I have heard this argument many times before. Always from people who don't understand the lifestyle. I always feel compelled to explain or at least help make the nay-sayers realize that there is a wide spectrum of lifestyles and relationships. A lot of these lifestyles depart greatly from what we think of as normal or 'vanilla'. My wife and I happen to be on the far end of this spectrum. But remember one thing, we are consensual. This is not ....... I am a submissive person and my wife is dominant. She enjoys cuckolding me and humiliating me and I enjoy this treatment. She has no respect for me as a man or a lover and I don't blame her but she does respect me as a person. She cares about my wellbeing and health. To use your words, yes I am a pathetic shadow of a husband but this is why she cuckolds me. Many others on this forum but not all have similar circumstances. It's not about trust or betrayal or cheating. She is head of the household and makes the decisions for both of us. My place is to obey her and follow the rules she set down for me as per my marriage vows to her. That doesn't make me a "poor sucker". I am too small in the manhood department to penetrate her, I have a micro penis so she cuckolds me. That doesn't make her a "cheating whore". Because of her strong dominant personality it gets her off sexually to be with her lover in front of me and rub it in my face. She loves to show me what I'm missing and will never get so she keeps me in a chastity cage. This amuses and pleases her and as an extreme submissive I get off on this as well. But she doesn't allow me out of my cage so I live in a frustrated state sexual denial. This further drives me to be her 'good boy' and do everything I'm told in hope of being allowed a short release from chastity so I can masturbate. This is a privilege she grants me. As her submissive husband I am grateful for this privilege. You mentioned that "no normal loving wife would do things like this" and most end up separated or divorced. Well we have been married for 20+ yrs. and never a fight. We get along perfectly because because out roles fit perfectly. There is no uncertainty over where my place is or where her place is. If I forget my vows then I get punished and later apologize. It's as simple as that. I'm reminded, sometimes very sternly, who is in charge. But I never considered leaving her. True I may not have a backbone or the balls to stand up to her but this is the the very essence of what it means to be submissive. I've seen several so called 'normal' marriages break up after just a few years, one of them after only two months. I've seen bitter divorces and unhappy relationships all because both partners want the upper hand even though they strive for the coveted 50/50 holy grail perfect marriage. Guess what, it doesn't exist. I've seen many nights ruined because a couple fight over whatever. She says he has had enough to drink or he gets upset because she is flirting with some guy. With us, she does what she wants and I do what she wants. No argument's. And we are both happy. I would never say no.