We tried with a client of mine from work. Didnt really take the bait. So Ive opted to share with a friend of our children (now in their late 20s). This guy actually lived with us for about 2 years due to family issues, when they were in HS. So he has seen my wife in underwear and topless. She is just an exhibitionist at heart. He became a familiar face and to her, tits are not as "shameful" as ass or pussy.
Anyway, she posts her own sexy/semi-slutty pics on her social media and obviously he sees them. So I pic a few more risque and post them where only he can see. They are not the porn ones ... I might bet into trouble. But I take a nude one and cut it off right at the crotch or nipple. Some see thru lingerie. I know he is attracted to her (Stiflers mom) because he made a remark of her sheer dress at Xmas. I made a point of inviting him to our Xmas lunch.