Wife doesn’t like porn :(

That is quite normal, most women don't. I don't like watching porn as it just does nothing for me and most porn is clearly aimed at mens fantasies. You will just have to find another way to start the conversation with her, she probably has lots of reasons why she doesn't want to even consider it.

  • She will almost certainly think there is an ulterior motive for your making the suggestion, most probably as an excuse for you to start having fun with other women.
  • She will probably be wondering why you would want to see her having sex with other people if you love her. She is probably of the traditional opinion that when you are married that sex is part of a loving relationship, not a recreational activity. Even if she caught you watching porn would be bordering on being unfaithful for most women.
You will need to find a way to explain what excites you about what you are proposing and find ways to allay her fears of what it means for your relationship.

I never expected to have sex with anyone else when I got married, the thought never occurred to me and there was quite a lot of guilt when I decided to do it. Women in particular are conditioned throughout life that sex with anyone other than your partner is cheating, even if you know about it and are quite happy for it to happen. If you were my husband sending me porn videos you would have never persuaded me that way.
That's exactly how my wife is, porn and dick pictures turn her off, and she considers it cheating, and I had to go through a cleansing of my mind when we were mending our marriage.