An overseas adventure

Ok, so things took an unexpected turn on our vacation last week. While riding the rail from Bath to Cambridge, my wife Jen and I started chatting with a young man next to us.

A man of twenty two (we’ll call him Geoff), he was traveling to meet up with some friends. We learned that he’d grown up in Cornwall. He spoke elegantly, and i could tell his accent really turned Jen on.

Our boys continued to play with their trucks as my wife and I continued to converse with Geoff. His girlfriend from Jamaica (where his parents were also from) had recent left him. My wife, ever so emphatic, started rubbing his arm affectionately.

We had made a vow years ago that if one of us felt an unrelenting physical attraction to another person, we’d possibly grant a hall pass.

We agreed to meet for drinks at our hotel that night (his friends were coming in late). I told Jen I’d take the boys out for the evening and allow her to let nature take its course.

Jen, the boys and I stood outside the hotel bar. My heart beat incredibly fast when I saw Geoff come off the elevator. I told him that I had to bow out for the evening, but Jen would be joining him. I shook his hand (which I imagined would soon be massaging Jen’s clit), had the boys say “goodbye to mommy,” and promptly left.

During dinner all I could think about was Geoff pleasuring Jen. His sweat glistening off his body and unto hers. Her thick thighs wrapping around him. My erection was pulsating.

The boys and I arrived back two hours later. We caught Geoff in the lobby (he seemed so standoffish and embarrassed). We went upstairs and Jen told the boys their bed time stories and kissed them goodnight.

When she came into our adjoining room I pounced on her for details. Geoff wasn’t a great lover, but the ridges on his cock hit her in different spots than I usually do.

We made love twice that night. We later joked that we may be soon raising a third ......, Geoff’s offspring (it’s impossible for that to happen for many reasons we won’t go into).

Needless to say, this was the most interesting, sexy vacation two stressed out parents have had in a while.