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  1. SexualOptions

    Unaware bigger dildo evry time

    Oh my goodness! My husband did this, this Winter break. I didn't realize he'd bought more all in graduated sizes. I thought I only have two of the realistic ones. I was going at it all hot and heavy and asking for the larger one. It was incredibly full. I worked it then asking for the smaller...
  2. SexualOptions

    Never fuck your wife with dildo

    Oh my oh my oh my, YES. Strap on sex with my husband is incredible. We can do my favorite, DP. And if he cums in me, add another and keeping it going with no resting needed. Love love love this! I do my own dildoing though he does help. I love it when he licks as I am doing it. Not always...
  3. SexualOptions

    Do you love to eat your own cum

    We are a lovely lot. Are you talking about me??? She sounds so much like me. What a wonderful friend she'd me. I so love getting molding my man as you stated. Yum yum YUM!
  4. SexualOptions

    Trade and chat bi

    I'd love to pm here when I am able. My husband might respond some. He is no bi, but gets it, is not opposed to my fun on here, but is not going to meet up with anyone, yet... Well let's say he is a work in progress. I'd be all over it if he gave me the green light, of course after getting to...
  5. SexualOptions

    Dildo action

    I love men who can take it big anally! My husband is going to get there one day. He's gotten close a few times. I think I am influencing my friends to try it out with their husbands too. They still have no idea how Hot it is to see your man take it back there, get into it, and let go. To many...
  6. SexualOptions

    Games in secret from the wife

    I don't get it. Why hide it? I looooooooooovvveeeeee walking in on my husband fucking himself in the ass. My friends love the idea when we talk about it so I am certain they'd love to see their husbands doing it as well.
  7. SexualOptions

    If you could watch your wife do anything, What would it be?

    Oh my! My husband told me, "I'd like to see you jog naked through the field during the Super Bowl game. That he is very proud of me and my body and would love to show the world how amazing I look." Awwwwwwww, can't help but love the man. :) Lol I love him for so much more. He puts up...
  8. SexualOptions

    If you could watch your wife do anything, What would it be?

    Are there really such places? If so, are they safe? If so, which ones, where, etc? You are welcome to post in pm so not to hijack the thread.
  9. SexualOptions

    If you could watch your wife do anything, What would it be?

    So do I, convincing him to let it happen, watching it all, and eating me out afterwards would be enough for me to do absolutely Anything in addition!
  10. SexualOptions

    Wife is afraid toys will feel too good

    I fought toys for the longest, vibes even longer. My husband always reminded me that sometimes a couple needs sexual options. When one is gone, tired, sick, working to much, schedules don't match up, you need a quickie, road trips, hotel sex, in the woods, in the backseat, the shower, at the...
  11. SexualOptions

    (10 INCH BBC) Pegging cucks and fucking their wives

    Oh My Gosh, Oh My Gosh, Oh My Gosh, that would be absolutely mind blowing! I'd do anything for him.
  12. SexualOptions

    (10 INCH BBC) Pegging cucks and fucking their wives

    Dang that's a VERY Big Cock!
  13. SexualOptions

    Is this how you want to see your wives?

    What on earth would you do with it? There is no way it can fit in a person??? OWWWWW Oh wait it IS possible... You must be registered for see element. Oh MY oh My oh MYYYYYYYY!
  14. SexualOptions

    Watching husband take my place

    Imagine all the times in college, all the guys you've/I've had, all the cocks in my hands, mouth, pussy, and ass. Hubby replacing ever moment, sharing every moment, being you/me in ever moment, taking every cock and cum load orally and anally. Oh My oh my oh my! Rocks my boat, flips it, and...
  15. SexualOptions

    How much would you pay for me?

    But if you can get all the cock you want then you will need some method of sorting, pay sounds like a valid method. :D
  16. SexualOptions

    Watching husband take my place

    Yes Yes Yes I do I do I do! Cannot stop thinking about it. I want him to share the experience with me along with many more like experiences. A gang bang him replacing me, oh my goodness, that would be the Best of it all! I'd be right there helping it all happen/take place.
  17. SexualOptions

    Wife asked if I'd be willing to suck and swallow her lover

    Apparently there are many here. I love reading from them. I am also learning. That is the plan right now. Yes He is not certain about any of it but has opened up to RP and using the sex toys firly liberally. He enjoys cum play now, is not interested in men, but gets that more cocks equals...
  18. SexualOptions

    My wife’s boyfriend wants my wife to come and spend a week with him at his house

    I understand, not sure how I'd feel either, not being bi. That is why I can relate to my husband's apprehensions. I would go there for him if we needed. I also get wanting to be done repeatedly, it's wonderful.
  19. SexualOptions

    Wife asked if I'd be willing to suck and swallow her lover

    I find it thrilling to think about and try to get my husband to discuss it as well as RP it. Once in a while I get him sooooooo turned on he will go with the flow in a big way. I imagine it might be the same in real life. It would take quite a lot of patience, time of course, and work. I am...
  20. SexualOptions

    Wife asked if I'd be willing to suck and swallow her lover

    That is absolutely amazing!!! Knight? Do you know why? Your wife is turned on by it? What prompted it?