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  1. SexualOptions

    Lesbian fantasy

    Yes we do.
  2. SexualOptions

    Making progress!

    Go slow, be cautious, don't over step. ;)
  3. SexualOptions

    You bet. How are you?

    You bet. How are you?
  4. SexualOptions

    Men Eating their own

    I love to watch, help, share, swap. My husband and I do this often alone. I also love watching other men do it.
  5. SexualOptions

    Help ??My wife want to fuck another guys, wtf do i do

    Yes and you do need to address it all with her in a civil manner. Let her know it was hard on you. I still do not know how anyone does this and NOT be there. I have to be there no matter what is taking place. I need that connection to be present even when I am not in the middle of it all.
  6. SexualOptions

    Bi Mmf cuckcold question

    Good for you guys, cut him loose. You need a caring sharing situation. Not a user.
  7. SexualOptions

    Bi curious looking for fantasy

    Do you two bi swing?
  8. SexualOptions

    Wife first time

    Since R0415 hasn't come back I will comment on this video. No point in wasting advice. This video should show what really happens in a group fuck like this. A month ago in our large group gathering there was no a single husband who did cum fill the hole he took. The only one out of the rotation...
  9. SexualOptions

    Help ??My wife want to fuck another guys, wtf do i do

    I agree with 2wheel and be cautious. The fact that you are posting here says you are probably leaning towards it and more. If you are then slow baby steps and let it happen. I would never do it without my husband present - No Way. I want him there to protect me and us (our relationship). Ask...
  10. SexualOptions

    How do I convince my husband?

    You ne For the many who do not know how you convinced him, please post. It might help other's another.
  11. SexualOptions

    Have you done double pennatration ??

    I want to know how you got the great pics? Wow that must have been quite the challenge. Also while doing DP, I am very impressed. Awesome people!
  12. SexualOptions

    It was an amazing weekend. WOW!

    It was an amazing weekend. WOW!
  13. SexualOptions

    Looking for encouragement and suggestions

    You need to go very slow, be very cautious, one teeny step at a time. I used Role play to introduce a lot to my husband, very carefully.
  14. SexualOptions

    Anal sex....does you wife do it with other men?

    I had a few experiences similar to this where guys would be doing oral on me, slip a tongue backdoor, get the response they were hoping for, tongue the heck out of me getting me ready and taking me home to Alabama. I always sing crazy wild sounds with anal. It so different, an entirely different...
  15. SexualOptions

    If your wife refuses to become a hotwife, how do you fulfill your fantasy?

    My husband had never been about introducing others to have sex with me, it was about pleasuring me. You ask, "If your wife refuses to become a hotwife, how do you fulfill your fantasy?" We learned how to masturbate for each other, then each other, next we learned all we could about oral sex on...
  16. SexualOptions

    Looking forward to a 3 day couples weekend.

    Looking forward to a 3 day couples weekend.
  17. SexualOptions

    Could she ever truly go too far??

    My husband is similar. He does not mind me getting the heck fucked out of me but no one degrades me, no matter what. It's your thing and I totally get everyone has there thing but I cannot imagine having sex with anyone, ever, without him there. You two must be built tough. You ladies are...
  18. SexualOptions

    Hotwife Falls In Love & Cuck Does Too.

    Never thought of a relationship like this, interesting, very interesting....