We had a mutual friend that was friends with and hung out with a regional band. Not bigtime but they had gigs nearly every weekend and had an old bus and did make money. He talked us into going to one of their gigs at a festival about two hours away. We get there mid-afternoon and head to the bus. They were getting ready for a sound check, so we went out and watched. Wife commented that a couple of the guys were "hot". This was when the band wore the skintight outfits.
They finished their sound check, and we all went back to the bus when they broke out their smoke. I have never been into the smoke, but wife did enjoy, and she smoked a couple with them. They told us they had to start getting ready and literally over the next hour she saw every one of them naked at some point including the two "hot" guys which she enjoyed. One of them came all the way to the front where we were sitting to get him something to drink butt naked with a big cock just hanging. He grabbed his drink, and the wife was smiling at him, and he walked over to her and with one hand just held it up in front of her inches from her face. She did what was natural for her and reached up and put her hand around it and squeezed him.
He was just teasing her as he walked off to finish getting dressed. They all came back up and was getting ready to go out when the same guy asked her was, she coming back to the bus when the show was over. She answered yea if it is okay. He replied oh yea all is good and told her he was sure a couple of the guys would be bringing back a piece of ass with them, but she was more than welcome. They put on one hell of a show and then headed behind the stage where they had kid of a short meet and greet. Once back on the bus and just as he had said a couple of the guys came back with girls, they went to the back and twenty minutes later they came back up and left.
The two guys that she thought was 'hot" was the only two up front with the three of us just talking and when the other guys had left the bus he looked over at the wife and asked her was she ready and she smiled and said sure. He then asked if she was okay with the both of them and again, she smiled and said sure sounds like fun. He grabbed her by the hand, and they went to the back of the bus. The friend was kind of freaked out and he said to me you know they are planning on fucking her and I replied I am sure and told him it was all good. They were back there a good hour, and she called out to me to bring her purse as she needed her brush. She stepped out of the room naked and stepped into the bathroom. In the meantime, one of the guys had come back up front and said man you will have to come to more of our shows and bring your wife as she is fucking awesome.
She came back up and she looked like she had been fucked good and we said our goodbyes and left. As soon as we were in the car, she said we have to get a room for the night as I have got to take a shower. We got checked in and she went and took a long hot shower and of course she had no clothes with her, so she came back in the room naked. Danny the friend was trying his best not to stare at her. I went and got some ice and got her a coke and once she had that she said to Danny why don't you go take a shower. He did not question her and went right on in. While he was in there, I said I take it you are going to let Danny fuck you too and she said yea is that okay and added without him none of this would have happened. I laughed and said dam this must have made an impression on you, and she smiled and said it was fricking awesome.
Danny came out dressed and she asked why he got dressed and he just shrugged and asked was he not supposed to. She said no I did not want you to because I want to repay you for making tonight happen. He got undressed and he fucked her. She finally got in bed with me around three and we slept till nearly ten. She looked over and Danny was still ...... so she said Danny we have to check out by eleven. She got up and went in the bathroom and popped back out I thought to get dressed but she got in bed with Danny, and they fucked again before having to take a quick shower and we got out with a couple minutes to spare.
Over the next year we kind of was going to shows every weekend and over that year the band shared her between them. It was always one on one except for the two "hot" guys who always double teamed her. Danny continued to fuck her for about ten years off and on!!
They finished their sound check, and we all went back to the bus when they broke out their smoke. I have never been into the smoke, but wife did enjoy, and she smoked a couple with them. They told us they had to start getting ready and literally over the next hour she saw every one of them naked at some point including the two "hot" guys which she enjoyed. One of them came all the way to the front where we were sitting to get him something to drink butt naked with a big cock just hanging. He grabbed his drink, and the wife was smiling at him, and he walked over to her and with one hand just held it up in front of her inches from her face. She did what was natural for her and reached up and put her hand around it and squeezed him.
He was just teasing her as he walked off to finish getting dressed. They all came back up and was getting ready to go out when the same guy asked her was, she coming back to the bus when the show was over. She answered yea if it is okay. He replied oh yea all is good and told her he was sure a couple of the guys would be bringing back a piece of ass with them, but she was more than welcome. They put on one hell of a show and then headed behind the stage where they had kid of a short meet and greet. Once back on the bus and just as he had said a couple of the guys came back with girls, they went to the back and twenty minutes later they came back up and left.
The two guys that she thought was 'hot" was the only two up front with the three of us just talking and when the other guys had left the bus he looked over at the wife and asked her was she ready and she smiled and said sure. He then asked if she was okay with the both of them and again, she smiled and said sure sounds like fun. He grabbed her by the hand, and they went to the back of the bus. The friend was kind of freaked out and he said to me you know they are planning on fucking her and I replied I am sure and told him it was all good. They were back there a good hour, and she called out to me to bring her purse as she needed her brush. She stepped out of the room naked and stepped into the bathroom. In the meantime, one of the guys had come back up front and said man you will have to come to more of our shows and bring your wife as she is fucking awesome.
She came back up and she looked like she had been fucked good and we said our goodbyes and left. As soon as we were in the car, she said we have to get a room for the night as I have got to take a shower. We got checked in and she went and took a long hot shower and of course she had no clothes with her, so she came back in the room naked. Danny the friend was trying his best not to stare at her. I went and got some ice and got her a coke and once she had that she said to Danny why don't you go take a shower. He did not question her and went right on in. While he was in there, I said I take it you are going to let Danny fuck you too and she said yea is that okay and added without him none of this would have happened. I laughed and said dam this must have made an impression on you, and she smiled and said it was fricking awesome.
Danny came out dressed and she asked why he got dressed and he just shrugged and asked was he not supposed to. She said no I did not want you to because I want to repay you for making tonight happen. He got undressed and he fucked her. She finally got in bed with me around three and we slept till nearly ten. She looked over and Danny was still ...... so she said Danny we have to check out by eleven. She got up and went in the bathroom and popped back out I thought to get dressed but she got in bed with Danny, and they fucked again before having to take a quick shower and we got out with a couple minutes to spare.
Over the next year we kind of was going to shows every weekend and over that year the band shared her between them. It was always one on one except for the two "hot" guys who always double teamed her. Danny continued to fuck her for about ten years off and on!!