I have asked this before. I have asked this question on another site as well. I have yet to get much in the way of a response. In my own personal experience routine sex with my wife greatly diminished my desire. I knew what we were going to do, how long it would last, what position we would be in, and what we would say afterwards. I imagine this happens to lots of couples that have been together long enough.
If you get "used" to something/anything enough, no matter what it is, does it still have the appeal it once had? Like for instance, denial. If you're denied and you expect to be denied is it as big of a thrill? If you have grown accustomed to being humiliated, is it as humiliating 10 years later? If you've been "pussy free" for 20 years do you still want pussy like you did at week one? If your wife goes out every Saturday and comes home Sunday morning is it as exciting as it was the first time and is it as important to hear the details after 20 years?
I'm not a psychologist but it sure seems that anything routine becomes a sort of "conditioning". Successful couples must realize this and either embrace the conditioning or they do something to prevent the ambivalence. What are your thoughts?
If you get "used" to something/anything enough, no matter what it is, does it still have the appeal it once had? Like for instance, denial. If you're denied and you expect to be denied is it as big of a thrill? If you have grown accustomed to being humiliated, is it as humiliating 10 years later? If you've been "pussy free" for 20 years do you still want pussy like you did at week one? If your wife goes out every Saturday and comes home Sunday morning is it as exciting as it was the first time and is it as important to hear the details after 20 years?
I'm not a psychologist but it sure seems that anything routine becomes a sort of "conditioning". Successful couples must realize this and either embrace the conditioning or they do something to prevent the ambivalence. What are your thoughts?