My gf agreed to try, but did all by herself

I try to get her on board of this fantasy for some years by now.
This year we moved in together and started to go out with some friends to some clubs. In these clubs, she started to kiss some guys and i really liked, I was fine.

We've done a profile in a website with the propose of cuckold and swing, but we just posted some pics and never talked to the bulls.

She started to say that wanted to try the fantasy, I always asked how we could do, but we never really talked about, and I was afraid of rushing things.

One day, in her phone, I saw a dating app and asked why she'd donwloaded. She said it was for the fantasy.
Here I didn't feel ok for the first time.

I said that guys in these apps was not expecting a cuckold couple, and the website was better.
She agreed and we started to talk with a guy (Marcos) whom was send us messages.

Meanwhile, she was using the app and talking with some guys there. I agreed with the app, but she needed to explain the fantasy before keep the conversation.

Marcos was taking too long to set a date, when he did, he wanted her alone in his house. I didn't agree, but she wanted.
Here i didn't feel ok again. She didn't know him and wanted to see
him alone?
We cancelled.

In the app, we find a cool guy whom was up to (Matheus). So they trade contacts and started to talk.
But, she was still using the app and I saw some guys in her Whatsapp that i didn't know.
We talked about, I said what I was feeling and she understood.

Matheus looked like some kind of dom and she likes it. They talked a lot. He asked her to do things and record for him, and she was doing (what I was really happy about, because she has some self image issues).
But then, she said to me that wanted to go out with him alone.
It was our first time of something I was really wanting for some
time. I was not fine with it, so we talked about.

In this conversation, I said what I was feeling again and said that I wanted to be present. I tried to explain some doubts she had as well.

In the end, she decided to quit.

Well... But I really want this to happen. I'd like to help her understand how the fantasy is, what's that hotwife role that she was going to play and that it's a fantasy to both of us be part of. What ground rules should we settle? How can we make this work?

I think you're being a bit selfish in this and making it all about yourself. From her actions she seems to want to have a chance to see how it feels by herself first. If you let her and are trusting she will likely let you in a little more. But it's unfair to control every aspect and then not really appreciate or care about her needs / wants / desires.

If she is doing this at your suggestion you need to compromise and consider her within setting any groundrules and not try and control every last detail. Otherwise this is just your fantasy and not both of your fantasy.
I think you're being a bit selfish in this and making it all about yourself. From her actions she seems to want to have a chance to see how it feels by herself first. If you let her and are trusting she will likely let you in a little more. But it's unfair to control every aspect and then not really appreciate or care about her needs / wants / desires.

If she is doing this at your suggestion you need to compromise and consider her within setting any groundrules and not try and control every last detail. Otherwise this is just your fantasy and not both of your fantasy.
Well said, it sounds to me like it is only a fantasy for him and now that she is ready to make it reality he has cold feet, I really never understand why or how singles want to be in this cuckold lifestyle, it really seems to be more of a thing for well established married couples! If you want to share her with other men do some swinging, it is simpler and you can be present and do a little or a lot as you prefer but at least you are present. It really sounds like you are not ready for the real thing!
Why don't you let her try it first by herself or are you more thinking of a hotwife stag dynamic? I thought a cuckold relationship is with the focus on the woman's pleasure.

For safety maybe let them meet on a first date for a drink with you in the bar.
If you are both okay with it let her fuck him on the second date alone but you only being a few minutes away.

When I first told my wife my fantasy of life watching, she said no way would I be there. It's her body, she wouldn't be able to let go and it might hurt me. I was initially disappointed but now I find the idea hot.

We've talked a lot and agreed to do as I mentioned above. I will help her get ready, get sexy, drop her off, wait, pick her up, lick her clean and maybe if she wants be allowed to cum inside her.
Since you are seeking the cuckold fantasy, I understand that you want to be there to watch when she has sex with her bull. Also, considering that this will be the first time that she is meeting this prospective bull, for her safety I think you should be there. If you stick with the lifestyle and she has been with this or any other bull several times, that might be the time to consider letting them have a night alone. Maybe you stay home locked in a chastity device and do some housework, and if you are lucky she will bring you home a cream pie to go.