White teacher gets bred PART 1

One month goes by.

Cheryl missed her period by two weeks. She’s sitting on the toilet in the bathroom by herself, and she looks at the pregnancy test that she just took. It’s positive. She starts to cry, trying not to be too loud where Mike could hear her. She is freaking out and wondering what she is gonna say. She has no idea what to do, so she just decides to lie to Mike about it. She’s gonna tell him it’s his, and then she will just try to think of some big lie to tell him in 9 months.

Cheryl wipes the tears off her face and walks out to the living room, where Mike is playing video games.

She sits next to him, and says, “Baby…guess what…. You’re gonna be a Daddy! I’m pregnant!”

Mike is shocked and confused.

He says, “Wait…what? Are you serious? How?! I’ve worn a condom every single time we had sex since we started dating. Are you sure?”

Cheryl is a very good liar and convinces Mike that it’s his baby.

She shows him the pregnancy test and says, “I guess one of your condoms broke one night. I don’t know! But yeah, I’m sure. I’m pregnant!”

They both hug each other on the same sofa where Cheryl sucked her first black cock, and got her ass eaten out on. Her face is showing happiness and excitement to Mike, but in her head she’s still nervous of getting caught, and what she will say when she’s at the hospital and Mike sees her push out a black baby.

Nine months go by.

The months go by quickly, and she’s never confessed anything to Mike. She’s just hoping that Mike will believe the story that she made up.

The day of the ., Cheryl and Mike are at the hospital. She has her feet up on the hospital bed.

The doctor is saying, “Ok Cheryl, now it’s time to push and get this baby out of you. Push! Come on! Push!”

Even feeling the most intense pain of her life while giving birth, her mind is still racing about what she’s going to say. Mike is behind the doctor in the room waiting to see his new ...... arrive in the world. Cheryl closes her eyes and screams, and pushes as hard as she can. Then she hears the baby crying. She opens her eyes and looks at Mike, and he has just a look of shock and confusion on his face. There’s no excitement, happiness or smile from Mike. He stares at this black baby that just came out of his girlfriend, and he’s just in shock. He looks at Cheryl with her long legs spread open on the hospital bed. He can’t help but think about how she probably spread her legs like that for some black guy while they were dating. The doctors clean the baby off and give it to Cheryl. She holds it and kisses her new baby. She sees Mike walk out of the hospital room, and Cheryl knows it’s going to be hard to convince him of her story. She’s always gotten away with cheating, and is good at getting whatever she wants. Deep down she knows she will get away with this.

Mike doesn’t make a scene or anything at the hospital. He just leaves and doesn’t say anything to his girlfriend. The next day at the hospital, Cheryl is recovering and about to be sent home.

She texts Mike, “Hey…Will you come pick me up? I can explain.”

They drive back in his car, but don’t say a word to each other. Once Cheryl walks in the apartment and sits down with her baby, Mike slams the door shut.

He says, “What the fuck is going on, Cheryl? You better fucking tell me what you did right now, and don’t fucking lie to me!”

Cheryl’s thought about this for a while, about what to say to Mike. She thought of some made up story that he would believe, and she could get away with this.

She says, “Mike, I swear I thought it was yours. I never told you what happened to me last summer when you were gone on one of our trips. I went out to a bar with some of my friends, and I don’t remember what happened. I think some black guy that was trying to hit on me put something in my drink. I remember being in his car, then him being on top of me and hurting me. I’m sorry I never told you. I never wanted to think about that night again, so I never told you. I swear, I have no idea what happened…”

For once, Cheryl can’t be the narcissistic little brat that she’s been her entire life. Mike doesn’t believe a single word of her story. He call’s her bluff.

Mike says, “You know what I think? I think you’re fucking liar, and that you’re a fucking whore! I don’t believe any of that bullshit story you just made up. I think you’re a fucking cheater! So, what really happened, Cheryl? Huh?! Did you wait until I was gone on a trip, and just invite some black guy you met into my fucking apartment, and you fucked him raw? You fucking whore! I never want to see your white, trashy ass ever again in my life! Get your ...... out of my apartment by tomorrow, we’re fucking done! You’re going to be nothing more than a white trash piece of ......, single mom with a black baby! Bye bitch!”

Mike walks out the door and slams it shut. Cheryl sits on the sofa in shock, holding her black baby. He’s crying and she’s trying to calm him down. She’s sitting on the edge of the sofa, the same spot where 9 months ago this whole thing started. She wishes she never texted Trey back and flirted with him. It ruined her life. But she looks at her new baby and kisses it. She knows she’s stuck with this black baby, and there’s nothing that can get her out of this situation. She sits there just thinking about stuff. How she feels so stupid thinking she could have gotten away with it. She felt stupid thinking how she thought that it was going to be ok, and she would just get her period after fucking Trey. She remembers how powerful Trey’s cumshot was inside her pussy. She remembers feeling every powerful squirt of his sperm splashing all over her vaginal walls inside of her. There was no way that she would have just gotten her period after that, but it was the only hope that she had.

The next day Cheryl gets a text from one of her coworkers at the school.

It reads, “Hey! I remember you said your delivery day was last week! Congratulations! Will you bring in your new baby to the school? We all wanna see you and him!”

Cheryl knows she can’t hide it forever, and just decides to go to the school and bring her baby. She walks into the teachers’ lounge with her baby in its carriage, and waits for the other teachers in the school to come in and congratulate her. She sits at the table and watches each teacher that walks into the room, and sees the look on their faces. They all remember 9 months ago when Cheryl worked there, and how her boyfriend came in the morning with her and talked to everyone. They all liked Mike just as much as they liked Cheryl. So, when they see Cheryl alone at the table, and with a black baby, they all try to be nice and smile, but it’s obvious what they’re really thinking.

The teacher that texted Cheryl to come in goes up to her and says, “Where’s Mike?”

Cheryl leans next to her and just whispers, “We broke up.”

The older male teacher that tried asking Cheryl out for dinner on her first day walked in and saw her. She sees him give her a fake smile, then he laughs and walks out of the room. She doesn’t want to run out of the room and make a scene, but she feels so humiliated right now, sitting at the table and watching everyone gossip about her behind her back. After all the fake smiles and fake congratulations, the teachers walk out and Cheryl’s alone in the room with her baby. She’s so depressed, she’s about to break down and cry from being humiliated like that. She gets herself together and grabs her baby and walks out.

As she’s walking down the hall, pushing her black baby in its carriage, there’s two tall black students by the lockers. She thinks they must be new seniors, because she doesn’t remember seeing them last year.

As she’s walking in the hall next to them, one of the boys says, “Hey Ms. D. That’s a cute baby. I can’t wait to see you when you come back and teach here again.”

Cheryl just smiles and says, “Thanks guys. He’s my cute little baby boy. His name is Trevor. I’m coming back to teach here full-time next month. I’ll see you guys around.”

Cheryl walks down the hall with her new black baby, about to start a new chapter in her life.

What Cheryl doesn’t know is that the black senior boy that talked to her in the hall was Jamal. He was with Trey in the back of her class last year. She didn’t even recognize him, but he remembers her. That sexy white substitute teacher that he and Trey were trying to find out her information so they could text her. After Trey left Mike’s apartment 9 months ago, he texted Jamal and told him how he just fucked the substitute teacher. Jamal didn’t believe him, so Trey sent him the photo that he took of his cock laying on Cheryl’s face. Jamal saw the tattoos on her body and knew it really was her. Now that Trey is gone at college, Jamal is going to try to fuck her now, and he’s gonna bring his friend with him.

Cheryl doesn’t realize it yet, but her inner slut is going to - again. When she comes back to class next month, by the end of the first week she’s going to be broken down and have those two black students over at her new apartment, getting double teamed by both of them. She’s going to turn into the new whore at the high school.
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