An online game of Truth or Dare with a group of Lifestyle players in a group at a swinger club we belong to found my wife dared to be a young guy's "SuckSlave" from 5 PM on a Friday until 5 AM Monday.
We could not guarantee our house would be family free for the length of the dare, so we chose to take our RV to a nearby campground to fill the dare terms. I pulled the camper to the site and set it up on Friday. My wife met me at the camper around 2:30 Friday afternoon after getting her nails done and going in to get her legs waxed.
The guy arrived around 4 that afternoon, and so we began early. To complete the dare, I had to take pictures regularly and post them to the club's private game group page. The full terms of the dare were as listed, copied from the group dares page. I actually set up an older Android Pixel 6 XL connected to the clubs' ... host and live-streamed the entire duration to our group page.

You can click the thumbnail to enlarge the web page screenshot if you are interested in the details of the dare.
We could not guarantee our house would be family free for the length of the dare, so we chose to take our RV to a nearby campground to fill the dare terms. I pulled the camper to the site and set it up on Friday. My wife met me at the camper around 2:30 Friday afternoon after getting her nails done and going in to get her legs waxed.
The guy arrived around 4 that afternoon, and so we began early. To complete the dare, I had to take pictures regularly and post them to the club's private game group page. The full terms of the dare were as listed, copied from the group dares page. I actually set up an older Android Pixel 6 XL connected to the clubs' ... host and live-streamed the entire duration to our group page.

You can click the thumbnail to enlarge the web page screenshot if you are interested in the details of the dare.