This is not technically a cheating wife story but wasn't sure where else to put it and, who knows, maybe that's what these girls turned into...
I was just reminiscing about some experience I had in the past and wondering how these naughty girls turned out.
One time, when I was on break from my now wife, buddy and me went out to a bar for Halloween. We ended up meeting up with a hot "naughty cop" chick and her somewhat plump friend and were invited back to their place. My friend was married and made me promise if he went out with me, I wouldn't let him get into any "situations". Well, he told the plump chick he was married and she lost interest, then funny enough, got a call from her boyfriend and went off into her room and closed the door. That left us both with naughty cop chick who suggested we watch a movie. The DVD player in the common room was having some issues so she suggested we all go watch a movie in her room, where the only furniture was her bed. In a move that I deeply regret to this day, I insisted on my friend's behalf that we could probably get the DVD player working. I felt like if we went into the bedroom, things would happen that he didn't want to get involved in. Sure enough, we got the DVD player working and as we got into the movie, I started putting the moves on naughty cop. She cozied up to me and first my hand was on her thigh, then at some point I kissed her neck and we started kissing a bit. I noticed as this was doing on, her hand was on my friend's leg, then at some point I saw her brushing her fingers across his neck. I could tell he was having conflicted feelings and kept trying to keep her attention on me. It was rather awkward and at some point, it was quite late and he had to get home, so I gave her a last kiss and we left. She called me the next week and wanted me to meet her out somewhere but I was out with friends and somehow just never called her again after that. I think in my mind, at the time, she wasn't girlfriend material, although now I wonder if I was too hasty haha...
My buddy and I have talked about that night a couple times over the years and now, especially that his marriage is practically sexless, we both are like "wtf were we thinking?" Why didn't we just give naughty cop the spitroasting she obviously wanted? It seems crazy now that we actively sabotaged what could have been an epic night of tag-teaming this hot college chick (we were in our 30s at the time). It got me thinking recently - She's now 30-something and likely married. Did she ever get the MMF she was looking for? Does her husband know what a naughty cop his wife was?
I had another incident where I had been dating this girl for a few weeks and, after the club one night, we were heading to my cousin's house. My cousis was driving my SUV because I was quite ...... and my date and I were in the back with a friend of my cousins. This girl was all over me... somehow we started fucking, right there in the car with 3 other people aournd us. I don't even remember what clothing she had to remove that I was able to get it in her but somehow it happened and first she was on top of my lap, facing me, then at some point I remember bending her over the seat and fucking her from behind. Then at some point I noticed she had her hand in the crotch of my cousin's friend, rubbing his dick through his pants. He was totally weirded out and probably afraid I'd get mad, which, to be honest, back then I probably would have unfortunately. Anyway, he kept pushing her hand away and told me about it after. I broke up with her not too long after that, although that's a whole other story. I know she's married now with kids and I'm pretty sure the guy she married is the guy she started dating after we sort of broke up but she kept occasionally meeting up with me to fuck. I'm pretty sure he knew what he was getting into and I bet she's a hotwife now.
Anyone else have stories about slutty women they encountered who "got away"...
I was just reminiscing about some experience I had in the past and wondering how these naughty girls turned out.
One time, when I was on break from my now wife, buddy and me went out to a bar for Halloween. We ended up meeting up with a hot "naughty cop" chick and her somewhat plump friend and were invited back to their place. My friend was married and made me promise if he went out with me, I wouldn't let him get into any "situations". Well, he told the plump chick he was married and she lost interest, then funny enough, got a call from her boyfriend and went off into her room and closed the door. That left us both with naughty cop chick who suggested we watch a movie. The DVD player in the common room was having some issues so she suggested we all go watch a movie in her room, where the only furniture was her bed. In a move that I deeply regret to this day, I insisted on my friend's behalf that we could probably get the DVD player working. I felt like if we went into the bedroom, things would happen that he didn't want to get involved in. Sure enough, we got the DVD player working and as we got into the movie, I started putting the moves on naughty cop. She cozied up to me and first my hand was on her thigh, then at some point I kissed her neck and we started kissing a bit. I noticed as this was doing on, her hand was on my friend's leg, then at some point I saw her brushing her fingers across his neck. I could tell he was having conflicted feelings and kept trying to keep her attention on me. It was rather awkward and at some point, it was quite late and he had to get home, so I gave her a last kiss and we left. She called me the next week and wanted me to meet her out somewhere but I was out with friends and somehow just never called her again after that. I think in my mind, at the time, she wasn't girlfriend material, although now I wonder if I was too hasty haha...
My buddy and I have talked about that night a couple times over the years and now, especially that his marriage is practically sexless, we both are like "wtf were we thinking?" Why didn't we just give naughty cop the spitroasting she obviously wanted? It seems crazy now that we actively sabotaged what could have been an epic night of tag-teaming this hot college chick (we were in our 30s at the time). It got me thinking recently - She's now 30-something and likely married. Did she ever get the MMF she was looking for? Does her husband know what a naughty cop his wife was?
I had another incident where I had been dating this girl for a few weeks and, after the club one night, we were heading to my cousin's house. My cousis was driving my SUV because I was quite ...... and my date and I were in the back with a friend of my cousins. This girl was all over me... somehow we started fucking, right there in the car with 3 other people aournd us. I don't even remember what clothing she had to remove that I was able to get it in her but somehow it happened and first she was on top of my lap, facing me, then at some point I remember bending her over the seat and fucking her from behind. Then at some point I noticed she had her hand in the crotch of my cousin's friend, rubbing his dick through his pants. He was totally weirded out and probably afraid I'd get mad, which, to be honest, back then I probably would have unfortunately. Anyway, he kept pushing her hand away and told me about it after. I broke up with her not too long after that, although that's a whole other story. I know she's married now with kids and I'm pretty sure the guy she married is the guy she started dating after we sort of broke up but she kept occasionally meeting up with me to fuck. I'm pretty sure he knew what he was getting into and I bet she's a hotwife now.
Anyone else have stories about slutty women they encountered who "got away"...