Update: How My Shy Wife is Opening Up during Dirty Talking

Hey everyone,

I wanted to share something that recently happened and hear your thoughts on it. Some of you might remember the first story I shared about my dear wife, who is naturally very shy and conservative. Back then, I posted here about how she started to open up little by little during our dirty talking, saying things she wouldn’t have before. However, for a few weeks, she stopped doing that, retreating a bit into her shell. It was a bit sad, and I thought everything was lost.

But now, something amazing happened. While we were having sex the the other day, she suddenly said in the dirty talking “I’d love to open my legs for everyone to see.” For most people in this forum, that might not seem like a big deal, but for me, it was a huge step forward. She would never have said something like that before, especially in such a spontaneous way. It made me realize how much her mindset has been opening from this dirty talking.
The best part came afterward when we were able to talk about it with clear heads. I asked her how she felt about saying those words, and she confessed that part of her said them just to “please my ear.” But then she added something that really moved me: “But when I said it, I really enjoy saying such things, I thought you will feel mad about it.” She said. Wow! That moment hit me deeply. I made sure to tell her that I wasn’t bothered at all!! Quite the opposite, actually. It made me so excited to see her stepping into this new space of confidence.

These days, as we’ve keep fucking, I’ve noticed she’s become more open about expressing herself. Her willingness to explore new ideas, to be more daring in her thoughts and actions, has grown significantly. It’s been inspiring to me.

So now I’m curious, what do you all think? Do you believe this is just a sign of her being playful or, could it lead to something deeper? (Hotwifing) Has anyone else experienced something similar with their partner? I’m curious to see her growth, but I also wonder if there’s anything more I should be aware of as we move forward.

I’d love to hear your thoughts! Thanks for reading.
She's opening up to feelings she's always had but suppressed them. She likes being a dirty girl but afraid you or others won't like/love her. So reassure her you like it and love her .

Also, don't say it doesn't bother you. Be surprised, as you were, and let her know it sounds sexy, exciting to you. Don't push her, but play with her asking her how she would show them, what she would show them, who would she show. Be excited with her. Thell her she being naughty but you kind of like it. Ask her to tell you more. Have fun .
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Hey everyone,

I wanted to share something that recently happened and hear your thoughts on it. Some of you might remember the first story I shared about my dear wife, who is naturally very shy and conservative. Back then, I posted here about how she started to open up little by little during our dirty talking, saying things she wouldn’t have before. However, for a few weeks, she stopped doing that, retreating a bit into her shell. It was a bit sad, and I thought everything was lost.

But now, something amazing happened. While we were having sex the the other day, she suddenly said in the dirty talking “I’d love to open my legs for everyone to see.” For most people in this forum, that might not seem like a big deal, but for me, it was a huge step forward. She would never have said something like that before, especially in such a spontaneous way. It made me realize how much her mindset has been opening from this dirty talking.
The best part came afterward when we were able to talk about it with clear heads. I asked her how she felt about saying those words, and she confessed that part of her said them just to “please my ear.” But then she added something that really moved me: “But when I said it, I really enjoy saying such things, I thought you will feel mad about it.” She said. Wow! That moment hit me deeply. I made sure to tell her that I wasn’t bothered at all!! Quite the opposite, actually. It made me so excited to see her stepping into this new space of confidence.

These days, as we’ve keep fucking, I’ve noticed she’s become more open about expressing herself. Her willingness to explore new ideas, to be more daring in her thoughts and actions, has grown significantly. It’s been inspiring to me.

So now I’m curious, what do you all think? Do you believe this is just a sign of her being playful or, could it lead to something deeper? (Hotwifing) Has anyone else experienced something similar with their partner? I’m curious to see her growth, but I also wonder if there’s anything more I should be aware of as we move forward.

I’d love to hear your thoughts! Thanks for reading.

I have written many a times to many husbands the following facts:

Almost 85% of the male and females ( husband and wife for that matter enjoy ) have fantasies of similar kind but they are apprehensive of possible distorting their Holycow image in front of their partners- They come out and go back into their shells- However the enjoyment part does exist- Keep giving her confidence that you like what ever she does in bed- Try and bring her out more and more for her to be outspoken-

What are your ages ?? Depends a lot on it also - Keep me posted if you like what you think of the Holycow images I wrote above- Thanks
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