Search results

  1. L

    gynecologist visit

    dont say gynecologist dont get turned on looking a women i went last week to a new doctor and got a check up i like being nude and not shy so it was fun having a new doctor look when he got up i could see he was hard which did excite me
  2. L

    Let’s see those naked hotwifes

    hi i am married and bi my husband is not we meet others for same room sex exhibitionism toys safe fun touching can be kinky with safe people
  3. L

    post your wife pictures naked for bulls to rate (to have winner)

    hi i am married and bi my husband is not we try to meet others into same room sex exhibitionism safe things toys touching can be kinky with some safe people
  4. L

    Show me some titties!!

    hi from long island new york live with my husband on long island
  5. L

    What does a hot wife look like with regular clothes?

    hi from long island new york i am married and bi my husband is not we meet others into exhibitionism same room sex safe things toys touching
  6. L

    Anyone from NY

    hi married and bi my husband is not we meet others into same room sex exhibitionism safe things toys touching we live on long island south Hampton go to nude beaches
  7. L

    Whos bi on here

    hi i am married and bi my husband is not we meet others into exhibitionism same room sex safe things touching toys live on long island new york
  8. L

    Need some booty pictures!

    hi i married bi my husband is not we meet others into exhibitionism same room sex safe things like touching toys we live on long island new york
  9. L

    Anyone start out with voyerism/exhibitionism?

    hi from long island new york my husband and i meet others into same room sex exhibitionism toys safe things i am bi he is not we meet a lot at nude is ok beaches or hotel with safe people i have been a exhibitionist for most of my life not shy like to be nude at safe clubs or partys were my...
  10. L

    List of sexual things your wife has done

    hi married i am bi my husband is not we meet others into same room sex exhibitionism toys and kinky if its safe the things i have done a lot of fmf like golden showers with other women my husband likes to be part of it he likes me to tease and be nude if he lets friends come over like to be...
  11. L

    hot week ends wife swap

    a lot of things
  12. L

    Wife watching party

    hi i live on long island new york i am bi my husband is not we try and meet others into exhibitionism same room sex toys safe things i like to watch men jerk off in front of me i find it exciting my husband is ok and we work it out i like being nude in front of others not shy my husband will...
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    hi from long island new york i am married and bi my husband is not we try to meet others into exhibitionism same room sex toys all safe things
  14. L

    Shy Wife ready to try messaging

    hi my husband and i go to the keys in the summer months are you into nudism or exhibitionism safe things i am bi he is not
  15. L

    The Rating Game

    hi i am married and bi my husband is not we meet others into safe fun like same room sex or exhibitionism toys touching can be done all safe things with safe people we live on long island new york and travel south at times
  16. L

    Sexy pair of legs.

    hi i am married and bi my husband is not we try to meet others into same room sex safe things exhibitionism toys touching
  17. L

    How exposed is your wife or gf?

    hi from long island linda here and married