Age difference

¿Qué tan joven era la hotwife más joven que tuviste cuando era toro? ¿O cuántos años tenía tu toro más viejo? ¿Cómo ocurrió eso? ¿La diferencia de edad te excita?

Sólo me interesan mujeres jóvenes y hombres mayores.
Mi mujer tenía 18 años cuando empezamos y yo 41 ya juntos por 11 Años y somos una pareja swinger bisexual los dos soy negro dotado
My current "record" was 39 for me and 52 for her (the best sex of my life).
If all goes well, in the foreseeable future it will be a 63-year-old that I am currently getting to know. She has a lot of wit. I'm curious to see if the experience can be increased.
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I am 13 years older than my wife. Lucky for me, she likes older men. When I was 43 and she was 30, she fucked a man in his 50's and loved it. She has had several men that have ranged 15-20 years older than her.
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