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  1. Pampix

    How did you end up swallowing cum for the first time with a guy?

    The first time that you come in contact willingly with the cum of your wife's lover is in my opinion quite milestone in the cuckold dynamic. There are the milestones for the wife, for the cuck, the lover and for the with each others interacting people. At first when my girlfriend was cheating on...
  2. Pampix

    Is there a way back?

    There are different aspects possible once a a couple had a cuckolding-dynamic. There is a quite différence in psychology and emotions between a wife that cheated on you, a wife that has sex with another man and you knowing and a wife that has sex with another man you that you agree with or even...
  3. Pampix

    Wife removes condom.

    The act of removing the condom (the first time) with her boyfriend, but also the permanent situation of having sex without a condom are quite important moments and signs in a cuckold relationship. My girlfriend, wanted one day not to use birthcontrol for her health and wanted me to use condoms...
  4. Pampix

    Is there a way back?

    My experience is that once you are in in the Beta-men category in her eyes it will not change anymore... So be carefull for what you wish for...
  5. Pampix

    My gf(19yo) told me(20yo) she cheated

    You absolutely have the dna of a cuckold. I encountered the same situation...
  6. Pampix

    First time getting fucked

    I like very much your quote' " I was desperate for him to enter me." This is the way to go! :) This want is the next level of the fact to want to being fucked passing to the experience and realise that your body wants it!
  7. Pampix

    How did the 'Sissy' experience develop for you?

    I have almost the same experience as most sissies have but with a less "sissy" aspect but though with a quite emasculated aspect, not being seen as man by my girlfriend and her lover(s). I have been my whole life a bedwetter and wearing diapers for that. In the beginning my girlfriend when she...
  8. Pampix

    Pussy free

    Were you in chastity during these 3 years? After 3 years of being pussyfree it must have been not so easy to have again PIV-sex. After some years of being pussyfree and caged I went almost completely limp and when a little hard PE.
  9. Pampix

    Dutch male seeking too cam or donate seed

    Mooie dienstverlening! :) Mijn vriendin is nu al bediend geweest door een andere man met succesvol resultaat... Ik wens je veel succes, moet lukken! ;)
  10. Pampix

    Cumming in my Cage

    Cum in my cage with a magic wand is the standard way to cum for me!
  11. Pampix

    gay curious

    We had the same evolution in our couple. 0 stage: you are not meeting to her sexual standards -1 stage: she cheats on you - 2 stage: you know it and are jealous and angry - 3 stage: you accept it - 4 stage: you get less and less sex from her - 5 stage: you get in chastity - 6 stage: you get...
  12. Pampix

    Wife removes condom.

    It is quite a sign of dedication when a receiving person being a woman or a man removes a condom before getting fucked. I totally understand the deep meaning of it. I did the same the first time I went bare wit one of my long term boyfriends when he fucked me that day and I removed the condom...
  13. Pampix

    I love it when i watch a man penetrate my anus

    Inspired by the album "Free your mind and your ass will follow" from the rockband Funkadelic I would dare to state: Open your ass and your mind will follow! :)
  14. Pampix

    Cuckold buys my first cock cage

    I feel the same, not cumming because of a chastity device (being not cumming through an ejaculation and erection..) results in seeking other ways to have sexual and emotional release that also for me is looking to suck cock and getting fucked.. In that way I stay in balance and also do not get...
  15. Pampix

    gay curious

    Once you tasted cock you want more, or at least you want to try it again to be sure that you do not like it ,or maybe you like it though but in the mean time you get addicted to it... It made me understand that women do it but confirmed that it is naice to do and taste!
  16. Pampix

    I love it when i watch a man penetrate my anus

    A mirror is a in fact one of the most basic sextoys! :)
  17. Pampix

    What do you with your cum?

    Or I cum in my diaper through humping or uising a vibrator or I catch it in a kind of small cup that fits on the top of my chastity cage when I cum through anal stimulation or bu using a vibrator on my cage. Then I swallow it from the cup.
  18. Pampix

    Is it ok to drink your own semen after masturbation?

    I completely agree that it is mandatory for cucks/subs that they drink their own semen after they have cum. It is an extra material fact/action that validates that they are at the receiving end of powerdynamics and also reprograms the cuck to shift from the original giving role as a real man to...
  19. Pampix

    I finally asked her if I could have my own ' bull '

    Having a healthy cuckolding-relationship is when your wife and yourself have enough mental, emotional and physical satisfaction. I think I understand you want to have a gay boyfriend to satisfy you... why not... :)