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is sometimes bogus and it's just we got to get an upgrade my husband has said the same thing like why can't we see your pussy it's cuz it's dark babe even with the light on I typically don't want the lights beating down when this happens so it's dim anyways more videos of pics to come just wanted to keep you updated I'm going to post stuff my husband like I said he
had a family except one guy my husband may have to look at it and see what maybe I did cuz I swear we watch the video after and it had sounds also I still have shares that I haven't even posted yet recent ones in October it's just trying to get everything right cuz we don't have the luxury of having the iPhones we have to go by the cameras of Androids so the lighting
had the camera and it was supposed to record everything I think I may have did something dincy you know typical of a woman to mess something up stupid not knowing what I hit while looking at the video and you know trimming the video down making sure the guys face isn't shown if it is shown because he has a family every guy I have been shared with has
I've been absent but not because of anything in particular just been busy I have 1 share that has occurred November 7th the video for some reason I don't know why the volume or the actual voices and the sounds were not recorded so I am trying to have my husband look at why it didn't record when my husband had the camera and then the guy was being shared with
Just joined. Wife and I are curious about finding a guy to hook up with. We’ve swung before and had threesomes. We are both quite fit. She is gorgeous! Let me know if you’re interested.