What if she is into him but you are not?

For several reasons we have never been able to be a true cuck and hotwife. I have seldome been present and seldome to lovers know that I am the cuck husband. Most of her lovers are as good as having an affair behind my back.

I enjoy my creampies and watching her get dressed and horny as hell prior to a sex evening. What I dont like is when it becomes too romantic to the point she doesnt want to return to the pick up bar with me; lest she be seen by him or his friends. And mostly because she wants to be faithful to him. Meaning no other lovers for the time being.

Recently she started dating one. He has all the physical attributes she looks for: well endowed guy, white and full figured man. She dont like skinny or gym buffs. But he is a bit too woke and "mr rules".

99% of lovers will drop what they have at hand to rush over and meet wife for sex. This one will wait up to a week until his schedule allows him time to spend with my wife. He isnt even married. He is half owner of his own business so no strict 9-5 either. I sometimes feel sorry for my wife having to wait for cock days on end. Yet she prefers this disaster to the other horses in her stable.

I have put m y foot down several times, only to see her pussy melt with desire. Its a conundrum. She doesnt get that horny for all the other guys. He has only fucked her well and true twice in 6 months, the rest are one-shot and done. forget about a morning after encore.

She gave him an expensive present for his birthday +$100. She got nada for hers except a bouquet of supermarket flowers.... He has taken her out to dinner once in 6 months. Always prefers to "cook at home" Yet he is always out at the bars with his buddies which means he aint stuck for cash.

Please advise. Remember that just saying NO doesnt work.
At the end of the day, she is YOUR wife, not his. If you all had an agreement prior then I understand your frustration. You also have to understand that people have lives outside of the lifestyle. What if he is doing this to keep her engaged? From my experience there is a lot of flexibility when people decide to take the plunge which can easily make room for boredom to set in. Just my 2 pennies
At the end of the day, she is YOUR wife, not his. If you all had an agreement prior then I understand your frustration. You also have to understand that people have lives outside of the lifestyle. What if he is doing this to keep her engaged? From my experience there is a lot of flexibility when people decide to take the plunge which can easily make room for boredom to set in. Just my 2 pennies
Thanks for the observations. Not sure I understand your last part aobut flexibility, plunge and boredom. He isnt even "old" so that you can say sex isnt at thw top of his list. I think he is 43.
I mean, Id rather she go out than none at all. I have recently enjoyed are own Friday happy hours together. She dresses in sheer / transparent outift with pasties and a thong. It attracts attention, especially in warm months where she doesnt need a coat. I dont even need her to have sex like I used to. To have guys stare is enough enjoyment for me.
With my wife, you dont impose. But I will have my hard and fast rules for Friday bars, Summer pool and beach. If he still cant figure she aint single, I dont give a fk. He needs to know and can then decide if he still wants to fuck a married woman.... every 2 weeks!
To me you are nearer to being a true cuck than you think, my cuckoldress has had many long term lovers over the years and every two weeks is enough if not too often for her and her lovers. Most have been married, with work and other commitments. Spacing out the meets has its advantages for us all. By the time we meet he is loaded, i am excited and she is ready for him and now wants him again. I suspect more often than this risks it becoming routine and sort of stale. It also helps to ensure she doesnt become too emotionally attached to her lover.

We are all different however and my cuckoldress may say 2 weeks is perhaps too soon between meets, she has also never had any major contact with her lover between nights of debroachary as she then moves back to her marriage normal life, kids etc. If he is lucky he might get a whatsapp between meets.

My cuckoldress wouldnt want us as a happily married couple to retrace where she meets him, she mentally draws a line between him and me, i am her cuckold loving husband he her FWBs or lover. She view us differently in so many ways the sexual element is just one part of this. I am sure if i suggested going the same places as she does with him she would think i was becoming obsessive.

"I sometimes feel sorry for my wife having to wait for cock days on end. Yet she prefers this disaster to the other horses in her stable"........ why???

As an attractive kinky women if she wants more and more often, i suspect she could get it elsewhere if she wanted to and if she chooses not to thats down to her, there are a lot of stables in this world believe me.

To answer your question:

What if she is into him but you are not?​

Thats her choice not yours, if you want to be a true supportive cuckold then when and how often she is fucked is down to her, you NOT being into him is your view but NOT you decision. Youve given her the freedom to do as she wants and she is doing......as she wants.

I do think you should talk to her and seek common ground and an undestanding of where you both are and where you both want to me.
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To me you are nearer to being a true cuck than you think, my cuckoldress has had many long term lovers over the years and every two weeks is enough if not too often for her and her lovers. Most have been married, with work and other commitments. Spacing out the meets has its advantages for us all. By the time we meet he is loaded, i am excited and she is ready for him and now wants him again. I suspect more often than this risks it becoming routine and sort of stale. It also helps to ensure she doesnt become too emotionally attached to her lover.

We are all different however and my cuckoldress may say 2 weeks is perhaps too soon between meets, she has also never had any major contact with her lover between nights of debroachary as she then moves back to her marriage normal life, kids etc. If he is lucky he might get a whatsapp between meets.

My cuckoldress wouldnt want us as a happily married couple to retrace where she meets him, she mentally draws a line between him and me, i am her cuckold loving husband he her FWBs or lover. She view us differently in so many ways the sexual element is just one part of this. I am sure if i suggested going the same places as she does with him she would think i was becoming obsessive.

"I sometimes feel sorry for my wife having to wait for cock days on end. Yet she prefers this disaster to the other horses in her stable"........ why???

As an attractive kinky women if she wants more and more often, i suspect she could get it elsewhere if she wanted to and if she chooses not to thats down to her, there are a lot of stables in this world believe me.

To answer your question:

What if she is into him but you are not?​

Thats her choice not yours, if you want to be a true supportive cuckold then when and how often she is fucked is down to her, you NOT being into him is your view but NOT you decision. Youve given her the freedom to do as she wants and she is doing......as she wants.

I do think you should talk to her and seek common ground and an undestanding of where you both are and where you both want to me.
Thanks for taking the time for such detailed advise! From back to front: Yes, in 23 years, it HAS always been her decision whom she chooses for lover. She has become romantically involved with a number of them. I have even enjoyed that because it transforms her into a different woman. To see her so aroused when she talks about a particular man is a big arousal for me. Not to mention the few times we have practiced denial.

You have caused me to compare him to previous ones. I think that in the majority of cases sex has indeed been sporadic due to real life commitments on both sides including travel. And in the majority of cases, it is usually dinner or dancing first and then sex; same as this case. It just seems that lately she craves sex immediately, especially if she is going to his place. She complains: "Why not have sex before dinner, after dinner and then a 3rd time when we are ready to go to ......?"

While she admits for having feelings for him, she immediately found 3 more guys after they argued one too many times. Another issue is that they have given each other labels and my wife is hyperjealous. She suspect he sees other women on Thursdays when is out at bars withi his buddies. So does my wife! He objects to her also dressing slutty even when she is going out alone or with other friends. I am sort of glad that there is a lot of drama because it means it cant turn into anything much more serious

Finally, about going to the same places she goes with him. Ill explain. There is a local pick up bar which is where she met him and 2 others. This is the place I am referring to. This is OUR place because she doesnt really go back there with any other lovers.

One last remark: She had a guy she met at this same bar whom she had sex with, within hours of them meeting. He admitted he was married and wife was away. That was true and obious. The sex was intense. This happened twice. But he made it clear that its only sex and he isnt into chatting, texting, etc. Wife took that as rude and ghosted him. A few weeks later she regretted it. She realizes this IS the perfect arrangement. Sex and nobody stars complaiinig about how the othr one is dressing or start giving labels (girfriend...)
Some of us just enjoy being more into him than he is into us.......used kind of. A warm wet plce to cum, and nothing more. ikely that is the draw for her. Let her enjoy it, as I have many times. You still get to clean up, and have her afterwards. Only real concern is her falling hard for him, which ahs its level of enjoyment too, especially if she stops using birth control at his request (or even without telling him!!). J (the wife)
Late 70s, I was 18. My 24yo boss at Kmart kinda coached my with girls. There was 200 employees, most were under 30, about 2/3 were women.
Boss man told me when ever a girl asked if I was busy(tonight, Fri night, whenever) I need to say I was busy. I couldn't belive what he was telling me. There was no way I was ever going to pass up possibly getting laid.
I tried it. Told a girl I was busy but maybe another time. Worked like a charm. There were some nights I did stay home alone but not many. Girls talk, they all knew who was doing who. There was times I'd be chatting with a girl, a different girl would join in and within a minute I had a date with one or the other. Girls got pissed off but I got plenty of pussy.
If you're "busy" you're popular.
For several reasons we have never been able to be a true cuck and hotwife. I have seldome been present and seldome to lovers know that I am the cuck husband. Most of her lovers are as good as having an affair behind my back.

I enjoy my creampies and watching her get dressed and horny as hell prior to a sex evening. What I dont like is when it becomes too romantic to the point she doesnt want to return to the pick up bar with me; lest she be seen by him or his friends. And mostly because she wants to be faithful to him. Meaning no other lovers for the time being.

Recently she started dating one. He has all the physical attributes she looks for: well endowed guy, white and full figured man. She dont like skinny or gym buffs. But he is a bit too woke and "mr rules".

99% of lovers will drop what they have at hand to rush over and meet wife for sex. This one will wait up to a week until his schedule allows him time to spend with my wife. He isnt even married. He is half owner of his own business so no strict 9-5 either. I sometimes feel sorry for my wife having to wait for cock days on end. Yet she prefers this disaster to the other horses in her stable.

I have put m y foot down several times, only to see her pussy melt with desire. Its a conundrum. She doesnt get that horny for all the other guys. He has only fucked her well and true twice in 6 months, the rest are one-shot and done. forget about a morning after encore.

She gave him an expensive present for his birthday +$100. She got nada for hers except a bouquet of supermarket flowers.... He has taken her out to dinner once in 6 months. Always prefers to "cook at home" Yet he is always out at the bars with his buddies which means he aint stuck for cash.

Please advise. Remember that just saying NO doesnt work.
The only advice I can give you is she has the right to fuck anyone she wants anytime she wants... You have absolutely no say in it... She is the Goddess and you are the no dick cuckold who isn't man enough to stop his wife from fucking other men.. Does she still let you fuck her at all?
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Went the other way around for us. We hooked up with a nice local guy our age. We did it 3 times with him. I thought it was fun, they looked great together, I thought my wife had a good time. She just didn't click with him so it only happened the 3 times.
We did it at his place. Wife was really into it, she seemed to have a good time.
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Went the other way around for us. We hooked up with a nice local guy our age. We did it 3 times with him. I thought it was fun, they looked great together, I thought my wife had a good time. She just didn't click with him so it only happened the 3 times.
We did it at his place. Wife was really into it, she seemed to have a good time.
If she was really into it and did it 3 times what didn't click?
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For several reasons we have never been able to be a true cuck and hotwife. I have seldome been present and seldome to lovers know that I am the cuck husband. Most of her lovers are as good as having an affair behind my back.

I enjoy my creampies and watching her get dressed and horny as hell prior to a sex evening. What I dont like is when it becomes too romantic to the point she doesnt want to return to the pick up bar with me; lest she be seen by him or his friends. And mostly because she wants to be faithful to him. Meaning no other lovers for the time being.

Recently she started dating one. He has all the physical attributes she looks for: well endowed guy, white and full figured man. She dont like skinny or gym buffs. But he is a bit too woke and "mr rules".

99% of lovers will drop what they have at hand to rush over and meet wife for sex. This one will wait up to a week until his schedule allows him time to spend with my wife. He isnt even married. He is half owner of his own business so no strict 9-5 either. I sometimes feel sorry for my wife having to wait for cock days on end. Yet she prefers this disaster to the other horses in her stable.

I have put m y foot down several times, only to see her pussy melt with desire. Its a conundrum. She doesnt get that horny for all the other guys. He has only fucked her well and true twice in 6 months, the rest are one-shot and done. forget about a morning after encore.

She gave him an expensive present for his birthday +$100. She got nada for hers except a bouquet of supermarket flowers.... He has taken her out to dinner once in 6 months. Always prefers to "cook at home" Yet he is always out at the bars with his buddies which means he aint stuck for cash.

Please advise. Remember that just saying NO doesnt work.
Sounds like he's in the driver's seat, and is probably giving her such good dick that she's wrapped around this finger, and not vice versa. 🙂 He's got her by his rules.
For several reasons we have never been able to be a true cuck and hotwife. I have seldome been present and seldome to lovers know that I am the cuck husband. Most of her lovers are as good as having an affair behind my back.

I enjoy my creampies and watching her get dressed and horny as hell prior to a sex evening. What I dont like is when it becomes too romantic to the point she doesnt want to return to the pick up bar with me; lest she be seen by him or his friends. And mostly because she wants to be faithful to him. Meaning no other lovers for the time being.

Recently she started dating one. He has all the physical attributes she looks for: well endowed guy, white and full figured man. She dont like skinny or gym buffs. But he is a bit too woke and "mr rules".

99% of lovers will drop what they have at hand to rush over and meet wife for sex. This one will wait up to a week until his schedule allows him time to spend with my wife. He isnt even married. He is half owner of his own business so no strict 9-5 either. I sometimes feel sorry for my wife having to wait for cock days on end. Yet she prefers this disaster to the other horses in her stable.

I have put m y foot down several times, only to see her pussy melt with desire. Its a conundrum. She doesnt get that horny for all the other guys. He has only fucked her well and true twice in 6 months, the rest are one-shot and done. forget about a morning after encore.

She gave him an expensive present for his birthday +$100. She got nada for hers except a bouquet of supermarket flowers.... He has taken her out to dinner once in 6 months. Always prefers to "cook at home" Yet he is always out at the bars with his buddies which means he aint stuck for cash.

Please advise. Remember that just saying NO doesnt work.
He is doing everything right every man should do, keeping her hungry for more, both mentally appreciation and physically.

He is in control of your wife, and she is addicted. Do not believe you can do anything about it, she have to realize her self, until then, acxept it
for me the only thing that matters is his cock size and performense, i dont care about his looks, he just needs to have a large cock and last long enough to fuck both of us
This is an impossible situation
Thanks for taking the time for such detailed advise! From back to front: Yes, in 23 years, it HAS always been her decision whom she chooses for lover. She has become romantically involved with a number of them. I have even enjoyed that because it transforms her into a different woman. To see her so aroused when she talks about a particular man is a big arousal for me. Not to mention the few times we have practiced denial.

You have caused me to compare him to previous ones. I think that in the majority of cases sex has indeed been sporadic due to real life commitments on both sides including travel. And in the majority of cases, it is usually dinner or dancing first and then sex; same as this case. It just seems that lately she craves sex immediately, especially if she is going to his place. She complains: "Why not have sex before dinner, after dinner and then a 3rd time when we are ready to go to ......?"

While she admits for having feelings for him, she immediately found 3 more guys after they argued one too many times. Another issue is that they have given each other labels and my wife is hyperjealous. She suspect he sees other women on Thursdays when is out at bars withi his buddies. So does my wife! He objects to her also dressing slutty even when she is going out alone or with other friends. I am sort of glad that there is a lot of drama because it means it cant turn into anything much more serious

Finally, about going to the same places she goes with him. Ill explain. There is a local pick up bar which is where she met him and 2 others. This is the place I am referring to. This is OUR place because she doesnt really go back there with any other lovers.

One last remark: She had a guy she met at this same bar whom she had sex with, within hours of them meeting. He admitted he was married and wife was away. That was true and obious. The sex was intense. This happened twice. But he made it clear that its only sex and he isnt into chatting, texting, etc. Wife took that as rude and ghosted him. A few weeks later she regretted it. She realizes this IS the perfect arrangement. Sex and nobody stars complaiinig about how the othr one is dressing or start giving labels (girfriend...)
You, and even your wife have to admit taking on another as lovers and both cheating on a "cheating" relationship is kind of weird. Worse to be jealous about it. That part I highlighted in red is what I mean. It almost sounds like they both want to experience what a "bad marriage" is like with all the control and suspicion. Surely she has to be thinking she can do better than him.

It does sound like your wife is beginning to see some pitfalls in having "too deep" of a connection that it spills over into other parts of their lives. Hopefully she's reexamined her ultimate goal here and it's the sex.