Recent content by Myfilipina

  1. Myfilipina

    Asian Wives Only

    Yeah me and my girl will have 3way with her both suck my 8.5inch cock and they can take turns nothing beter then two asians
  2. Myfilipina

    Australia here - Any other Aussies here?

    Fuck would love to smash that pussy
  3. C6F54FD2-725F-4F35-AFDE-3AF316D2DD72.jpeg


    Sexy Asian
  4. Myfilipina

    What would you do with my pretty GF?

    Fuck the crap out of her what ells
  5. EC769C7A-A8FA-418A-BB97-704415B7B621.jpeg


    My new girlfriend
  6. Myfilipina

    Have you ever walked in on your wife cheating or fucking another guy ?

    I have been in situation more then once wear she thinks ur ...... and u can hear a slap slap slap moan slap slap slap moan and ur friends voice with more then one friend
  7. Myfilipina

    Want to cage my husband

    Want to cage my hubby and fuck an old dude Infront of hime any old men in Australia out there want some Filipina pussy don’t be scard chat me I’ll give you my msger and my Mobil number
  8. Myfilipina

    Filipina wife wants older man

    My Filipina wife wants older man for dating I’m 29 she 30 she wants 40+
  9. Myfilipina

    CUM on me

    Is a fat 8 inch enough for u
  10. Myfilipina

    Looking to share

    Would love to stretch out ur wife very nice 😊
  11. Myfilipina

    She needs bigger cock

    My wife needs bigger cock
  12. Myfilipina

    Listening to my wife fuck my best friend/ employe

    I hired my friend to be my offsider on my truck and right as we speak I’m listening to them fuck I’m extremely hard listening to hear moan she thinks I’m ...... and ......