Married lady

Give it a pelvic thrust (and a little smile) like Mel Gibson did in that movie where he could hear women's thoughts... She might turn a little red but she will know you know what she wants. Then, ask her out for drinks or Starbucks. She has already "dropped the hankie" so to speak. Now its up to you to take the initiative and close the deal.
Yeah babyun is right, complement her. And be on the lookout for things like new shoes or ear rings, or even a new purse if it looks expensive. She's the boss so I'm sure she buys pretty things to cheer her up... Quite possibly for the attention she is not getting at home. Attention to detail is crucial to all women. Complement her on all things new and detailed. It shows you care enough to pay attention.
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I work for a woman who is 57 married , I’ve noticed a couple of times that she checks out my bulge when I talk to her. How can get her to make a move
That can be a lot of things like A woman who is married but not dead or it could be something she's not getting at home , that she likes what she sees Maybe in time she'll meet you in supply room so you can fuck her married mouth who knows? Go forth with my blessing GOOD LUCK
complement her on her hair or what she is wearing....she probably doesn't get that from her husband....depending how close you are you can offer to have a coffee with her...the more you know about her and like, the more she will be attracted to you....often it is not the looks they are desiring, it is the attention...and someone who listens and doesn't judge......she will gladly share her body for that attention.
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