People like to think in absolutes but rarely is anything in life black and white (I mean, even black and white cocks are shades of pink and brown lol)...
If there is a god, I have a really have a hard time believing they give any fucks about what kind of sex people engage in, so long as its all consensual and no one is being hurt. I mean, what's more important, following some arbitrary rules made up by men or being a good person who is kind to others.
And reality is - at no point did anyone's god actually come down and write a book, nor have they appeared anytime in recent history to give society a refresher on their laws / live-stream about it, write a fucking blog... Somehow, we're to believe all powerful god had no better plan to distribute critically important laws other than to tell one dude about it, in one part of the world, and hope word got around over hundreds of years. Jesus didn't write a single page of the Bible - its all stories about his life and times, alleged quotes and other random other stuff, written by a various men years, sometimes hundreds of years later.
Likewise, the definitions in dictionaries are just a collective understanding of what people currently agree a word to mean based on common usage, which can and has changed over time, causing definitions to be updated. So I mean, really, its all ...... people made up, some of it quite a long time ago, and you should only apply it to your life as you think is reasonable.
On the other hand, if you are worried about how other people / society at large may perceive your actions, than yeah, you may want to concern yourself with how they define the relevant actions and, notably, how it may be interpreted in your local laws.
If it makes you feel any better - oral sex is also a sin (a form of sodomy) and was / still is actually still illegal in some states even though those laws are no longer enforced. Wait, maybe that won't make you feel better...