My girlfriend and I had been together for two years. We had originally met in high school but reunited several years after graduation. We enjoyed a healthy sex life that had evolved into regular BDSM relationship. We ventured out to BDSM events at our local dungeon but mostly remained wallflowers. At home we played regularly, I was her submissive and she was my Dominant. She was not formally trained but was always very enthusiastic and willing to accommodate my fantasizes.
One day while browsing online for jobs I found an ad for a BDSM dungeon that was offering to train and hire new Dominatrixes. As a joke I sent it to my girlfriend never expecting her to take it serious. SHE DID! She wanted to work there and responded to the ad immediately. Several hours later she received a response inviting her to come to the dungeon for an in person interview. The only problem was my girlfriend was terrible with directions. This was before GPS and Google maps was standard on cell phones. I had the day off from work so I agreed to go with her to help her find the place. I would wait in the car during her interview. The next day when we arrived at the address it gave off some bad vibes. First off it wasn't like the dungeons we had been to before. It was a duplex that was converted into a dungeon. The neighborhood where the duplex was, was not a good neighborhood at all.
I almost told my girlfriend not to go in but she was so excited and assured me everything would be fine. We ended up parking around the corner. My girlfriend gave me a kiss and shut the car door as she headed towards the dungeon. Thirty minutes passed and I started getting worried. I thought maybe she got kidnapped or horrible things were happening. Then suddenly my phone rang, it was her. She told me she got the job. Her new boss/Head Mistress was beautiful and she even already had a client lined up for her to see.
I asked if I could come check the place out but she told me that would have to wait for a future day. Her head Mistress felt having random men hanging out at the dungeon might ruin the fantasy for the clients. So I agreed to wait in the car. Two hours passed and finally I spotted my girlfriend skipping down the sidewalk. When she entered the car I asked how it went.
Well it turns out the client was actually a Dominant not a submissive. She said he was actually a bit handsome. Maybe early forties. I asked her how do you train to become a Dominatrix if the client is a Dominant. She said her new boss said in order for her to truly be respected as a Dominatrix she had to first take a few sessions as a submissive. So she could understand what she was putting people through. She said she was really nervous but luckily her Boss was in there the whole time making sure she was okay. I told her I guess that sounded better, I joked and asked if he had spanked her and if her butt was sore.
She told me as soon as she entered the room for their session her boss ordered her to remove all her clothes. She stood there for her and the client to inspect her naked body. She made her stand on her tip toes and he fondled her breast briefly. She told him to stop and he did. He spread her ass cheeks with his crop. Then her boss walked her over to a piece of medieval looking bondage furniture. Her hands were tied above her head and her legs were spread and strapped to the bottom.
Hearing this story I was having conflicting feelings. I was not supposed to like the idea of my girlfriend being naked and fondled by a random stranger. It feels like a traditional feeling every man should feel jealousy or hurt from this type of situation. But I was slightly turned on.
My girlfriend's boss removed a toy from her cabinet and turned it on. It buzzed loudly. It was one of those magic wand vibrators but super strong. Nothing inserted but just the vibration on her clit was apparently enough to leave a puddle on the floor… So they took turns teasing her with the vibrator for about an hour.
I asked her if she was wet or if she enjoyed it. She told me she could not help it. The vibrations were so strong and the whole experience being tied up naked in front of two strangers was a bit too much for her. She said she was sorry and asked If I was angry. She told me she would quit right now if I wanted her to and begged me not to hate her.
I told her not to quit but no more sessions like that one. She assured me it would never happen again. This was only the beginning.