My Hot Wife, Graduate Students, and Sex


A little more than three years after my wife and I had been experimenting with, and increasingly enjoying hot wife activities, KK’s level of desire and lust for strange cock, new partners slowly began to accelerate.

This was in part due to our honesty as a couple, with one another, in coming to grips with what we both needed and expected, and the resulting comfort level that understanding provided, and in part due to her craving for that special attention, sexual pleasure, and filling her needs for novelty and variety.

As those with experience will likely identify with, the logistics of finding, vetting, and arranging encounters of this nature can be a challenge. We were using a variety of techniques, from Craig’s List, AFF and similar on-line sources, to bars, hotel lounges, and dance clubs to find attractive, willing partners for my wife.

At the time, I was serving as adjunct faculty at a local university. One evening, KK, more or less out of the blue said, “I bet there are at least one or two hotties in the classes you’re teaching. Why don’t you bring one of them home for me?” My immediate response was mixed, as we’ve generally not crossed the line and intermingled our sex life with professional or work life. I was teaching graduate courses, so the concern wasn’t necessarily related to legality or even university policy, at least not in a big way, but more related to potential risks and down sides if something were to go wrong.

Anyway, KK, always persistent, kept bringing it up. Finally I agreed, at least superficially, and told her I’d try to do “a little fishing” to see what might happen. It took me a while to formulate a rough plan for how I might go about “recruiting” a partner for her. Over about a month, I worked out an idea that I might be able to use an indirect opportunity to recruit an encounter partner for my wife.

As part of the department’s program, the professional, adjunct faculty participated in bi-monthly consulting sessions to help matriculating graduate students with resumes/CV’s, find professional employment opportunities, network and make contacts in the outside, non-academic world. These were full-day Saturday sessions, and were scheduled appointments that ran from a half hour to as long as ninety minutes. The adjunct faculty provided these consulting sessions to any interested graduate student in the department, and my days were almost always booked solid. My plan was to take some classy, but provocative photographs of KK from our personal photo collection, and use one as a temporary wallpaper on my laptop, and use a longer series of them in the laptop’s screen-saver - for the right “opportunity,” a male graduate student that I though might appeal to KK, I would allow him to get several glances of my wife, on the laptop’s background and/or screen-saver. I figured I could use this as a tease, an ice-breaker for the right guy, and a means to gauge reaction to a pretty, mature woman, with the possible lead to that always awkward conversation, “My wife fucks other men, and I help… are you interested?”

I found a photo of KK that appealed to me for use as a background - it was one I’d take of her, wearing a sexy little black dress, just after I’d stripped her out of her heels, stockings, and panties. I had my wife on the bed, seated, slightly reclined, bare-legged, with one knee up, her toe-nails, pedicured, and painted bright red, with the front of the dress unzipped slightly, exposing some cleavage, and the lace at the top of her bra cups. Her head was tilted back slightly, and she was looking directly into the camera, with the tip of her tongue touching her upper lip. It was perfect. I cropped and perfect the image for use as a background, and wrote a little script to quickly change from the boring and mundane desktop background to the provocative shot of KK reclined on the bed.

The screen-saver slide show took a little longer - I was reluctant to use shots that were either too provocative, like nudes or lingerie, boudoir-style images, or shots that were too mundane or that had family or friends in them. Eventually I found a dozen images out of my collection I was comfortable with. There were a few vacation shots, a couple of KK in swimwear on the beach and poolside, a couple of her dressed for formal occasions, that showed her figure and beautiful nylon-covered legs, one posed shot of my wife in what was obviously a hotel suite, dressed in a cocktail gown, with her legs crossed, in heels and back-seam stockings, and a couple of her dressed for work. In general, a tasteful, but teasing collection of images that I felt like would entice a horny young man.

Once I had all that ready, on a Friday evening before the Saturday consulting session day, I found an opportunity to show KK the images, and tell her the plan. She loved it, and the whole notion revved her up to the point that as the slide-show played, my wife got onto her hands and knees and gave me a sexy, hot blow-job, and we had an evening of hot, dirty married sex, centering around role-play of me bringing home an “endless” string of young guys for her to fuck.

That part of things I hadn’t actually planned or anticipated, but KK’s reaction to my scheme got me that much more determined to succeed.
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The next day, I had seven appointments over the span of that Saturday. Two were female graduate students, so not candidates. Two were students in courses I taught, and I had decided at least for starters, they were not in the candidate pool, and besides only one of those two I thought might appeal to my wife. The remaining three were not students in any of my courses, and individuals that I had not met prior.

All three of them were in the afternoon, in sequence, so it would be convenient to test my recruiting plan without too much bumbling around.

I was distracted with anticipation, and a little anxiety the entire morning, and through the lunch hour, but managed to get through it. My first afternoon appointment with a potential candidate was somewhat disappointing - the young man was awkward, short (my wife demands partners as tall, or taller than she is), and didn’t appear to be a fit against my wife’s typical appearance characteristics.

The second young man was a definitely possibility - in the six-foot range, well-groomed, professional appearance, reasonably fit and attractive. While we were talking, I asked him if he’d already submitted a copy of his resume draft to the department’s server. I clicked the shortcut on my desktop to change the background to the photograph of KK, then found the draft of his resume in the system. I pulled up a copy of it, scanned it, and highlighted a few lines. I spun the laptop around, to discuss the highlighted sentences. I’d placed the open PDF document to one side of the screen, covering up KK’s face and torso, leaving her legs and toes exposed in the lower left corner.

The poor young man was so distracted he was having trouble focusing on the discussion. I spun the laptop back around, made a few more highlights, and dragged the PDF to the other corner of the screen, to expose the previously hidden part of the image of my wife, provocative facial expression, and her lovely cleavage, then spun it back around to continue the discussion. The guy was wide-eyed. After a few minutes of talking about the the proposed changes, he finally, sheepishly said, “Is that your wife? She’s beautiful!”

I was as non-chalant as I could be. I replied, yes, “That’s KK, my wife. She is indeed lovely - thanks! I’m sure that you appreciate all the equally lovely young women here? Are you in a relationship?” He said, “No, too busy - between my program and part-time job, I really don’t have time to date.”

I left the laptop pointed toward him, and refocused the conversation to the consulting and resume discussion. I noticed the screen momentarily blank, and knew that in a second or so, the screen-saver slide show would start up. I was carefully watching him, to see how he reacted. The screen saver kicked in, and within a few seconds, he was beginning to squirm a little, eyes wide, clearly distracted by the images of my wife, and losing focus on our conversation.

He lost focus entirely on the image of KK in the hotel room, uttering “Damn she’s beautiful…” I bluntly said, “Would you like to meet her?” The poor young man looked like he’d been hit by lightning, and didn’t immediately respond. I kept going, “She enjoys the company of other men, which I fully support.” He was still sitting, sort of stunned looking, maybe a little confused, and said, “Other men?”

I said, “Yes, my wife enjoys having sex with other men. Curious, isn’t it?” He responded, “You’re OK with her fucking other dudes? Really?” I said, “Yes, really. She is very, very sexy isn’t she? It would be such a shame to deny her any pleasure… what do you think? Would you be interested in meeting her?”

He said, “You’re serious? For real? You want me to meet your wife?” I said, “Yes, very serious. If you’d like, and you have time, why don’t you come by this evening around 8:00pm for a beer or a cocktail, and you can get to know KK?”

The deal was sealed. The remainder of the session was small-talk, making sure he had our address and a phone number, and me telling him not to disappoint her by flaking out. He was concerned about what he should wear, if he should bring anything, and such - I told him to shower, dress casually, and be ready to relax and enjoy himself. Our hour was up, and he excused himself with a handshake, and the statement, “I’ll be there, and I won’t be a disappointment.”

The next appointment I decided not to press my luck, which turned out to be just as well. I didn’t think the guy would appeal to KK, and we wrapped up in about 45-minutes. I called KK before I left my office, and told her what was up. I could hear the excitement in her voice, as she told me, “I’m going to start getting ready! See you in a bit…”

When I got home, I found her primped and pretty, all ready to meet a new partner. KK was wearing a pink silk dress, the kind that sort of wraps around, with a waist sash, matching heels, nude-color stockings, and she looked delicious - I lifted the hem of her dress, and found her sans-panties, and she was freshly shaved and smooth!

We ate a light meal, and shared a little wine, and by the appointed time, there was a ring of the bell, and an accompanying knock on the front door. The young man was on time, precisely at 8:00pm, which was a relief - at that point in our hot wife experience, the most common, and biggest disappointment was the flake-out/no-show situation, which always left KK disappointed and feeling rejected.

I had KK answer the door, mostly for effect and impact - she looked so sexy, and I figured the impact of being greeted by a beautiful woman would improve the odds.

My wife opened the door, greeted our guest, introduced herself, and guided him into the den. I joined them after a minute, with the open bottle of wine, and a couple of glasses. I asked him if wine was OK, or if he would prefer beer or a cocktail. He was good with the wine, so I poured the remainder of the bottle equally into three glasses. We made small-talk, sipped the wine, and I finally said, “Why don’t the two of you get to know each other a little better - I have some business to attend to for a while, so if it’s OK I would like to excuse myself…”

KK winked at me, and said, “All work, and no play… very well. Perhaps you’ll join us again in an hour or so?” I said, “Probably. I’ll be in my study if you need something.”

I left them, and went to the study. At that time, we had not yet remodeled the second master suite, and it was pretty much a mundane bedroom, unlike the “playroom” it is today - we’d used it only few times for encounters, as most of our extracurricular sex was taking place either in local hotels or motels, or on the road when we were traveling. After about twenty minutes, I discretely left the study to check the action in the den, and found the two of them going at it on the sectional sofa, in a pretty passionate make-out session. My wife’s dress was partially unwrapped, and one boob was free of her bra, and the young man was sucking on her nipple. I couldn’t really see much below the back of the sofa, but his pants were off to one side on the floor, and my wife’s arms were stretched toward him, so I assumed she was fondling or stroking his cock.

That got me instantly hard, and I resisted the temptation to free my cock and stroke while watching them.

I went back to the study, and while I was looking at pictures of KK, nude, and in various acts of pleasure with me, on my desktop, I heard some clinking of glassware, and voices. The two of them, partially dressed, passed in front of the open door of my study, on the way to the second master suite. I decided to wait another half hour before I interrupted them.

I kept rubbing my cock through my slacks, and looking at pictures from our photo collection, while thinking about KK and her new encounter partner, and what they might be up to.

When I felt like enough time had passed, I decided to strip down in the study, and join my wife in the spare bedroom. I got naked, and went down the hall. The bedroom door was open, and there was our young guest, on top of my wife, fucking away. They were both naked, and clearly enjoying one another. I stood there in the doorway and watched, stroking my hard cock, trying to go slow and not cum, while I watched them fuck.
The young man was pumping faster and faster, a sure sign of impending orgasm, and KK was moaning softly. I couldn’t tell if, or how many times she might have already cum. A few seconds later, KK’s unmistakable little shivers of orgasm began, and her moans intensified. In turn, this drove her young lover over the edge, and he let loose inside her. I couldn’t tell if he had on a condom or not, and there were no wrappers visible on the floor or the nightstand.

I moved a little closer to the bed, to get better view of the final moments, and to see him pull out of my wife’ pussy - his cock was long, but thin, and bare - cum dripped from the tip, and his shaft was coated with my wife’s juices and his cum. He finally took note that they were no longer alone, and he moved from between my wife’s spread legs. I said, “My turn to dance…” I got between her legs, and plunged my hard cock into her hot, juicy cum-filled pussy, and started fucking her.

We were kissing and fucking, while the young man had retreated a little to the far corner at the foot of the bed. I glanced a couple of times, to see that he was watching us intently, his cock a little harder each time I looked back.

I pulled out of my wife’s pussy, and asked her to turn around, on her hands and knees - “I’m going to fuck you baby, doggie-style, while you suck his cock… OK?” No words were necessary, and we changed positions. I pushed into her pussy from behind, and the young man crawled up toward her on his knees, and presented his cock. KK took him into her mouth, and while she sucked him, I fucked her. I love watching my wife suck cock, and the visual stimulation, combined with the hot, silky feel of fucking her used pussy brought me over the edge. I added my cum load to her lover’s, and she had him cumming in her mouth a few seconds later.

After a bit of recovery, I laid KK back on the pillows, and said, “Let’s love on my wife a little more to show her what a beautiful, sexy woman she is…” We had her between us, sharing kisses, fondling her boobs, and her wet pussy, and the finale was giving her a smashing orgasm, while the young man teased my wife’s clit, and I used my fingers inside her, in a two-man finger fucking session.

We said our goodbyes around 10:30pm, and I managed to get one more good fuck in before my wife and I drifted off to ...... that night.

During the time I was on adjunct faculty, I managed to recruit a dozen more encounter partners for my wife using variations on that same technique. It never became a problem, and proved to be a reasonably steady, certain source of sex partners for my wife. I’ve since retired from the teaching faculty, but it was a productive, and sexy time, with good memories for both of us.