You guys might remember my first post on here:
I first joined this forum as I was finally getting over the shame and embarrassment of being cuckolded so many times and finding that I enjoy it every time so intensely. It's on such another level for me for three reasons than if it weren't were this:
1. It's my older brother doing the cucking / bull's job
2. I fucking hate my douchey, cocky, manipulative, sadistic jock bully of an older brother with a passion
3. For some reason, the idea of the person that I hate the most taking my girlfriend / date that night and fucking her in front of me sends me through extremes of pleasure and arousal.
Now my brother and I barely tolerate each other. He doesn't like to let me out of his sight because he loves torturing me like we're kids again despite the fact that I'm 25 and he's 27. We literally work at the same building, went to the same college, high school etc. He naturally succeeds in about every endeavor, particularly one that gets him pussy. But he sort of feeds of my misery and burning jealousy when he uses my humiliation to social climb.
Now you might feel bad for me here but believe me, it's a lot more voluntary than you think. Yeah, it might be a pussy's philosophy of waiting for karma or divine justice to give my jock asshole, ex bully and current bull older brother what he deserves. But for some reason, every time he gets the thing I wanted - whether it be the job that was supposed to be mine now leaving to work under him, the night of wild sex with a 10/10 babe with a body I'd ...... for, or even everything else he's ever taken from me, I get off sooooooooooooo incredibly hard
Something about the injustice, the fact that I was dealt such a shitty hand in everything and he just gets to swim in the good fortune while being such a jock douchebag, makes it 10 MILLION TIMES more arousing when he gets the girl I want to. Fuck, often, the most turned on the women were, the ones I was with before he stole them from me, were when he displayed intense aggressive physical dominance and brutality over me.
He's never beaten me up or assaulted me in the traditional sense. He wouldn't do that. But what he is fine with is wedgying my nuts and crack sore until he lifts me up in the air squealing like high school and middle school in front of women while I'm a grown man. Bending me over his lap to deliver swift and thorough whacks of his folded belt into my ballsack while my girlfriend or date at the time sits next to him and laughs hysterically. Just the thought of these things turn me.
I'm only summarizing today because this last weekend was very special and surreal to me. Both my brother, the woman I'm about to speak about, and I, had some of the most intense orgasms of our entire lives in the last two days.
I'll make the story short:
A female friend of ours who I actually never dated but JT fucked invited us both this party. We left this party with her and her friends to other's they knew about, like weird....mid day... nude pool parties in LA. Weird ...... to me at least. We get to the second party.... EVERYONE'S FUCKIN NUDE!!! 😳
Even JT was sort just paralyzed in shock and probably excitement because my dick older brother looks chiseled af and I lowkey hate him for it. Muscular body, horse cock and everything. Anyways, we strip down at the suggestion of his ex fuck buddy. I walk around with him as he confidently struts and I shamefully waddle with my pale skinny bod and short pecker.
I think that I see Elaina but also doubt it heavily because the surreal odds. But I keep seeing this sexy brunette, kind of young lookin, spitting image of that pop star Madison Beer, weaving the crowds across the pool. We eventually make eye contact when she stumbles my way when I'm grabbing a drink from a cooler, she looks stunned. I'm stunned too.
She laughs out loud and is actually joyfully surprised to see me. We ask each other how we've been and banter. It was a whole out of body experience to be back there with Elaina just standing there nude with lots of other people and me being exposed bare in front of her. Sun was out and everything. Weird head space but totally taken back to high school and the feeling of young testosterone filled balls and puberty making me hornier than a mf. Elaina was the original and she looked so good the last two days.
I hear some guy call her name and say something like making a reference or asking her to get back to something, she turns, smiles and tells him he'll be there in a minute. I get nervous that she's seeing some other guy. Then of course, as you would imagine, rugged stallion older brother JT shows up. He's way taller than me, broad as ......, and huge cock of course. He stands next to me as he greets Elaina who's eyes are gaping wide, who's mouth is just cracked open enough to let a shallow gasp as his appearance escape. She looks taken back by her orgasmic blast from the past that is my evil older brother.
They have this palpable, very sexually tense interaction that showed me there wasn't another guy there that she looked at like she did my brother which was both so arousing and such humiliation.
They talked for a while which made me very uncomfortable as time went on. I did some laps for probably ten minutes. I would see JT and Elaina standing side by side like a couple as they talked to other young nude party goers. She'd laugh at everything he said.
I eventually stumbled back around to the hot tub where they were making out and groping each other. JT ordered aggressively and seriously like in the old days to go inside and make sure there's a room in whoever's house we were out so they could fuck and of course he demanded I watch and get cucked.
Elaina looked up at me with her sweet sexy beautiful brown eyes as I looked at her to see how she reacted to my brother's commands. She was watching my eyes and told me with an ironically sweet tone that much hasn't changed and she still feels the same way for my older brother. This was her way of saying she wanted me to sit and watch them fuck.
They did. All weekend. 3 different parties and last night.
This vid below was actually taken by some rando at the party who was Elaina. I wanted to honestly but realllly didn't want to seem desperate or creepy like I guess I thought I could still win her. After she went inside it took me a few minutes, but I convinced the guy to send it to me. Sorry for the shitty quality but I'm so happy right now. My dick still hard from this weekend!!! Everything in the last ten years full circle:
View attachment Elaina Pool Ass.mp4
View attachment Elaina Pool Ass.mp4
He took this vid when they had sex last night:

View attachment Elaina riding.mp4
Bull Older Brother Shows Her Who's The Alpha Male: Getting Cuckolded and Losing Girlfriend to Older Brother Part 1 (Link Below)
Bull Older Brother Shows Her Who's The Alpha Male: Getting Cuckolded and Losing Girlfriend to Older Brother Part 1
This is my novelized retelling one of the first times I got cuckolded as a teenager by my asshole older brother. I was 16. My older brother was 18. I was an unpopular, unconfident, scrawny Sophomore who's lack of sexual success, charisma, and ability to get laid is the laughing stock of...

I first joined this forum as I was finally getting over the shame and embarrassment of being cuckolded so many times and finding that I enjoy it every time so intensely. It's on such another level for me for three reasons than if it weren't were this:
1. It's my older brother doing the cucking / bull's job
2. I fucking hate my douchey, cocky, manipulative, sadistic jock bully of an older brother with a passion
3. For some reason, the idea of the person that I hate the most taking my girlfriend / date that night and fucking her in front of me sends me through extremes of pleasure and arousal.
Now my brother and I barely tolerate each other. He doesn't like to let me out of his sight because he loves torturing me like we're kids again despite the fact that I'm 25 and he's 27. We literally work at the same building, went to the same college, high school etc. He naturally succeeds in about every endeavor, particularly one that gets him pussy. But he sort of feeds of my misery and burning jealousy when he uses my humiliation to social climb.
Now you might feel bad for me here but believe me, it's a lot more voluntary than you think. Yeah, it might be a pussy's philosophy of waiting for karma or divine justice to give my jock asshole, ex bully and current bull older brother what he deserves. But for some reason, every time he gets the thing I wanted - whether it be the job that was supposed to be mine now leaving to work under him, the night of wild sex with a 10/10 babe with a body I'd ...... for, or even everything else he's ever taken from me, I get off sooooooooooooo incredibly hard
Something about the injustice, the fact that I was dealt such a shitty hand in everything and he just gets to swim in the good fortune while being such a jock douchebag, makes it 10 MILLION TIMES more arousing when he gets the girl I want to. Fuck, often, the most turned on the women were, the ones I was with before he stole them from me, were when he displayed intense aggressive physical dominance and brutality over me.
He's never beaten me up or assaulted me in the traditional sense. He wouldn't do that. But what he is fine with is wedgying my nuts and crack sore until he lifts me up in the air squealing like high school and middle school in front of women while I'm a grown man. Bending me over his lap to deliver swift and thorough whacks of his folded belt into my ballsack while my girlfriend or date at the time sits next to him and laughs hysterically. Just the thought of these things turn me.
I'm only summarizing today because this last weekend was very special and surreal to me. Both my brother, the woman I'm about to speak about, and I, had some of the most intense orgasms of our entire lives in the last two days.
I'll make the story short:
A female friend of ours who I actually never dated but JT fucked invited us both this party. We left this party with her and her friends to other's they knew about, like weird....mid day... nude pool parties in LA. Weird ...... to me at least. We get to the second party.... EVERYONE'S FUCKIN NUDE!!! 😳
Even JT was sort just paralyzed in shock and probably excitement because my dick older brother looks chiseled af and I lowkey hate him for it. Muscular body, horse cock and everything. Anyways, we strip down at the suggestion of his ex fuck buddy. I walk around with him as he confidently struts and I shamefully waddle with my pale skinny bod and short pecker.
I think that I see Elaina but also doubt it heavily because the surreal odds. But I keep seeing this sexy brunette, kind of young lookin, spitting image of that pop star Madison Beer, weaving the crowds across the pool. We eventually make eye contact when she stumbles my way when I'm grabbing a drink from a cooler, she looks stunned. I'm stunned too.
She laughs out loud and is actually joyfully surprised to see me. We ask each other how we've been and banter. It was a whole out of body experience to be back there with Elaina just standing there nude with lots of other people and me being exposed bare in front of her. Sun was out and everything. Weird head space but totally taken back to high school and the feeling of young testosterone filled balls and puberty making me hornier than a mf. Elaina was the original and she looked so good the last two days.
I hear some guy call her name and say something like making a reference or asking her to get back to something, she turns, smiles and tells him he'll be there in a minute. I get nervous that she's seeing some other guy. Then of course, as you would imagine, rugged stallion older brother JT shows up. He's way taller than me, broad as ......, and huge cock of course. He stands next to me as he greets Elaina who's eyes are gaping wide, who's mouth is just cracked open enough to let a shallow gasp as his appearance escape. She looks taken back by her orgasmic blast from the past that is my evil older brother.
They have this palpable, very sexually tense interaction that showed me there wasn't another guy there that she looked at like she did my brother which was both so arousing and such humiliation.
They talked for a while which made me very uncomfortable as time went on. I did some laps for probably ten minutes. I would see JT and Elaina standing side by side like a couple as they talked to other young nude party goers. She'd laugh at everything he said.
I eventually stumbled back around to the hot tub where they were making out and groping each other. JT ordered aggressively and seriously like in the old days to go inside and make sure there's a room in whoever's house we were out so they could fuck and of course he demanded I watch and get cucked.
Elaina looked up at me with her sweet sexy beautiful brown eyes as I looked at her to see how she reacted to my brother's commands. She was watching my eyes and told me with an ironically sweet tone that much hasn't changed and she still feels the same way for my older brother. This was her way of saying she wanted me to sit and watch them fuck.
They did. All weekend. 3 different parties and last night.
This vid below was actually taken by some rando at the party who was Elaina. I wanted to honestly but realllly didn't want to seem desperate or creepy like I guess I thought I could still win her. After she went inside it took me a few minutes, but I convinced the guy to send it to me. Sorry for the shitty quality but I'm so happy right now. My dick still hard from this weekend!!! Everything in the last ten years full circle:
View attachment Elaina Pool Ass.mp4
View attachment Elaina Pool Ass.mp4
He took this vid when they had sex last night:

View attachment Elaina riding.mp4