Throughout the years we've been married my wife has had a few unknown pregnancies but not because of fucking multiple guys, her unknown pregnancies were between myself and the other guy she fucked, all this happened during our time in the army, I met my wife when she was 30 and she had been in the army since she was 17, she was a virgin when she went to boot camp and lost her virginity before graduating boot camp,
By the time we met and got married she had been with several guys and admitted to me that a few times she had gotten pregnant from other soldiers she fucked, none of the pregnancies had gone full term, ending in miscarriages, we got married 6 months after we met and 3 months later she was on deployment,
Before getting married we had both agreed that at some point we would probably fuck other people something that was common in the army, my wife never kept anything from me and neither did I, we always knew about each other's sexual activities with other people while we were apart,
Throughout the years that we were in the army we tried having kids, all the pregnancies whether they were mine or some other soldier ended in miscarriages, our last years in the army before retiring were different, a year after getting to our last duty station in my home town my wife became pregnant, at first it wasn't anything exciting and we knew it could end in a miscarriage but as the months went by and she got bigger and better we started realizing that this one was gonna go full term,
9 months later she gave birth to our first ......, there was no doubt it was mine, I didn't even have to ask since she had been with me all the time, 6 months later she went on deployment for 2 months, since she was only a few hours away I was able to to visit her on the weekend when I was off duty, from the time she left we had been trying for another baby and the 2 times I visited her on the weekend we fucked like crazy,
A week after she came home she found out she was pregnant, after counting all the days that we fucked and the time that it could've happened everything looked added up except for that 1 day when she went out with another soldier and fucked before coming home, I had fucked her on the weekend and the other soldier had fucked her the following Wednesday night,
9 months later she gave birth to our second ......, unless we did a DNA test there was no telling who the father was, it was too close to tell, we never bothered and my wife told me she was 90% sure it was mine, that was enough for me and a year later we retired from the army, funny thing after retiring from the army we both started working civilian jobs, my wife never stopped fucking other guys and never got pregnant again from me or any other guy.
Here's some pictures of my wife different times she was pregnant.
First time after we got married, it wasn't mine.
Second time she was pregnant, about 50% chance it was mine.
Third time she was pregnant, definitely mine.
Fourth time she was pregnant, 90% it's mine,
This is right before delivery of our second .......