What is the best website for cuckold/hotwife/s&v homemade videos?

The site has a place for Cucks and Hotwives and Stags. There is a section for pictures. Pictures are allowed in the Hotties thread which is for pictures of hotwives. They are also allowed in the personals thread where you can post and look for a hook up or date or try to get your wife laid. There is a misc. thread for off subject stuff. No adds. We fund it with donations. Pretty open minded and accepting bunch.
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The site has a place for Cucks and Hotwives and Stags. There is a section for pictures. Pictures are allowed in the Hotties thread which is for pictures of hotwives. They are also allowed in the personals thread where you can post and look for a hook up or date or try to get your wife laid. There is a misc. thread for off subject stuff. No adds. We fund it with donations. Pretty open minded and accepting bunch.

Very true. I have made some good friends there.
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If you try to open an account on OHWs be sure and let me know that you are on this site also. Only try to open one account and I will approve it right away.
Unfortunately I have been registered at OHWs for a couple of years now and only found and registered on this site recently, without seeing this post first. Both accounts are registered to the same email address with the same username on both forums. I assume this still counts as two different registrations? Is there any way to converge the two registrations??
No. It isn't what I am worried about. It's when a member opens 2 accounts and then can have a conversation with themselves. You are fine. I mean 2 on OHWs not having one somewhere else.
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