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My wife and her bull
So Hot! I love it too when my sweetie leaves the door cracked open for me.
Her little caged voyeur she calls me.
Actually I don't know if you can see the sign on the door, it said "do not disturb" but I snuck in and videoed. Her bull does not liked to be filmed. lol
Are you saying your wife doesn't want to fuck her bull ?
no he married and then covid happened and i think they stopped , he since divorced and email me to let me know which inreturn i had brought it up with wife in attempts to try to get them back together as he did fuck he amazingly well and the kissing was so passionate she should experience him again and maybe for longer term perm.
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no he married and then covid happened and i think they stopped , he since divorced and email me to let me know which inreturn i had brought it up with wife in attempts to try to get them back together as he did fuck he amazingly well and the kissing was so passionate she should experience him again and maybe for longer term perm.
Ah, I see. I hope you are successful, Is there a reason she doesn't want him now ?

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