My wife wants to go to a nudist beach, it would be a new experience for us .She wants to visit a beach where there are black guys who strut

My wife wants wants to visit a nudist beach where black guys strut their bodies for others to see their naked penises
We originally thought of going to Grenada , but doing research on nudism it became clear there are no public beaches where it’s legal to be naked .
I then started looking at other Caribbean islands looking for legal public beaches where nudism was accepted. I tried Barbados , Antigua both had nudism but only in private areas .Then I found Saint Martin but only nude beaches were on the French side of the Island not the Dutch side .i found a place that had private cabins that were secluded and allowed anyone you wanted to join you no questions asked.
I booked a ten day stay after studying where these were and the nearest nudist beach, they seemed the perfect idea for what I wanted and not far from Happy bay a known nudist beach.
I booked and made all the arrangements for my husband and I to visit staying at the cabins. A little about my husband and I. We are involved in interracial cuckolding . We only involve black guys . We have a regular bull who has previously involved his brother to join us and they both seduced me twice each the same night, then he arranged a gang bang with six hung black friends of his . I have had three other black guys on different occasions while my husband watched listening and masturbated. As I enjoyed the extra size of the black guys penises both length and girth then the stamina they have especially when with white women .so the reason I wanted to go to a nudist beach in the Caribbean was to see the black guys and women naked. Strutting their bodies. Especially the larger endowed black guys. Also to partly humiliate my husband who cock is a small four inches when erect .
We arrived at the airport got a taxi to the cabins, the driver gave us the knowing look of what we were there for.

We arrived at the cabins booked in and a receptionist walked us to our cabin. As we walked she was telling us about house rules. Also telling us that as the cabins were spread out we were free to bring guests back with us if we wanted. She also looked and nodded with a knowing idea she also said there were local buses that passed close to all the local beaches.
We unpacked showered then I put a skinny white tight fitting bikini on , my husband put swimming shorts and a tee shirt on .we went out onto our balcony taking in our surroundings it was amazing.
We were both tired from the journey , it was now about eight pm . We decided to get an early night so we would be fresh the next morning.
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