Older men with young gf

For context my gf is 21 I don’t know why but I have a massive fantasy of seeing her please older men especially in a group. She’s very curvy and attractive and when I catch men 50+ staring when we are out it especially turns me on. They look desperate to try her young body. Does any one share this or have the reverse and like younger partners
For context my gf is 21 I don’t know why but I have a massive fantasy of seeing her please older men especially in a group. She’s very curvy and attractive and when I catch men 50+ staring when we are out it especially turns me on. They look desperate to try her young body. Does any one share this or have the reverse and like younger partners
Desperate "men" are not going to do the girl right. If the young lady wants to be fucked properly then you're looking for healthy, fit, experienced, currently sexually active/not desperate men.

I like young ladies because they tend to be able to keep up with my sex drive better, they're often very charming, I like training them to be great lovers, and of course, tight holes.