sort of experience over and over. And that might be great - so nothing wrong with that - but it might mean we are missing out on other things that might be fun too.
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One afternoon, the doorbell to our condo rang. I opened the door and saw a young man, no more than 20 years-old. I pointed out that we had a "No Solicitors" sign. He pointed out that he wasn't selling anything, we were. I was confused and, after few minutes, we realized that he had written down the wrong unit number, as we were not renting out one of our bedrooms. I could not imagine who was. I didn't want him to have made the trip for nothing, so I showed him our condo, which was identical to all the other two-bedroom condos there. He was a nice guy, a college student, and appreciative of our efforts. After he left, I told my wife that perhaps we should rent out a bedroom, as he seemed such a nice fellow. That was it, but it wasn't, as he came up later that night.

We were naked, in bed, horny, and both of us were ready for some release. While I teased her by licking her inner thighs and breathing warm breath on her pubic mound, but not touching her labia or clit, I mentioned the young guy. I disclosed to her that she should imagine that he lived in our spare bedroom and that his ear was against the wall, listening for us to make noisy sex. She responded instantly by tightening her leg muscles, so I continued. I told her that she felt so comfortable around him that she wore her usual skimpy outfits all the time, even in front of him, her T-shirts without a bra underneath, her see-through nightgowns, her short, silk, Japanese Kimono. And he felt so comfortable around us that he shamelessly eyed her legs and naked feet and peered through the transparent fabric to her otherwise naked body underneath. Upon hearing all this, her breathing had become shallow and loud.

I went on to say, between small flicks of my tongue up and down her moistening slit, that she and he had gotten so used to each other that she and he both went about the condo naked on hot summer days, that we had taken to not shutting our bedroom door when we made love and that he often paused at our doorway to watch us fuck, that she and he made an agreement that if either felt the need for sexual relief, the other would provide it. She was enjoying this fantasy, so I went on to say that he liked to fuck her in morning, before he left for school; she preferred to fuck him at night, before I fucked her. Thus, they fucked at least twice a day. She became sexually supercharged by my fantasy talk and soon was begging me to fuck her. While fucking her slowly, I continued with the fantasy until she could not hold back her orgasm any longer. He became a regular in our fantasies.
My wife has had a few lovers who were significantly younger than her, like 25+ years. She loves it, it turns her on tremendously, but she feels shame or concern that she is a "pervert" or that they (or others) will think she is an "old frog" or "grandma". She looks easily 15 years younger than her age, and regardless of her age is crazy beautiful. But has long been excessively worried about aging and feeling like she looks old. She obsesses over every little wrinkle or hint of cellulite. Guys love her. She can't go anywhere without turning heads, and if I'm not with her in a social situation, men hit on her relentlessly and unabashedly.

I know she loves it all, and that she really loves being hit on by younger men and that she wants to fuck them. But she worries like this. Also, she fears rejection. That they will start off hot and then come to realize she is "old" and run from her. Hasn't happened. Although she contributes to her own issues in the way she wants her liaisons to be real love stories, and for her connections to be sustained.

I've tried to help her manage this last bit, explaining that just because a young man wants her sexually but doesn't want to commit to an LTR with her, that does not mean he thinks she is old or that he doesn't want her. It's just how guys are wired, for the most part. Her lovers have been men who have wives or girlfriends, which she knew going in, but still she was jealous of the "other woman" and took it hard when they didn't pursue her for a relationship after the first few fucks.

She met one guy while she was away for an extended period of time. He was 27 years younger than her and she was ashamed about this, but he was hot and fit, so she didn't let that stop her. While they were walking together, hand in hand, they encountered some young women who were friends of his, and she was embarrassed, thinking they would laugh at her or that he would be ashamed. She was surprised that he was not only not ashamed, but made a great show of demonstrating that they were "together" in front of these girls. Holding her even more and making it clear that they were connected romantically. Nonetheless, she continued to feel that she was an old frog next to him and that he would not want her. She was confused and hurt when he went home to spend a weekend with his long-time girlfriend. Not understanding, despite the fact that she herself is happily married and had not concealed this information from her lover, or suggested to him that she was interested in leaving me to be with him.

The strange, convoluted mind of a woman! lol
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my wife Elena is 53 years old and from the age of 24 we play and have fun with men and especially guys under 26. Elena loves young guys, even today she gets fucked almost every week by two guys under 27 who are fit and with a cock very beautifull. she claims that a young stud is more fulfilling than a mature man, more resistant and tougher and above all he has a lot of sperm that she loves everywhere
Well I can't disagree with her there and she does look hot playing with a younger guy in those pics xx
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My wife has had a few lovers who were significantly younger than her, like 25+ years. She loves it, it turns her on tremendously, but she feels shame or concern that she is a "pervert" or that they (or others) will think she is an "old frog" or "grandma". She looks easily 15 years younger than her age, and regardless of her age is crazy beautiful. But has long been excessively worried about aging and feeling like she looks old. She obsesses over every little wrinkle or hint of cellulite. Guys love her. She can't go anywhere without turning heads, and if I'm not with her in a social situation, men hit on her relentlessly and unabashedly.

I know she loves it all, and that she really loves being hit on by younger men and that she wants to fuck them. But she worries like this. Also, she fears rejection. That they will start off hot and then come to realize she is "old" and run from her. Hasn't happened. Although she contributes to her own issues in the way she wants her liaisons to be real love stories, and for her connections to be sustained.

I've tried to help her manage this last bit, explaining that just because a young man wants her sexually but doesn't want to commit to an LTR with her, that does not mean he thinks she is old or that he doesn't want her. It's just how guys are wired, for the most part. Her lovers have been men who have wives or girlfriends, which she knew going in, but still she was jealous of the "other woman" and took it hard when they didn't pursue her for a relationship after the first few fucks.

She met one guy while she was away for an extended period of time. He was 27 years younger than her and she was ashamed about this, but he was hot and fit, so she didn't let that stop her. While they were walking together, hand in hand, they encountered some young women who were friends of his, and she was embarrassed, thinking they would laugh at her or that he would be ashamed. She was surprised that he was not only not ashamed, but made a great show of demonstrating that they were "together" in front of these girls. Holding her even more and making it clear that they were connected romantically. Nonetheless, she continued to feel that she was an old frog next to him and that he would not want her. She was confused and hurt when he went home to spend a weekend with his long-time girlfriend. Not understanding, despite the fact that she herself is happily married and had not concealed this information from her lover, or suggested to him that she was interested in leaving me to be with him.

The strange, convoluted mind of a woman! lol
You don't say how old your wife is so it's rather hard to comment. I've played with a lot of guys where there's been a much bigger age gap than 25 years. Though to be honest for the most part I've not really been looking for a deep emotional connection with them, just a good fucking.
It sounds like your wife needs more than that and that is the thing that is causing her anxiety. It doesn't mean that the younger guys don't find her attractive or they wouldn't be with her in the first place. It's just that they aren't looking for a deep and meaningful relationship with someone much older who is already in a significant relationship.
I know some women do struggle to separate sex and feelings/love but that wouldn't necessarily be different no matter what the age of the guys.
I think she just needs to try to see this from a different angle. She's clearly hot enough to be able to pull much younger guys, who are very enthusiastic about wanting her sexually. That should give her the affirmation she wants. They could be chasing girls their own age but it's her they want to fuck!
She's clearly hot enough to be able to pull much younger guys, who are very enthusiastic about wanting her sexually. That should give her the affirmation she wants. They could be chasing girls their own age but it's her they want to fuck!
You would think so. And sometimes she sees that, but it fades pretty quickly. I will run it all down to her logically, how she is clearly hot and interesting to men of all ages. When she's in the throes of developing a connection with one, she becomes insecure about it, and I will point out all the things she's told me about what he has said and done, and she has to admit that he really does want her. But then she loses it again. I get that actually. Most of us are insecure to one degree or another. She's 50.
You would think so. And sometimes she sees that, but it fades pretty quickly. I will run it all down to her logically, how she is clearly hot and interesting to men of all ages. When she's in the throes of developing a connection with one, she becomes insecure about it, and I will point out all the things she's told me about what he has said and done, and she has to admit that he really does want her. But then she loses it again. I get that actually. Most of us are insecure to one degree or another. She's 50.
She's not that old at all then. And it's a well known fact that a lot of women reach their sexual prime later than men esp. once they've got raising a family out of the way.
It's true that many of us have insecurities about our body image from time to time esp. as we get older - it's all down to the media pushing unrealistic models of what the perfect body should look like!
I'm now 64 and the fact that I can still pull much younger guys gives my ego a huge boost and the fact that maybe they just want to fuck me and nothing more is fine by me.
But I get that everyone is different and some women feel the need to develop more of a connection with a sexual partner. That's true for me too when playing with a regular bull but not with guys I'm just having casual sex with.
I'm just sorry to hear that it's a cause of insecurity and anxiety for your wife when younger guys are just looking for casual sex - but they wouldn't be doing that if they didn't think she was hot in the first place. I just hope she's able to get past that and just enjoy the sex for what it is.
At 50 she's got lots of years ahead of her as a hotwife - I'm always surprised (in a good way) at just how many guys get off on fucking a more mature woman so I do wish you both all the best as you continue in this lifestyle xx
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