Never say never....

So I very rarely post here but I thought if anything was post worthy, this was....

If you have read any one of my previous threads you know that play time for my wife comes during vacation away from home.... well, off we go.

We were having a after dinner drink at our local watering hole Saturday night and we start chatting it up with one of the bartender's male friends. (The bartender - a female - "sort" of knows of my wife's proclivities during vacation... nothing specific...)

The bartender and her friend are both from Jamaica and her friend "Jake" (name changed to protect the innocent) is just visiting and about to go back home to Jamaica this past Monday.

So a few drinks go by and the girls are chatting it up... totally ignoring Jake and I. He seems to be a nice kid.... mid-20s.... no idea what he wants to do with his life... stuck in a tourism job on the island for the cruise ships... yada yada...

Then I hear my wife from down the bar exclaim "no way!" and starts laughing with our bartender (drinks were starting to take effect)

The wife comes down to the bar our way, looks at me.... and I shit you not says "Excuse me my love, I have to verify if someone is full of shit."

She whispers in Jake's ear and all I hear is something about a 20 dollar bet.

Jake smiles and says... "lead the way..."

You have to understand that both of those girls were completely ignoring both of us 10 minutes ago.... so it caught me off guard until I saw the bartender smiling while she pointed to some storage room in the back. I looked at her and I immediately had an idea of what was going on....

Two minutes later my wife comes out first... white as a ghost. Goes straight up to the bartender and hands her a 20 dollar bill.

Jake comes out laughing his ass off.

I knew where this was going and it was going there quickly....

The wife comes up to me and asks the question... "I know its not on vacation and I'm not sure yet.... I have to feel this kid out....but you have no idea what I just saw.... literally... you have no idea..."

So for the next hour all 3 of us are drinking while she now has full attention on Jake, feeling him out. After the hour he goes to the head, she turns to me and says.... "OK I'm officially asking.... I know we aren't on vacation but he doesn't live here and he's at the airport hotel... What do you think?".

"I'll tell you what, I'll drive you to the hotel and once you feel OK I'll head out to Dave's for the poker game at 9... if you feel uncomfortable in any way I'm 5 minutes out."

Jake comes back.... the wife nods her head and he smiles broadly.... See you there!

So on the drive to the hotel you can tell she's excited... her face and deep chest are blotchy red.

I know that she's "ready to rock mode" already.... damn.... what the hell does this kid have between his legs?

I know I'll find out at some point after the weekend, but for now I'm making sure that she is safe.

I drop her off at the hotel, 15 minutes later I get a thumbs up text and I head to the poker game.... while my wife is fucking a 20 something from Jamaica.

Short version... she stays the whole night there until about 8 AM, comes home, showers... literally passes out until about 6 PM Sunday... another shower, throws some slut gear in a bag and is back out there. About 9 PM I get a pic from an unknown number with my wife on her knees giving a tit fuck to literally one of the biggest black dicks I've ever seen. I mean her tits are HUGE... so I know the reference points...

Anyway she stays the night, calls into work sick as they fuck all Monday before he boards his flight.

She comes home, takes a shower, brushes her teeth and gives me a kiss and one hell of a banger BJ.

She smiles, looks at me with glee and tells me: That was one hell of a weekend!

She then proceeds to pass out from exhaustion yet again.... No calling into work a second time!

Anyway if I get more details I'll pass them on...
So I very rarely post here but I thought if anything was post worthy, this was....

If you have read any one of my previous threads you know that play time for my wife comes during vacation away from home.... well, off we go.

We were having a after dinner drink at our local watering hole Saturday night and we start chatting it up with one of the bartender's male friends. (The bartender - a female - "sort" of knows of my wife's proclivities during vacation... nothing specific...)

The bartender and her friend are both from Jamaica and her friend "Jake" (name changed to protect the innocent) is just visiting and about to go back home to Jamaica this past Monday.

So a few drinks go by and the girls are chatting it up... totally ignoring Jake and I. He seems to be a nice kid.... mid-20s.... no idea what he wants to do with his life... stuck in a tourism job on the island for the cruise ships... yada yada...

Then I hear my wife from down the bar exclaim "no way!" and starts laughing with our bartender (drinks were starting to take effect)

The wife comes down to the bar our way, looks at me.... and I shit you not says "Excuse me my love, I have to verify if someone is full of shit."

She whispers in Jake's ear and all I hear is something about a 20 dollar bet.

Jake smiles and says... "lead the way..."

You have to understand that both of those girls were completely ignoring both of us 10 minutes ago.... so it caught me off guard until I saw the bartender smiling while she pointed to some storage room in the back. I looked at her and I immediately had an idea of what was going on....

Two minutes later my wife comes out first... white as a ghost. Goes straight up to the bartender and hands her a 20 dollar bill.

Jake comes out laughing his ass off.

I knew where this was going and it was going there quickly....

The wife comes up to me and asks the question... "I know its not on vacation and I'm not sure yet.... I have to feel this kid out....but you have no idea what I just saw.... literally... you have no idea..."

So for the next hour all 3 of us are drinking while she now has full attention on Jake, feeling him out. After the hour he goes to the head, she turns to me and says.... "OK I'm officially asking.... I know we aren't on vacation but he doesn't live here and he's at the airport hotel... What do you think?".

"I'll tell you what, I'll drive you to the hotel and once you feel OK I'll head out to Dave's for the poker game at 9... if you feel uncomfortable in any way I'm 5 minutes out."

Jake comes back.... the wife nods her head and he smiles broadly.... See you there!

So on the drive to the hotel you can tell she's excited... her face and deep chest are blotchy red.

I know that she's "ready to rock mode" already.... damn.... what the hell does this kid have between his legs?

I know I'll find out at some point after the weekend, but for now I'm making sure that she is safe.

I drop her off at the hotel, 15 minutes later I get a thumbs up text and I head to the poker game.... while my wife is fucking a 20 something from Jamaica.

Short version... she stays the whole night there until about 8 AM, comes home, showers... literally passes out until about 6 PM Sunday... another shower, throws some slut gear in a bag and is back out there. About 9 PM I get a pic from an unknown number with my wife on her knees giving a tit fuck to literally one of the biggest black dicks I've ever seen. I mean her tits are HUGE... so I know the reference points...

Anyway she stays the night, calls into work sick as they fuck all Monday before he boards his flight.

She comes home, takes a shower, brushes her teeth and gives me a kiss and one hell of a banger BJ.

She smiles, looks at me with glee and tells me: That was one hell of a weekend!

She then proceeds to pass out from exhaustion yet again.... No calling into work a second time!

Anyway if I get more details I'll pass them on...
I’d love to see her tits. Your profile is private I guess
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