In that same confusing way, fuck yeah. Some years ago Anna and I had a major rift and temporary separation - the possibility of her dating someone else during that time - then actually leaving me for him - is still hot to me.
I also love the fantasy that my wife gets a boyfriend, who becomes more and more serious, comes over more and more often... until I'm replaced, redundant. He sleeps in my bed, fucks my wife, takes her out so my friends and family see. She starts to feel like doing anything sexual or romantic with me is like cheating on her boyfriend.
I have no idea why I find such a horrible idea as the love of my life leaving me so erotic. It's way too extreme for me ever to bring up to Anna - she probably would divorce me if I did! - but it's like the most extreme version of my actual main fantasy/fetish, which is that she gets a romantic boyfriend as a secondary relationship.