Wife Reclame


My wife returned from her date last night. i kissed her as she entered our house. when i told her i would like very much to fuck her or lick her pussy, she said she's very satisfied and don't really want to have any sex with me. she walked with a smirked smile and went to take a shower.

i need some advice please
Oh my! That's a tough one. I don't know what your relationship is like so it's difficult to offer advice other than to talk it over with her. It's common for a husband to want to 'reclaim' his wife after she's had sex with another man. Even after all the years I've been having sex with other men Bob still wants to at least 95% of the time. That includes when we are at swinger clubs, etc. I have never refused him. There have been times when I come home from a date where I'm tired and sore but that doesn't keep me from pleasing him. One (of the many) sweet things about Bob is that if I explain to him how sore I am he won't insist on vaginal sex. But if he feels the need to unload I will always make it happen.

Tom, talk to your wife and explain calmly.