
Long ago, before herpes and AIDS, while in college, I knew a female grad student who was about to graduate and to move back to her state, where she would begin to lead a boring life, as she saw it, as a banker, since her father owned the bank. She wanted one last big fling, so she organized an orgy. She invited me and three other guys. She figured that probably more than four guys, probably closer to eight, would actually show up, once we told our friends; she also figured that half of the women wouldn’t show, so she invited about 8 or 9 females, figuring that way there would be two men per woman, which she deemed the perfect ratio. On the big night, there was only one guy other than me and about 8 women, including our hostess. One of the women stated that she was there only to watch, not to participate. Of course, I wanted to fuck her most. It all started well and soon became fantastic. But when my male co-orgyist shot his first load, I began to worry. I didn’t want my cock anywhere near his cum. I tried to memorize the girl that he had just fucked, but she was a basic blonde, which to this day, I have a hard time telling apart.

I do remember taking a time-out from fucking and sitting next the fully-dressed non-participant. I was naked, my cock was hard and wet, which she stared at longingly. Her eyes oscillated between my eyes and my cock. She wasn't the most attractive woman there, but she was least available, so I wanted her the most. I thought of talking her into joining for some desert at a nearby romantic restaurant, and then my taking her back to my place. Didn't happen. Two females broke up our conversation and pulled me into naked mountain of flesh. I must have orgasmed least three times. I remember being so smothered in naked female flesh that I found it hard to breathe.

The next day, my cock was sore and looked as if bedbugs had gotten to it, as tiny teeth marks blemished its length. It took about three or four days before it looked normal again, which was awkward for me as I had a girlfriend.

A week later, the orgy's hostess thanked me prodigiously for showing up and for the fucking I had given her, which was odd, as I had no memory of ever fucking her, but, then, that night I had many women sitting on my face while another rode my cock, so maybe she had taken a ride.