Any pics of your wife giving a handjob or blowjob?

An online game of Truth or Dare with a group of Lifestyle players in a group at a swinger club we belong to found my wife dared to be a young guy's "SuckSlave" from 5 PM on a Friday until 5 AM Monday.

We could not guarantee our house would be family free for the length of the dare, so we chose to take our RV to a nearby campground to fill the dare terms. I pulled the camper to the site and set it up on Friday. My wife met me at the camper around 2:30 Friday afternoon after getting her nails done and going in to get her legs waxed.

The guy arrived around 4 that afternoon, and so we began early. To complete the dare, I had to take pictures regularly and post them to the club's private game group page. The full terms of the dare were as listed, copied from the group dares page. I actually set up an older Android Pixel 6 XL connected to the clubs' ... host and live-streamed the entire duration to our group page.

web dare detail.png

You can click the thumbnail to enlarge the web page screenshot if you are interested in the details of the dare.
I came across an older candid image of my wife. The picture is not of any quality and was taken with an original iPhone in dark conditions. in 2008. The backstory to this image is what makes this most appealing.

At the time, a neighbor lived on the street behind us in a subdivision outside Indianapolis, IN. We could often hear the couple in arguments and hear doors slamming. The guy was always very nice around the neighborhood and never complained. He would come to community events alone and always made an excuse for his wife's absence.

One evening we heard a fight from our house and then saw the guy leave. Anyone within earshot knew she had just kicked him out at 10:30 that night. The poor guy was in his boxers and a t-shirt without shoes. I felt bad and offered him to stay with us and told him things would be better in the morning. He was tearful and finally opened up about his 13-year marriage. His wife controlled all their money and had not had sex with him in over ten years. Gary had an excellent job, but he had nothing. His wife had kicked him out in his underwear without keys, clothes, shoes, socks, his car, or anything.

My wife was already naked for bed and had slipped her robe on when I brought Gary inside. She sat and talked with him and comforted him for hours that night. My wife said to him, "So you really have not had sex or even got a blowjob in over ten years?" Gary replied, telling my wife he had to wear a condom when they first got married, and about a year later, she told him she no longer wanted anything from him sexually. She had never given him a blowjob; he was a virgin when they met, and she was the only woman he was ever with. His not getting a blowjob seemed to strike my wife harder than Gary's being kicked out in the middle of the night in his underwear with nowhere to go.

I went in to ...... and got up around 4:30 with my wife, still not in bed. I walked into the living room, and my wife was kneeling on the floor, still in her robe, sucking Gary's dick.

Wow he was a lucky guy wish it was me

I think she surprised all of us with her offer. There were about four of us guys still in the room and one lady and we all just watched as she sucked his cock and swallowed his load. Afterward, she sat up next to him with a huge smile on her face as he recovered and enjoyed a glass of wine. He told her she had been a naughty little elf and she asked him what he was going to do about it.

He pulled her outfit off her and then put her over his knee and smacked her ass good before bending her over and fucking her right over our couch.