For a fast and easy glory hole, using an adjustable curtain or shower pole and a sheet with an appropriately placed hole, can instantly turn any doorway into a glory hole. It’s portable, can be reused and, perhaps most importantly, can be washed at any time. This works really well for people who live in condos or apartments, especially with hallways at their entrance.
If you want to commit to your personal glory hole in a more permanent way, there are certain prior considerations to be made. If you are planning on having unknown visitors on a regular basis, your primary concern should be security. If the purpose of your own private glory hole is to indulge whilst maintaining privacy then you need to consider where participants will be coming to. Not all homes were created equal in the world of glory holes. It’s probably best not to have one that you can’t take down in the middle of your living space. A garage door or somewhere you can get away from is perfect and it may be worth considering making sure it can’t be broken through from the other side. Adding a couple of bolts to your side would provide you ample time to get away if things should turn ugly.
Once you have your location decided, down to the practical bits. Find a piece of plywood and cut it to the exact dimensions of the door. The hole should be big enough for a cock and balls to fit through allowing a little extra for those more well endowed visitors. An elongated hole stretching vertically will allow for height differences and most importantly, make sure there are absolutely splinters. The last thing anyone wants while getting their glory hole service is to be splintered in the crown jewels. Sand that bad boy down, and remember, duct tape does a lot to ensure no accidents occur during your glory session.
Once your glory hole is up and running the only thing left to do is get online, get it out there, and start reaping the benefits of your very own personal glory hole.