A Message For My Husband

I loved it! It especially works for so many of us that have wives that know we want to share them. They know we have the fantasy yet they have always been in the "never gonna happen" camp. As much as we've "talked" about it during sex this scenario would be believable, especially to me.
Hi my love. I see you on your computer, so hard at work getting all of your business documents and work estimates lined up. You are so diligent in your work and I love you so much and appreciate all that you do for our family. It makes my heart burst with pride and I so want to just grab you and kiss you right now.

But...you're working. I know that you've never gotten mad at me when I've interrupted you while working, but I know when I see that certain 'hard at work' look on your face to give you space.

Like right this moment. Alternating between looking at the screen, thinking, and then typing. Babe, I wanna go and hug you and kiss you, but I am busy myself. I'm looking at some hotwife website that I found. I'd never heard of the term 'hotwife' until I stumbled on this site. The idea intrigued me.

Oh...I forgot to mention. I learned about this site from...ummm...YOU.


Let me tell you how I found out. As you know, our bedroom and home office are a hallway apart, with a clear view of one room from the other. Late one evening, you had dozed off in front of the computer. I was going to ask you to come to bed, but instead I went to grab a blanket for you. As I entered our home office to cover you with a blanket (you look so cuute snuggled up with a blanky!), I turned to look at your screen and I saw some porn pics. Guys and girls having sex. Not surprising and not a shock since we both enjoy watching couples porn and of course my favorite, romantic comedies. You know what I call rom-coms...panty wetters. Anyways, I laughed to myself and wished you were awake so that I could give you a relaxing blowjob to ease your work stress, or should I say porn stress...just the way you like it. You know how I twist my hands on the shaft while the tip is in my mouth? And my tongue twirling in circles as I taste your delicious cock? And then I slide my mouth all the way down your cock? Mmm yes, just like that...

Anyhow, as you were covered up I turned to exit the room but then stopped. I leaned over the desk and took hold of the mouse, then scrolled up. The website said 'hotwife' in big bold letters at the top. And...there were stories to go with the pics! I was curious, to say the least. I memorized the website and went back to our bedroom and typed it into my phone. And so I read. And read. And babe, I...I...mmm...it got me hot. My kitty was wet as I read about a man sharing his wife with other men, and the first question in my mind was, 'Who?' Meaning, who could I, or we, possibly find?

The answer wasn't hard, at least for me. You see, babe, there's this guy at work who has been flirting with me for a few months now. At first I questioned if he was flirting. You know...subtle hints, some double talk, mixed with a feigned 'innocent' look. I've ignored it, but now...knowing that you like this...hmm...and he is really cute. And about 3 years younger than us. He is muscled like you. And...he has tattoos, unlike you. You know how much I loooove tattoos and I've asked you to get one for so long...mmm and he looks so good in his slacks. Sometimes I try to take a discreet look at his crotch and look for a bulge, and I have seen it sometimes in his tighter slacks and it gets me going because his bulge his H-U-G-E and I want that cock in me and mmm...umm...okay...his name is David. I've mentioned him a few times. I hope you're not mad. I don't think you are tbh since this looks like a turn-on for you. I've asked him for help more than usual over the past few months...just wanting to have him near as he leans over my computer and tries to figure out a problem that I'm having. Mmm..his cologne smells so good, so masculine and clean... it gets me sooo fuckinnnngg wettt when he walks by and his scent lingers in the air...I swear I want him to bend me over my desk and fuck me on the spot!


I wrestled with the idea in my head. It went against what marriage stands for: devotion to each other and only each other. But...he is so cute...and he has a really great smile. Ohh and his voice...so deep, just hearing it, such a deep baritone. It makes my stomach flutter just to think of hearing it but...

Anyways, I started flirting back. You asked why I started dressing more sexy for work? Now you know. You know that red, tight dress that you love? You can see the outline of my panties it's so tight. He loves it too and said it indirectly lol. I make sure to wear a thong with that dress so that I can feed his imagination. I love knowing that he's looking at my ass when I have back turned to him, and babe, fuck...it's hard to hold in those naughty feelings sometimes! I need to finger my pussy now! Anyways, I'm rambling. I was in his office once as he was showing me something on his computer. I made sure to lean in, my breast pressing against his back. It was sooo electric! Confession babe: I had to go the restroom and rub my kitty I was soo hott! Makes me feel a bit guilty but I'm sure you'll enjoy reading these words...

I'm looking at you now. So cute! Hard at work! Umm...no you are not. That 'husband' that you're chatting with right now? About all the naughty things you'd like to do with your wife and another man? Babe...that's me! Prove it, you say? Babe...you want a dick in my pussy and one in my mouth? You are so naughty! You want to see guys cumming all over me? Oh my...babe! That would be messy!! But oh so hot and I'm so wet right now. In fact, I'm rubbing my pussy as I look at you...


Now that I know about your secret, I should let you in on mine. Babe...I met a guy on this hotwife site, and he said all the right things. It started out with chatting, then the chat got a bit, ummm....naughty, then we exchanged pics. He sent me pics of himself (very nice body!) and omg he has such a long and thick dick! Don't get mad, but I showed him a few pussy and ass pics but I told him he couldn't see my face until we met in person. Babe...he begged for a face pic after seeing my pussy and ass! You know how I keep my kitty nice and trimmed? Mmm yes, he loved that. And my big round ass...what's not to love?? And..he has been begging to get together. I held off and kept telling him no.

But...he can be very persuasive. And he's very good-looking. Tall with dark hair. I tried holding it back, but I couldn't. Remember that day when I told you I was going to meet my girlfriend at the mall for some shopping? Well...confession...I met H-I-M. We were just going to get a coffee, but as soon as I saw him in person, I just melted. He could have fucked me in the coffee shop and I would have let it happen he is so hot!

Umm...don't be mad. In fact, I know that you're not mad. You are most likely a bit panicked, but hard as a rock as you read this. And you're probably wondering if I'm mad. If this is some sort of revenge thing. Babe...no. This is our little secret. I know that it turns you on. I was surprised myself at how much it turned me on, speaking honestly. I felt a bit guilty at first...me fucking or flirting with other guys. I thought long and hard (no pun intended!) about this before taking the risk. We literally ordered a coffee and just walked out. I followed him in my car, and he pulled in to a hotel. He got a room. I went into the room and..


Mmm babe...he kissed me all over! You know how my neck is my weak spot? And the back of my shoulders? Well, I had told him about that and he went straight for it! He is such a good kisser and his lips were all over my neck and back...gets me tingly just writing this! His hands were all over my body and they felt so strong and firm as he caressed my tits...mmm...and his hands moved down to my ass and he grabbed them and babe, baby, my kitty was ready for some strange dick. I wanted to feel his hard cock in me...I wanted to feel someone else's cum in me, shooting deep in me, cumming in YOUR pussy, your WIFE'S pussy, fuck I'm so hot thinking about it. But I wanted to taste him. I pulled his pants down and his cock sprang out at me. So long and thick! I had to have it in my mouth! I started sucking on him then I did it just the way you like it: tip in my mouth and my hands are twisting along the shaft. He loved it too! So much so that, babe, he pushed me down onto his dick and I gagged lol! He wanted me so bad, he pawed at my dress and lifted it up and oh fuck my panties were wet! He pulled them off of me and pushed me onto the bed, tried to enter my wet pussy but I told him no. He was such a gentleman! He dry-humped my pussy and he was breathing so hard in my mouth as we kissed...I had to have his cock back in mouth and I reached for it and started jacking him as my tongue swirled around his cock and he came and I swallowed...yes! swallowed his cum. Mm his cum tasted so good, yours is good too, but his is just a bit sweeter. Sorry babe...I'm rambling again....sorry! The main point you should get from all this is, I haven't let anyone fuck me. Teasing and then sucking someone's dick isn't cheating, right babe??!

I'm looking at you again. You messaged 'My wife is shy, she'd never do any of this. Makes it even hotter!'

Umm...babe, guess what? I'll do it. Yes! After having one strange dick, I want more. But this time, I want a strange dick inside of me. Let's do this love, you and I together. I've been using a fake 'husband' account on this hotwife website to message you, but this email I'm about to send you..it is mine. Under my email. You'll recognize it once I send this very message to you. I love you babe!

P.S. I haven't fucked my coworker either yet...I would only let him grab my ass and tits. I'm saving it for you, so you can watch him fuck me!

I'm looking at you as I send this message and I can't wait to see your expression! Sending this message in 3...2...1....I love you babe!
I loved it! It especially works for so many of us that have wives that know we want to share them. They know we have the fantasy yet they have always been in the "never gonna happen" camp. As much as we've "talked" about it during sex this scenario would be believable, especially to me. I love these forums and my wife knows I like porn (I wish she did but you can't have everything). It would be a rush to be called out in forum.
Hi my love. I see you on your computer, so hard at work getting all of your business documents and work estimates lined up. You are so diligent in your work and I love you so much and appreciate all that you do for our family. It makes my heart burst with pride and I so want to just grab you and kiss you right now.

But...you're working. I know that you've never gotten mad at me when I've interrupted you while working, but I know when I see that certain 'hard at work' look on your face to give you space.

Like right this moment. Alternating between looking at the screen, thinking, and then typing. Babe, I wanna go and hug you and kiss you, but I am busy myself. I'm looking at some hotwife website that I found. I'd never heard of the term 'hotwife' until I stumbled on this site. The idea intrigued me.

Oh...I forgot to mention. I learned about this site from...ummm...YOU.


Let me tell you how I found out. As you know, our bedroom and home office are a hallway apart, with a clear view of one room from the other. Late one evening, you had dozed off in front of the computer. I was going to ask you to come to bed, but instead I went to grab a blanket for you. As I entered our home office to cover you with a blanket (you look so cuute snuggled up with a blanky!), I turned to look at your screen and I saw some porn pics. Guys and girls having sex. Not surprising and not a shock since we both enjoy watching couples porn and of course my favorite, romantic comedies. You know what I call rom-coms...panty wetters. Anyways, I laughed to myself and wished you were awake so that I could give you a relaxing blowjob to ease your work stress, or should I say porn stress...just the way you like it. You know how I twist my hands on the shaft while the tip is in my mouth? And my tongue twirling in circles as I taste your delicious cock? And then I slide my mouth all the way down your cock? Mmm yes, just like that...

Anyhow, as you were covered up I turned to exit the room but then stopped. I leaned over the desk and took hold of the mouse, then scrolled up. The website said 'hotwife' in big bold letters at the top. And...there were stories to go with the pics! I was curious, to say the least. I memorized the website and went back to our bedroom and typed it into my phone. And so I read. And read. And babe, I...I...mmm...it got me hot. My kitty was wet as I read about a man sharing his wife with other men, and the first question in my mind was, 'Who?' Meaning, who could I, or we, possibly find?

The answer wasn't hard, at least for me. You see, babe, there's this guy at work who has been flirting with me for a few months now. At first I questioned if he was flirting. You know...subtle hints, some double talk, mixed with a feigned 'innocent' look. I've ignored it, but now...knowing that you like this...hmm...and he is really cute. And about 3 years younger than us. He is muscled like you. And...he has tattoos, unlike you. You know how much I loooove tattoos and I've asked you to get one for so long...mmm and he looks so good in his slacks. Sometimes I try to take a discreet look at his crotch and look for a bulge, and I have seen it sometimes in his tighter slacks and it gets me going because his bulge his H-U-G-E and I want that cock in me and mmm...umm...okay...his name is David. I've mentioned him a few times. I hope you're not mad. I don't think you are tbh since this looks like a turn-on for you. I've asked him for help more than usual over the past few months...just wanting to have him near as he leans over my computer and tries to figure out a problem that I'm having. Mmm..his cologne smells so good, so masculine and clean... it gets me sooo fuckinnnngg wettt when he walks by and his scent lingers in the air...I swear I want him to bend me over my desk and fuck me on the spot!


I wrestled with the idea in my head. It went against what marriage stands for: devotion to each other and only each other. But...he is so cute...and he has a really great smile. Ohh and his voice...so deep, just hearing it, such a deep baritone. It makes my stomach flutter just to think of hearing it but...

Anyways, I started flirting back. You asked why I started dressing more sexy for work? Now you know. You know that red, tight dress that you love? You can see the outline of my panties it's so tight. He loves it too and said it indirectly lol. I make sure to wear a thong with that dress so that I can feed his imagination. I love knowing that he's looking at my ass when I have back turned to him, and babe, fuck...it's hard to hold in those naughty feelings sometimes! I need to finger my pussy now! Anyways, I'm rambling. I was in his office once as he was showing me something on his computer. I made sure to lean in, my breast pressing against his back. It was sooo electric! Confession babe: I had to go the restroom and rub my kitty I was soo hott! Makes me feel a bit guilty but I'm sure you'll enjoy reading these words...

I'm looking at you now. So cute! Hard at work! Umm...no you are not. That 'husband' that you're chatting with right now? About all the naughty things you'd like to do with your wife and another man? Babe...that's me! Prove it, you say? Babe...you want a dick in my pussy and one in my mouth? You are so naughty! You want to see guys cumming all over me? Oh my...babe! That would be messy!! But oh so hot and I'm so wet right now. In fact, I'm rubbing my pussy as I look at you...


Now that I know about your secret, I should let you in on mine. Babe...I met a guy on this hotwife site, and he said all the right things. It started out with chatting, then the chat got a bit, ummm....naughty, then we exchanged pics. He sent me pics of himself (very nice body!) and omg he has such a long and thick dick! Don't get mad, but I showed him a few pussy and ass pics but I told him he couldn't see my face until we met in person. Babe...he begged for a face pic after seeing my pussy and ass! You know how I keep my kitty nice and trimmed? Mmm yes, he loved that. And my big round ass...what's not to love?? And..he has been begging to get together. I held off and kept telling him no.

But...he can be very persuasive. And he's very good-looking. Tall with dark hair. I tried holding it back, but I couldn't. Remember that day when I told you I was going to meet my girlfriend at the mall for some shopping? Well...confession...I met H-I-M. We were just going to get a coffee, but as soon as I saw him in person, I just melted. He could have fucked me in the coffee shop and I would have let it happen he is so hot!

Umm...don't be mad. In fact, I know that you're not mad. You are most likely a bit panicked, but hard as a rock as you read this. And you're probably wondering if I'm mad. If this is some sort of revenge thing. Babe...no. This is our little secret. I know that it turns you on. I was surprised myself at how much it turned me on, speaking honestly. I felt a bit guilty at first...me fucking or flirting with other guys. I thought long and hard (no pun intended!) about this before taking the risk. We literally ordered a coffee and just walked out. I followed him in my car, and he pulled in to a hotel. He got a room. I went into the room and..


Mmm babe...he kissed me all over! You know how my neck is my weak spot? And the back of my shoulders? Well, I had told him about that and he went straight for it! He is such a good kisser and his lips were all over my neck and back...gets me tingly just writing this! His hands were all over my body and they felt so strong and firm as he caressed my tits...mmm...and his hands moved down to my ass and he grabbed them and babe, baby, my kitty was ready for some strange dick. I wanted to feel his hard cock in me...I wanted to feel someone else's cum in me, shooting deep in me, cumming in YOUR pussy, your WIFE'S pussy, fuck I'm so hot thinking about it. But I wanted to taste him. I pulled his pants down and his cock sprang out at me. So long and thick! I had to have it in my mouth! I started sucking on him then I did it just the way you like it: tip in my mouth and my hands are twisting along the shaft. He loved it too! So much so that, babe, he pushed me down onto his dick and I gagged lol! He wanted me so bad, he pawed at my dress and lifted it up and oh fuck my panties were wet! He pulled them off of me and pushed me onto the bed, tried to enter my wet pussy but I told him no. He was such a gentleman! He dry-humped my pussy and he was breathing so hard in my mouth as we kissed...I had to have his cock back in mouth and I reached for it and started jacking him as my tongue swirled around his cock and he came and I swallowed...yes! swallowed his cum. Mm his cum tasted so good, yours is good too, but his is just a bit sweeter. Sorry babe...I'm rambling again....sorry! The main point you should get from all this is, I haven't let anyone fuck me. Teasing and then sucking someone's dick isn't cheating, right babe??!

I'm looking at you again. You messaged 'My wife is shy, she'd never do any of this. Makes it even hotter!'

Umm...babe, guess what? I'll do it. Yes! After having one strange dick, I want more. But this time, I want a strange dick inside of me. Let's do this love, you and I together. I've been using a fake 'husband' account on this hotwife website to message you, but this email I'm about to send you..it is mine. Under my email. You'll recognize it once I send this very message to you. I love you babe!

P.S. I haven't fucked my coworker either yet...I would only let him grab my ass and tits. I'm saving it for you, so you can watch him fuck me!

I'm looking at you as I send this message and I can't wait to see your expression! Sending this message in 3...2...1....I love you babe!
That Is so hottt. Wish my wife did this to me. Tell her to set it up . Watch her fuck she wants it sioo bad . Then lick her clean after and she will make you a cuckold fir life. I can tell the more she does it she will be addicted in no time. She will read and learn and push you past all limits. Baby you are an amazing horny woman. My dream cum true
I loved it! It especially works for so many of us that have wives that know we want to share them. They know we have the fantasy yet they have always been in the "never gonna happen" camp. As much as we've "talked" about it during sex this scenario would be believable, especially to me.

I loved it! It especially works for so many of us that have wives that know we want to share them. They know we have the fantasy yet they have always been in the "never gonna happen" camp. As much as we've "talked" about it during sex this scenario would be believable, especially to me. I love these forums and my wife knows I like porn (I wish she did but you can't have everything). It would be a rush to be called out in forum.
I'm starting on part two, want me to call you out as the hubby in the story? 🙂