Wife likely going to be ogled at the next three days

So my wife is going to be at a work conference the next three days, wearing a skirt at each event. I know she is going to get attention from many male vendors and business people so I am very curious to hear what happens and check the creamy status of my wife’s sexy thong panties, after likely being hot on by some of these men. Stay tuned!
So my wife is going to be at a work conference the next three days, wearing a skirt at each event. I know she is going to get attention from many male vendors and business people so I am very curious to hear what happens and check the creamy status of my wife’s sexy thong panties, after likely being hot on by some of these men. Stay tuned!
Is she a hotwife? Do/have you ever shared her?
So my wife is going to be at a work conference the next three days, wearing a skirt at each event. I know she is going to get attention from many male vendors and business people so I am very curious to hear what happens and check the creamy status of my wife’s sexy thong panties, after likely being hot on by some of these men. Stay tuned!
She's very sexy
So my wife is going to be at a work conference the next three days, wearing a skirt at each event. I know she is going to get attention from many male vendors and business people so I am very curious to hear what happens and check the creamy status of my wife’s sexy thong panties, after likely being hot on by some of these men. Stay tuned!
If I was at her conference & saw her Sexy ass in a skirt, I'd do a lot more than just 'hit' on her... Depending on how adventurous she wanted to be, of course! 😏
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In the works but no ever shared her because she says she is not ready yet but we role play it a LOT, so I know the thought intrigues her.
So her intentions are definitely there. I'd bet money her hangup is worrying how you're going to handle it. She is worried about the way you will perceive her afterwards, and if you be embarrassed if he is bigger or better than you
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