One of the more difficult and complicated situations I found myself in, was that of cock-blocking KK from fucking a young man she was enamored with.
This was probably four, maybe five years after we started doing the hot wife thing. KK is a jogger. During one morning’s outing, KK encountered a young man during her morning routine.
Long story short, he was part of a family that had moved into the neighborhood during the winter break period. KK was definitely attracted to him, and he was definitely attracted to her.
Over the course of the spring, KK hired the young man to do odd jobs; gardening, etc. The two of us discussed it, it was clear that she was hell-bent on fucking him.
I had various, obvious concerns. KK teased the young man relentlessly, with the thought that consent, in the form of making a move, it being his idea was justification.
Given my concerns, I actively obstructed her efforts at every turn. I successfully managed to check her lust until his birthday, then gracefully stepped out of the way. He had an interesting, and instructive summer before heading off to university, to say the least.
This was probably four, maybe five years after we started doing the hot wife thing. KK is a jogger. During one morning’s outing, KK encountered a young man during her morning routine.
Long story short, he was part of a family that had moved into the neighborhood during the winter break period. KK was definitely attracted to him, and he was definitely attracted to her.
Over the course of the spring, KK hired the young man to do odd jobs; gardening, etc. The two of us discussed it, it was clear that she was hell-bent on fucking him.
I had various, obvious concerns. KK teased the young man relentlessly, with the thought that consent, in the form of making a move, it being his idea was justification.
Given my concerns, I actively obstructed her efforts at every turn. I successfully managed to check her lust until his birthday, then gracefully stepped out of the way. He had an interesting, and instructive summer before heading off to university, to say the least.