My first c-old experience


I sometime wonder how my sex life had been if I haven't found my first girlfriend on top of a laundry heap with another guys cock inside her some forty years ago...

I was seventeen and had been steady with my girlfriend for about a year when I could not find her on a home party, so I started looking for her. Right up to the very second I understood that she was fucking another guy I was sure that I would storm in, maybe hit the guy fucking her before ending my relationship with her, instead I just froze there I stood and watched the guys ass pump in and out between my girlfriends naked thighs with a huge jealousy mixed arousal I never had felt before where half of my brian could not believe the horrible sight of another guy fucking my girlfriend and the slightly bigger part of me just loved to watch my girlfriend getting fucked. I knew then and there that I wanted to see more of it, but how the hell should I tell my girlfriend this without her looking at me as a total pervert? I was still twisting my brain over how I could tell my girlfriend that I was OK with her fucking other guys when the guy that fucked her suddenly moaned and to my very aroused surprise started shooting his cum in my girlfriend. It was so hot to watch that I nearly came just by looking at the guy emptying himself in my girlfriends pussy while both of them moaned in pleasure and my girlfriend pumped her pussy up and down under him to get his cum as deep inside her as possible.
By that point I found it impossible to tell my girlfriend anything, cos I was sure see was going to see me as the pervert I actually felt right there, so I walked back the same way I came, but didn't dare telling my girlfriend any of it when she returned from the cellar 5 min later. A couple of hours later I got my very first sloppy second, could not believe how horny it made me to fuck my girlfriend in the guys cum, but I still didn't say anything. Three weeks passed and I tried to tell her, but could not find the right moment or topic too bring it up before I, on another home party, found my girlfriend sitting topless on her knees sucking the cock of guy that had fucked her. I don't know if it was the shock over seeing me or that my girlfriend had sucked him for awhile, but suddenly his cock jerked and a huge white stream of cum splashed over my girlfriends cheek and on one of her tits. She did not hesitate or even flinch, she just turned her head and gaped over the guys cock and let him cum the rest in her mouth like it was nothing and the sight of her sitting there sucking on his cumming dick was long one of the most erotic things had seen. The guy pulled his cock out of my girlfriends mouth with a wet swoop and got dressed in a hurry while my girlfriend swallowed his whole load with pleasure in her face like it was the most normal thing to do in front of her boyfriend while the guy hurried out of the room and we finally had out little talk.
realized some time with her that she looked at sex as just as normal that everybody else looked at breathing. All a guy had to do was just asking her if he could fuck her and she almost did it just like that.

About two hours later, in another bedroom on the same home party, I sat in a chair and watched the same guy that my girlfriend had sucked off fuck my girlfriend and when he came in her pussy after he had fucked her in almost every possible position I almost ripped him of her and rammed my own cock in her with a wild urge to fuck her a sloppy second again. I think I never had an harder, longer and more violent orgasm in my life, it felt soo good to fuck her in the guys cum.

I was steady with this hot-girlfriend for three years after that and lost count of how many guys that had fucked her after 17... It is next to impossible too keep a secret that you have a slutty girlfriend in a group of horny friends, so most of them fucked her repeatedly in those three years, but no one as much and often as my best friend, he fucked her as soon as it was possible to fuck her. Her "record" was eight guys in the same evening, in a jacuzzi at another home party, where one just continued fucking her when the guy before him had finished inside her and she really did not care being a cum dump, not even when I got my first and last sloppy eight later that night. She was the perfect hot wife and as you probably have figured out it was NOT the sex part I broke up with her for...

But I learned a lot of her. I learned that it is a difference between sex and love and that I can cope with jealousy and that I really liked watching another man fuck my girlfriend and that I loved sloppy seconds.. I thought for å long time I was cuckold, but have found out that whats really turns me on about it is my girlfriend/wife's pleasures, so I consider myself half cuckold and half stag, cos I love to join in too...

But I stil wonder what my forty years sex life had been without my first slutty girlfriend.... To death due us apart is so... boring it seems..