So much to unpack here so pardon me if I'm being too blunt.
Your husband is a jerk. If he won't listen to you, won't see things through your eyes, he's a jerk plain and simple. As others here have said, there are so many guys that would worship and adore you for doing this, and he wants to criticize, condemn and complain?
Stop what you're doing, okay don't stop fucking other guys if you still want to, but stop sharing everything with him. Tell him you'd gladly do this but only after you've both been to a few kink friendly counseling sessions. Someone has to make him see that he is being selfish and controlling and that you've been a saint for putting up with him. Meanwhile, go ahead and have some fun with guys that can make you enjoy sex and their company.
You don't say what your marriage status is. (Kids, investments, jobs, friends) but maybe it's you that needs to grow a pair. (Did I say blunt) Maybe you need to tell him that you're leaving him or considering it and want nothing to do with him anymore. A little separation may be just the thing he needs to get his head right and to make him realize that he is hurting you and your relationship.