Note: Prior to making a report, check to see if a moderator or other staff member is online from the Home page. Message the staff member to try to resolve the issue first and provide info that will help us take appropriate action.
You can report posts that violate the rules of using this site. See Terms and Rules for details.
The rules include, but are not limited to, content that can be considered:
- Depicting ...... persons
- Harassment, Defamatory, Abusive, Hateful, Threatening, or likely to offend,
- Spam or spam-like, containing objectionable content
- Containing personal information of others or yourself. Including external URLs, phone numbers/email addresses and social media contacts.
- A risk for copyright infringement
- Encouraging unlawful activity
- Violating any applicable laws.
Members do not have the right to harass others, make fun of them, or make accusations. If you are offended by the posts of another member, report it to a moderator or admin. Do not take it upon yourself to confront such members.
To report a post or a picture use the Report button at the bottom left (only logged in members have this option)
Report Reason
Unless you provide a reason that explains why you are making a report, your report will be rejected for any of the following reasons:- No reason is provided.
- The reason for the report is understandable only by you.
- No specific information is given for making the report.
- The reason for the report cannot be easily verified or substantiated.
- You are reporting an event that took place in a private conversation (moderators do not have access to private messages)
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